
Total Results: 398 records

Showing results for "independent living scales".

    November 19, 2020 - Unless using pre-post evaluation as a valid measure, we are left concluding that either both work or … Table 6 or text relating to these studies: include potential confounding factors measures (such as … limited, particularly of adverse events, and many did not report concurrent therapies, supportive measures … And for dyspnea assessment, are there other measures beyond visual analogue scale that can be used? … dyspnea measures, from Richard Mularski’s review and expert consensus document on this literature.
    December 01, 2019 - psoriasis vulgaris, often appears as well-demarcated, erythematous plaques covered with silvery white scales … We have now specified the measures that will be used for health-related quality of life in KQ 1. … For dichotomous outcomes, weighted averages will be reported as a relative measure (relative risk, odds
    January 22, 2010 - The assessment included items intended to directly measure health literacy. …  Measures of disease incidence, prevalence, morbidity, and mortality. … Low parental literacy is associated with worse asthma care measures in children. … Testing the feasibility of an interactive learning styles measure for U.S. … Agreement between scales in the measurement of breast cancer risk perceptions.
    January 01, 2010 - Biomarker endpoints (laboratory measures of induced change) a) Changes in serum antibody levels … standardized mean differences will be calculated if continuous outcomes are measured by using different scales … tolerogenic conjugates of common allergens with monomethoxypolyethylene glycols of different molecular weights … to a 100,000 AU product]; Background Information: "FDA would like to add the following unit of measure … (MeSH) 7) Other Terms a) Efficacy: measure under ideal conditions; e.g.: demonstrated in clinical
    December 01, 2019 - Outcomes measures Symptomatic DVT Symptomatic PE Asymptomatic DVT Bleeding Mortality … comorbidities), eligibility criteria, interventions (e.g., route of administration and dosing), outcome measures … and the method of ascertainment, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability. … ASMBS position statement on prophylactic measures to reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism in bariatric
    September 13, 2012 - However, the literature on chronic wounds and emerging science in the field also consider intermediate measures … a 4-week period of time as measured by planimetry (photos, etc,) o Pain using the standard pain scales … ., two-layer, short stretch, long stretch, multi-layer, Unna boot, and compression pump]), outcome measures … , definitions, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability.
    November 01, 2017 - Management of Suspected Opioid Overdose With Naloxone by Emergency Medical Services Personnel - Executive Summary Comparative Effectiveness Review Number 193 Effective Health Care Program Management of Suspected Opioid Overdose With Naloxone by Emergency Medical Services Personnel Executive Summary Background…
    January 10, 2012 - psoriasis vulgaris, often appears as well-demarcated, erythematous plaques covered with silvery white scales … We have now specified the measures that will be used for health-related quality of life in KQ 1. … For dichotomous outcomes, weighted averages will be reported as a relative measure (relative risk,
    June 01, 2011 - for VOI can be bootstrapped from the results of clinical trials that report a comprehensive outcome measure … , which we define as a measure sufficient to conclude whether one outcome for a patient is better or … net benefit of the treatments that are compared while avoiding modeling, such trials would need to measure … study31 - Medical costs for patient with COPD: National Medical Expenditure Survey - Utility weights … Also, even when long-term trials are performed that measure comprehensive outcomes, their length and
    May 01, 2005 - measurement bias; outcomes measures) measures) specifically validity, reliability, and variation … Choice of Outcome Measures The use of valid and reliable outcome measures reduces the likelihood of … risk reduction; selecting from multiple 9 endpoints47 or reporting on subscales of larger scales … Though the use of quantitative scales is a way to employ a transparent set of results, any weighting … Scales to assess the quality of randomized controlled trials: a systematic review.
    March 01, 2011 - Outcomes measures  Symptomatic DVT  Symptomatic PE  Asymptomatic DVT  Bleeding  Mortality … comorbidities), eligibility criteria, interventions (e.g., route of administration and dosing), outcome measures … and the method of ascertainment, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability … ASMBS position statement on prophylactic measures to reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism in bariatric
    January 01, 2019 - A quality indicator or quality measure is an agreed-upon process or outcome measure that is used to … That is, the first step identifies who to measure, steps 2-4 identify what to measure, and step 5 … This will require determining appropriate weights for individual components, as well as considering potential … Cancer care quality measures: symptoms and end-of-life care. … Outcomes assessment in cancer: Measures, methods, and applications.
    January 01, 2019 - A quality indicator or quality measure is an agreed-upon process or outcome measure that is used to … That is, the first step identifies who to measure, steps 2-4 identify what to measure, and step 5 … This will require determining appropriate weights for individual components, as well as considering potential … Cancer care quality measures: symptoms and end-of-life care. … Outcomes assessment in cancer: Measures, methods, and applications.
    January 01, 2019 - Existing testing trials and studies do not always have a health outcome as the primary outcome measure … Researchers sometimes focus on an outcome measure for which they hope to demonstrate a benefit, such … on patients, beyond the primary clinical outcome measures. … If one feels that testing may lead to clinically relevant anxiety, one of the existing anxiety scales … These scales are probably not sensitive enough to detect more subtle changes, which could help to explain
    May 01, 2005 - measurement bias; outcomes measures) measures) specifically validity, reliability, and variation … Choice of Outcome Measures The use of valid and reliable outcome measures reduces the likelihood of … risk reduction; selecting from multiple 9 endpoints47 or reporting on subscales of larger scales … Though the use of quantitative scales is a way to employ a transparent set of results, any weighting … Scales to assess the quality of randomized controlled trials: a systematic review.
    November 01, 2020 - Methods Research Report: Testing a Machine Learning Tool for Facilitating Living Systematic Reviews of Chronic Pain Treatments Methods Research Report Testing a Machine Learning Tool for Facilitating Living Systematic Reviews of Chronic Pain Treatments Methods…
    February 01, 2019 - The consultants also provided input on outcome measures used in the minimum measure set and guided … team conducted additional research to identify other relevant outcome measures and measure definitions … Additionally, rather than asking about specific tools or scales, we asked workgroup members about measure … Refining Minimum Measure Sets and Harmonization Identifying the MMS and harmonizing the measures in … Depression measure scales include: PARS, MADRS, HAM-D, CGI-S, CDRS-R, PHQ-9 Other outcomes measures
  18. 13-MDM347013 30..38 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - Existing testing trials and studies do not always have a health outcome as the primary outcome measure … Researchers sometimes focus on an outcome measure for which they hope to demonstrate a benefit, such … on patients, beyond the primary clinical outcome measures. … one feels that testing may lead to clinically relevant anxiety, 7 one of the existing anxiety scales … These scales are probably not sensitive enough to detect more subtle changes, which could help to explain
  19. 13-MDM347013 30..38 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - Existing testing trials and studies do not always have a health outcome as the primary outcome measure … Researchers sometimes focus on an outcome measure for which they hope to demonstrate a benefit, such … on patients, beyond the primary clinical outcome measures. … one feels that testing may lead to clinically relevant anxiety, 7 one of the existing anxiety scales … These scales are probably not sensitive enough to detect more subtle changes, which could help to explain
  20. Untitled (pdf file)
    October 05, 2015 - terms of frequency, severity, or duration (as measured by direct counts or by validated aggression scalesscales)! -! KQs!1a!and!1c!only:!Reduced!use!of! seclusion!or!restraints!(decreased! rate,! … For all analyses, we will use fixed- or random-effects models to estimate summary measures of effect … Methodological issues in monitoring the use of coercive measures. … Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services (HBIPS) Core Measure Set Selection Form.

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