August 01, 2012 - To measure potential changes in disparity between patient
groups, studies had to include a target and … Paper Selection Process
We included studies that captured health outcome
measures and/or process measures … outcomes
such as blood pressure and HbA1c); process measures (e.g., proportion of patients treated … Inclusion of a target group and an internal or external referent group to measure changes in disparities … In addition, they were required
to provide data that could be used to measure a disparity
before and
March 08, 2012 - Development and testing of a new measure of health status for
clinical trials in rhinoconjunctivitis … • Were outcome measures clearly valid, reliable, and equally applied to treatment
September 01, 2015 - Horizon Scanning Protocol and Operations Manual September 2015 Revision
AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System
Horizon Scanning Protocol and Operations Manual
September 2015 Revision
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road…
September 01, 2015 - Horizon Scanning Protocol and Operations Manual September 2015 Revision
AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System
Horizon Scanning Protocol and Operations Manual
September 2015 Revision
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road…
August 04, 2022 - effective these
strategies are; increase understanding of implementation and sustainment; identify measures … What reliable, valid, clinically meaningful, and/or patient-centered
measures and metrics are available … Are the measures or metrics specific to characteristics; level of complexity; or the
structure, process … What are the gaps in measurement and what are the implications for our current ability to
measure and … emergency care or inpatient care for behavioral
health crises
• Total health care utilization
December 11, 2015 - to cases
that demonstrated a statistically significant difference between arms for at least
one measure … improvement, to cases that demonstrated a
statistically significant difference between arms for at least one measure
December 30, 2015 - Removed ‘a more comprehensive sleep measure’. … The relevant population for our review was
community-dwelling adults. … included, but no objective
measures. … greatly appreciated by clinicians who often struggle to
understand what changes in scores on research scales … measures.
November 01, 2013 - GRADE Approaches to Evaluating Evidence
The EPCs’ strength of evidence approach is based in large measure … For example, studies in a review may use a variety
of scales to measure the same outcome, and those … Moreover, some or all of such scales may not have been
subjected to reliability or validity testing. … Thus, EPCs may not be able to determine a meaningful
threshold across scales with different measurement … because of potential problems in their interpretation and lack of
statistical power.45,46 No single measure
January 01, 2022 - self-identify as having physical disabilities, able to communicate in English, tolerate travel to centers for independent … living site Self-identified with physical disability Day center for independent living (multisite) Mean … Physical Sensory NA NA Women with disabilities, 18 years of age or older, selected through the local Independent … Living Center and the Starkloff Disability Institute in St.
January 06, 2022 - algorithm-informed healthcare decision tools commonly
include clinical and sociodemographic variables and measures … purposes of this project, we define disparities as differences between racial/ethnic
populations in measures … and addressing other types of variables
that could introduce bias leading to disparities, such as measures … development and validation methods, and report data when available on sensitivity,
specificity, and similar measures … forecasting'/exp/mj OR scale:ti,kw OR
scales:ti,kw OR instrument*:ti,kw OR index*:ti,kw OR indices:ti,kw OR measure
December 08, 2014 - 2 on comparative effectiveness, if meta-analysis is appropriate, we will
compute effect sizes and measures … reason that we will consider sensitivity and specificity together for a single
grade is that the two measures … Was the outcome measure of interest objective and was it objectively measured?
18. … Was a standard instrument used to measure the outcome?
January 27, 2012 - As a result, research has used other outcomes
to measure the effectiveness of treatment, which can be … subsumed under the concept of harm reduction.21 These
measures include significant increases in abstinent … difference (95% CI) was not statistically significant, so we did not calculate an NNT, or that the effect
February 01, 2023 - ● Alternative
Outcomes ● Health-related outcome
measures … ., disease
specific morbidity and
mortality, BP control,
Hba1c levels)
● Process of care measures … ● Care utilization outcome
● Barriers to care measures
● Financial … /re-imbursement
● Harms (e.g., unintended
negative consequences)
● Stigma … oncologist-Patient talk
time ratio, oncologist
self-reported measures
January 30, 2013 - As with initial diagnosis, right heart
catheterization is used to measure pulmonary arterial pressures … more information to help refine individualized care for patients
with PAH, and help define outcome measures … pharmacotherapy versus another pharmacotherapy
Monotherapy versus combination therapy
• Outcome Measures … mortality and functional class; we will, therefore, summarize these outcomes by a
weighted-effect measure … treatments
considered to be supportive therapy), and clinical relevance and timing of the outcome
January 10, 2020 - Prediction tools for potential life-shortening illness include measures such as the Palliative Performance … 7 Triggers could include health care utilization such as hospitalizations, or patient-reported measures … eligibility criteria, interventions and their characteristics, details about their implementation, outcome measures … and the method of ascertainment, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability. … self-care, identification of at-risk populations, a feedback loop between patients and care providers, measures
November 21, 2019 - Prediction tools for potential life-shortening illness include measures such as the
Palliative Performance … 7 Triggers could include health care utilization such
as hospitalizations, or patient-reported measures … eligibility criteria, interventions
and their characteristics, details about their implementation, outcome measures … and the method of
ascertainment, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability … self-care, identification of at-risk populations, a feedback loop
between patients and care providers, measures
January 01, 2014 - We included pain and quality of life
outcome measures in our evaluation. … (e.g., definitions, results, measures of
variability). … The studies did not
measure quality of life, functional status, or pain.
Table F. … , and no
studies assessed quality of life using standard or validated
scales. … surgical approaches,
the vast majority of studies are uncontrolled case series
or studies that did not measure
November 01, 2008 - and harms of an intervention are usually very different in character and
are measured on different scales … applicability (study populations, interventions, or settings)
Differences in methods used to define or measure
November 01, 2008 - and harms of an intervention are usually very different in character and
are measured on different scales … applicability (study populations, interventions, or settings)
Differences in methods used to define or measure
December 29, 2020 - The current
system that measures MME is flawed. … Trying to “standardize” pain scales
across studies (in order to somehow
combine results) by converting