
Total Results: 398 records

Showing results for "independent living scales".

    January 01, 2019 - Measures public opinion obtained only through polling, surveying, and otherwise non-deliberative methods … These measures seek to answer this question: Was the deliberative process implemented in a manner that … This set of measures focuses on the extent to which deliberation results in high-quality discourse. … These impacts are the most distal effects of deliberation and the most difficult to measure. … Listen to the people: Public deliberation about social distancing measures in a pandemic.
    June 15, 2016 - in Rheumatology) has developed guidelines on outcome measures.24 General tools that have been adapted … Studies of similar interventions will be grouped by outcome measures if feasible. … However, if most studies that report on a common outcome report different measures, we will conduct … Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS)--development of a self- administered outcome measure … Development and Validation of the Computer-Administered Animated Activity Questionnaire to Measure
    October 01, 2016 - last resort.14-22 Finally, using seclusion and restraints is closely followed as a quality-of-care measure … terms of frequency, severity, or duration (measured by either direct counts or validated aggression scales … b Coercive measures covered a wide range of measures, from forced injection of psychotropic medication … b Coercive measures covered a wide range of measures from forced injection of psychotropic medication … when the evidence base for those measures is unclear?
    March 26, 2013 - 43.9%), followed by diverticulitis (30.4%) and inflammatory bowel disease (4.5%).3 As a precautionary measure
  5. Ced-Appendix-3 (xls file)
    June 24, 2022 - Data Quality Assurance: Data are accurate and complete; routine, documented, traceable, and repeatable measures … in a learning health system, as will standardization and harmonization of data elements and outcome measures … NAM2017 To engage patients and consumers as meaningful partners, researchers could measure outcomes that … Is there a supplemental way to measure these confounders? … Is there a supplemental way to measure these confounders?
    November 01, 2014 - Intermediate outcomes, including biometric and laboratory measures, drug therapy problems identified … In fact, many studies were able to measure changes in this outcome only in the intervention group. … Neither did they measure fidelity to intended MTM elements for post hoc evaluation. … studies, only small numbers of patients had any one specific condition, and most studies did not measure … Similarly, a medication-related instrument may better measure patients’ concerns that are directly
    October 01, 2023 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Effective Health Care Program Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers …
    October 18, 2010 - The most appropriate measure to assess the efficacy of tocolytic agents should focus on improved health … appropriate for each outcome outlined in KQ1 through KQ4, we will calculate the following summary measures
    August 24, 2023 - Nonpharmacologic Treatment for Maternal Mental Health Conditions Evidence-based Practice Center Review Protocol Project Title: Nonpharmacologic Treatment for Maternal Mental Health Conditions Initial Publication Date: May 25, 2023 Amendment Date: August 24, 2023 (Amendments Details-see Section VIII)…
    April 01, 2012 - other measures can be compared, or whether they should be viewed as information that may predict key … Hence, we may be more interested in levels of agreement between physiological measures and patient … We chose the random-effects inverse variance weights model to incorporate in the pooled analysis differences … Validated tools to measure UI treatment success based on meaningful changes in symptoms and quality … Oxybutynin reduced UI frequency and produced subjective benefits compared to placebo in frail community-dwelling
    January 01, 2012 - DEMENTIA INCLUDING ALZHEIMER'S #04 AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential High-Impact Interventions Report Priority Area 04: Dementia (Including Alzheimer’s Disease) Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 540 Gaither Road R…
    January 01, 2012 - DEMENTIA INCLUDING ALZHEIMER'S #04 AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential High Impact Interventions Report Priority Area 04: Dementia (Including Alzheimer’s Disease) Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 540 Gaither Ro…
    June 01, 2022 - Predictors of long-term use of prescription opioids in the community- dwelling population of adults … Development of a brief version of the current opioid misuse measure (comm): The comm-9. … systematic review of the evidence for the efficacy of H-19 opioids for chronic non-cancer pain in community-dwelling … Opioid-Related Risk Screening Measures for the Emergency Care Setting. … COMET - effectiveness and tolerability of methocarbamol versus oral opioid- analgesics as add-on measure
    January 01, 2023 - achieve long periods of nonproblematic drinking.26-30 As a result, research has used other outcomes to measure … the effectiveness of treatment, which can be subsumed under the concept of harm reduction.31 These measures … analysis was used, method of handling dropouts and missing data, validity and reliability of outcome measures … If we combine multiple scales (e.g., different scales to measure quality of life) in one meta-analysis … We will grade the strength of evidence for alcohol-consumption measures, accidents, injuries, quality
    April 01, 2012 - The Goldmann applanation tonometer uses a standard probe and is the current standard method to measure … Standard Automated Perimetry (SAP) A perimeter can measure the visual field of an eye in a systematic … Also considered was diagnosis of OAG requiring treatment. 10 Prespecified outcomes were measures … Seventeen primary studies included measures of diagnostic accuracy for HRT II.17-33 Naithani et al. … . (2009) included noncontact tonometry, individually and in all possible combinations, with other measures
    December 01, 2020 - We will classify the magnitude of effects for continuous measures of pain and function using the same
    January 01, 2024 - generation models across Precision (0.0821 compared with 0.005), Recall (0.9676 compared with 0.878), and F-measures … (0.2898 compared with 0.0356 in F3 measure 38776130 Chelli, Descamps, Lavoué, Trojani, Azar, Deckert
    December 01, 2020 - Development and testing of a new measure of health status for clinical trials in rhinoconjunctivitis. … Were outcome measures clearly valid, reliable, and equally applied to treatment groups?
    December 01, 2019 - The most appropriate measure to assess the efficacy of tocolytic agents should focus on improved health … As appropriate for each outcome outlined in KQ1 through KQ4, we will calculate the following summary measures
    May 27, 2016 - Regardless, empirical validation evidence is needed tying quality measures/assessment to actual quality … According to a review of New York City cases between1990 and 2005, suicide risk in community-dwelling … “Ultimately, the field should coalesce around specific safety measures in LTC,…” (Page 52). … This new evidence-based measure represents a precious opportunity to conduct studies using a measure … The foci of contextual characteristics recommended for study are structural measures of quality.

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