
Total Results: 390 records

Showing results for "independent living scales".

  1. 04-E029-1 Summary (pdf file)
    January 01, 2015 - Out of 53 articles (40 studies) reporting outcome measures relevant to KQ 2, we found moderate evidence … hospital- or community- based educational or support programs in terms of their impact on the KQ 2 measures … The reported outcome measures included both validated and unvalidated outcome scales as well as combinations … being tested needs to be clearly defined at the outset of the study as well as the expected outcome measures … Update on publicly reported outcomes measures based on the 2010 release.
    May 11, 2021 - This measure aims to give users an idea of how credible a digital tool is, i.e. … This measure aims to give users an idea of how credible a digital tool is, i.e. … This measure aims to give users an idea of how credible a digital tool is, i.e. … This measure aims to give users an idea of how credible a digital tool is, i.e. … This measure aims to give users an idea of how credible a digital tool is, i.e.
    May 13, 2010 - A quality indicator or quality measure is an agreed-upon process or outcome measure that is used to … That is, the first step identifies who to measure, steps 2-4 identify what to measure, and step 5 … This will require determining appropriate weights for individual components, as well as considering potential … Cancer care quality measures: symptoms and end-of-life care. … Outcomes assessment in cancer: Measures, methods, and applications.
    May 13, 2010 - A quality indicator or quality measure is an agreed-upon process or outcome measure that is used to … That is, the first step identifies who to measure, steps 2-4 identify what to measure, and step 5 … This will require determining appropriate weights for individual components, as well as considering potential … Cancer care quality measures: symptoms and end-of-life care. … Outcomes assessment in cancer: Measures, methods, and applications.
    March 05, 2012 - However, the literature on chronic wounds and emerging science in the field also consider intermediate measures … over a 4-week period of time as measured by planimetry (photos, etc,) Pain using the standard pain scales … e.g., two-layer, short stretch, long stretch, multi-layer, Unna boot, and compression pump]), outcome measures … , definitions, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability.
    September 13, 2012 - However, the literature on chronic wounds and emerging science in the field also consider intermediate measures … a 4-week period of time as measured by planimetry (photos, etc,) o Pain using the standard pain scales … ., two-layer, short stretch, long stretch, multi-layer, Unna boot, and compression pump]), outcome measures … , definitions, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability.
    November 01, 2017 - Management of Suspected Opioid Overdose With Naloxone by Emergency Medical Services Personnel - Executive Summary Comparative Effectiveness Review Number 193 Effective Health Care Program Management of Suspected Opioid Overdose With Naloxone by Emergency Medical Services Personnel Executive Summary Background…
    February 09, 2017 - or use of a validated instrument (see Appendix B for list of commonly used validated instruments) to measure … We will use a list of validated measures as illustrated in Appendix B. … When available, we will abstract the effect size and units, measure of variability, and 95% confidence … . Accessed on September 1, 2016. … List of Commonly Used Validated Dietary and Physical Activity Measures Dietary Measures Common short
    January 10, 2012 - psoriasis vulgaris, often appears as well-demarcated, erythematous plaques covered with silvery white scales … We have now specified the measures that will be used for health-related quality of life in KQ 1. … For dichotomous outcomes, weighted averages will be reported as a relative measure (relative risk,
    November 30, 2016 - Current Page Topic Timeline Aug. 30, 2016 Topic Initiated Nov. 30, 2016 Research Protocol Nov. 27, 2017 Systematic Review Management of Suspected Opioid Overdose with Naloxone Guidelines by Emergency Medical Services Personnel Research Protocol November 30, 2016 Download Main Document PDF 440.9 KB Bac…
    June 01, 2011 - for VOI can be bootstrapped from the results of clinical trials that report a comprehensive outcome measure … , which we define as a measure sufficient to conclude whether one outcome for a patient is better or … net benefit of the treatments that are compared while avoiding modeling, such trials would need to measure … study31 - Medical costs for patient with COPD: National Medical Expenditure Survey - Utility weights … Also, even when long-term trials are performed that measure comprehensive outcomes, their length and
