January 01, 2019 - quality of care. 21 The planned network would allow a broad range of users to evaluate selected quality measures … when data (such as distance) are combined from sources in which it has been recorded using different scales … Financial viability is a measure of network cost-effectiveness. … Because anticipation of these new needs is difficult, the design should take measures to reduce the chances … Security and Usability —Strong but onerous security measures may degrade system usability and discourage
June 01, 2013 - AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential
High-Impact Interventions Report
Priority Area 08: Functional Limitations and Disability
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850
May 01, 2014 - For continuous outcomes (e.g., scales
of quality of life or functional status) measured with
the same … When we
combined multiple scales in one meta-analysis, we used
the standardized mean difference, Cohen … Given the heterogeneity of included interventions, we
were unable to develop a single measure of intensity … included trials had to enroll patients during or soon
after a hospitalization for HF and also had to measure … Future research should include validated measures of caregiver
burden, patient-reported measures of
January 27, 2012 - As a result, research has used other
outcomes to measure the effectiveness of treatment, which can be … subsumed under the
concept of harm reduction.32 These measures include significant increases in abstinent … naltrexone was found to reduce drinking quantity and prevent relapse (acamprosate trials
did not measure … If we combine multiple scales (e.g.,
different scales to measure quality of life) in one meta-analysis … We will grade the strength of evidence for alcohol-consumption measures,
accidents, injuries, quality
May 01, 2017 - If three or
more studies reported the same outcome measure for the
same intervention during the same … used for outcome measures and
because it was not always possible to determine the scales
from the … pooled outcomes as standardized
mean differences; we did not pool studies that used
different tools to measure … and follow-up, and even reporting of the scales used for
some outcome measures, all of which limited … interventions need to be conducted for longer durations
and mechanisms need to be developed to better measure
October 01, 2023 - Skip to main content
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December 01, 2019 - The assessment included items intended to directly measure health literacy. … Measures of disease incidence, prevalence, morbidity, and mortality . … "Low parental literacy is associated with worse asthma care measures in children." … "Testing the feasibility of an interactive learning styles measure for U.S. … "Agreement between scales in the measurement of breast cancer risk perceptions."
July 01, 2021 - in Rheumatology) has developed guidelines on outcome measures. 24
General tools that have been adapted … Studies of similar interventions will be grouped by outcome measures if feasible. … If possible, we will also attempt to back-calculate effect sizes that represent common outcome measures … Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS)--development of a self-administered outcome measure … Development and Validation of the Computer-Administered Animated Activity Questionnaire to Measure Physical
September 01, 2012 - A machine learning approach may put emphasis onto different kinds of predictive
performance measures … . or dmaic.ti,ab. or dmadv.ti,ab. or define-
measure-analyze-design-verify.mp. … MAIN OUTCOME
MEASURE: Change over time in the proportion of children aged 24-30 months who received … We tested whether a new survey measure of the
presence of practice systems (the PPC-R) is associated … with performance measure rates for
depression among 40 medical groups in Minnesota.
December 01, 2022 - anxiety, depression, substance use)*
Patient-reported outcomes
Quality of life (using validated measures … anxiety, depression, substance use)*
Patient-reported outcomes
Quality of life (using validated measures … within-intervention changes) for continuous outcomes with both pre- and postintervention data (e.g., quality of life scales
March 01, 2015 - selection of
cases and controls, response rate, equal application of
diagnostic tests, accurate and equal measure … Pooling across
scales can be accomplished only by using SMDs. … psychological symptoms: standardized
mean differences from pairwise comparisons
Sexual Function
Some measure … There was improvement in global measures
with all estrogens (high SOE). … and multiple scales requiring the use of SMDs
is challenging.
April 25, 2022 - anxiety, depression, substance
o Patient-reported outcomes
▪ Quality of life (using validated measures … anxiety, depression, substance
o Patient-reported outcomes
▪ Quality of life (using validated measures … intervention changes) for continuous outcomes with both pre- and postintervention data (e.g., quality of
life scales
February 01, 2025 - adolescents suffering from a particular mental health disorder (e.g., depression) can serve as a preventive measure
December 01, 2019 - Outcomes measures for each KQ
For both KQs, we will include all relevant patient or family/caregiver … Quality of care measures, such as timeliness of response to pain and other symptoms. … If the article was captured in the original search, the principal investigator will determine what measures
December 14, 2017 - As above, change is a type of outcome measure. … Reviewer
Methods Quality of Life (pg. 11) – AHRQ’s Current Symptom Severity
Scale Does Not Measure … In fact, the intent
of the Symptom Severity Scale is not to measure the “variability
and severity of … It measures the
“distress due to the frequency and severity of uterine
leimyomata symptoms”. … Instead, item response
choices are presented as five-level Likert scales ranging from
‘not at all’
December 01, 2019 - Often, short periods of followup involve surrogate outcome measures; both factors (length of followup … Limitations in Quality Rating Scales
As much as possible, CER investigators should apply objective
December 01, 2019 - However, the literature on chronic wounds and emerging science in the field also consider intermediate measures … over a 4-week period of time as measured by planimetry (photos, etc,)
Pain using the standard pain scales … e.g., two-layer, short stretch, long stretch, multi-layer, Unna boot, and compression pump]), outcome measures … , definitions, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability.
March 01, 2013 - allocate
patients to treatments; has a low dropout rate; and uses appropriate means to prevent bias; measure … The low strength of evidence for
the effects of gastrostomy on increasing growth measures,
including … Results for other growth measures are mixed,
and substantial numbers of children remained underweight … Effect of oral sensorimotor treatment on measures of
growth and efficiency of eating in the moderately … Effect of oral
sensorimotor treatment on measures of growth, eating efficiency
and aspiration in the
January 01, 2021 - As a result, research has used other outcomes to measure the effectiveness of treatment, which can be … subsumed under the concept of harm reduction. 32 These measures include significant increases in abstinent … and naltrexone was found to reduce drinking quantity and prevent relapse (acamprosate trials did not measure … If we combine multiple scales (e.g., different scales to measure quality of life) in one meta-analysis … We will grade the strength of evidence for alcohol-consumption measures, accidents, injuries, quality
April 01, 2013 - , etc.), or composite
measures of disease activity. … Three of the studies
also included disease-specific scales (the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy … QOL measurement description
Year QOL Measure
Significant Change
QOL Measure … Motzer
Level: 2, State: Excluded
Refid: 326, Patient preference-based utility weights from the functional … Scales, F. Zhan, K. A. Boehm, L. Asmar and A.