    May 01, 2005 - measurement bias; outcomes measures) measures) specifically validity, reliability, and variation … Choice of Outcome Measures The use of valid and reliable outcome measures reduces the likelihood of … risk reduction; selecting from multiple 9 endpoints47 or reporting on subscales of larger scales … Though the use of quantitative scales is a way to employ a transparent set of results, any weighting … Scales to assess the quality of randomized controlled trials: a systematic review.
    March 01, 2011 - Outcomes measures  Symptomatic DVT  Symptomatic PE  Asymptomatic DVT  Bleeding  Mortality … comorbidities), eligibility criteria, interventions (e.g., route of administration and dosing), outcome measures … and the method of ascertainment, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability … ASMBS position statement on prophylactic measures to reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism in bariatric
    May 01, 2005 - measurement bias; outcomes measures) measures) specifically validity, reliability, and variation … Choice of Outcome Measures The use of valid and reliable outcome measures reduces the likelihood of … risk reduction; selecting from multiple 9 endpoints47 or reporting on subscales of larger scales … Though the use of quantitative scales is a way to employ a transparent set of results, any weighting … Scales to assess the quality of randomized controlled trials: a systematic review.
    November 01, 2020 - Methods Research Report: Testing a Machine Learning Tool for Facilitating Living Systematic Reviews of Chronic Pain Treatments Methods Research Report Testing a Machine Learning Tool for Facilitating Living Systematic Reviews of Chronic Pain Treatments Methods…
    February 01, 2019 - The consultants also provided input on outcome measures used in the minimum measure set and guided … team conducted additional research to identify other relevant outcome measures and measure definitions … Additionally, rather than asking about specific tools or scales, we asked workgroup members about measure … Refining Minimum Measure Sets and Harmonization Identifying the MMS and harmonizing the measures in … Depression measure scales include: PARS, MADRS, HAM-D, CGI-S, CDRS-R, PHQ-9 Other outcomes measures
    February 01, 2019 - The consultants also provided input on outcome measures used in the minimum measure set and guided … team conducted additional research to identify other relevant outcome measures and measure definitions … Additionally, rather than asking about specific tools or scales, we asked workgroup members about measure … Refining Minimum Measure Sets and Harmonization Identifying the MMS and harmonizing the measures in … Depression measure scales include: PARS, MADRS, HAM-D, CGI-S, CDRS-R, PHQ-9 Other outcomes measures
  18. 13-MDM347013 30..38 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - Existing testing trials and studies do not always have a health outcome as the primary outcome measure … Researchers sometimes focus on an outcome measure for which they hope to demonstrate a benefit, such … on patients, beyond the primary clinical outcome measures. … one feels that testing may lead to clinically relevant anxiety, 7 one of the existing anxiety scales … These scales are probably not sensitive enough to detect more subtle changes, which could help to explain
  19. 13-MDM347013 30..38 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - Existing testing trials and studies do not always have a health outcome as the primary outcome measure … Researchers sometimes focus on an outcome measure for which they hope to demonstrate a benefit, such … on patients, beyond the primary clinical outcome measures. … one feels that testing may lead to clinically relevant anxiety, 7 one of the existing anxiety scales … These scales are probably not sensitive enough to detect more subtle changes, which could help to explain
  20. Untitled (pdf file)
    October 05, 2015 - terms of frequency, severity, or duration (as measured by direct counts or by validated aggression scalesscales)! -! KQs!1a!and!1c!only:!Reduced!use!of! seclusion!or!restraints!(decreased! rate,! … For all analyses, we will use fixed- or random-effects models to estimate summary measures of effect … Methodological issues in monitoring the use of coercive measures. … Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services (HBIPS) Core Measure Set Selection Form.

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