
Total Results: 2,057 records

Showing results for "improving".

    January 01, 2023 - can be delivered or referred from primary care to improve the health of people nationwide (e.g., by improving … BACKGROUND Clinical preventive services have tremendous value in improving the health of the Nation. … benefits of preventive services may include helping people stay healthy throughout their lifetime, improving … illness.7 Promoting mental health and wellness through screening can be an effective strategy for improving … APA encourages psychologists to adopt a population health approach to their work, which focuses on improving
    January 01, 2024 - can be delivered or referred from primary care to improve the health of people nationwide (e.g., by improving … for early intervention and treatment.3,4 These clinical preventive services have tremendous value in improving … benefits of preventive services may include helping people stay healthy throughout their lifetime, improving … Practitioners highly values how the Task Force outlines critical gaps in research for preventing disease and improving … research and filling these gaps will help to further both of our goals of advancing health equity and improving
    November 01, 2020 - recommendations about clinical preventive services to improve the health of all Americans (e.g., by improving … BACKGROUND Clinical preventive services have tremendous value in improving the health of the Nation. … benefits of preventive services can include helping people stay healthy throughout their lifetime, improvingImproving the health of young Americans and reducing health inequities may result in lasting benefits
    January 26, 2016 - of major depression in adults 18 years and older on the basis of strong evidence of effectiveness in improving … collaborative care for the management of depressive disorders based on strong evidence of effectiveness in improvingImproving mental health and addressing mental illness. Community Preventive Services Task Force. … Improving depression outcomes in community primary care practice: a randomized trial of the quEST intervention
    July 02, 2020 - in progress Draft Research Plan Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Screening July 02, 2020 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not be construed as an official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the U.S. Department of He…
    March 01, 2014 - We can do better—improving the health of the American people. N Engl J Med . 2007;357:1221-8. … Improving the reporting quality of nonrandomized evaluations of behavioral and public health interventions
    November 01, 2004 - additional benefit over a single test at the first prenatal visit in preventing maternal sensitization and improving
    July 10, 2018 - PAD treatment focuses on improving outcomes in symptomatic patients; interventions to prevent CVD events … Treatment of PAD focuses on improving outcomes in symptomatic patients (eg, increasing walking distance … and quality of life by improving symptoms of intermittent claudication and leg function, preventing … Improving maximum walking distance in early peripheral arterial disease: randomised controlled trial.
    June 18, 2014 - convincing evidence that antiviral treatment in patients with chronic HBV infection is effective at improving … education or behavior change counseling in patients with chronic HBV infection for reducing transmission or improving … convincing evidence that antiviral treatment in patients with chronic HBV infection is effective at improving
    June 18, 2014 - convincing evidence that antiviral treatment in patients with chronic HBV infection is effective at improving … education or behavior change counseling in patients with chronic HBV infection for reducing transmission or improving … convincing evidence that antiviral treatment in patients with chronic HBV infection is effective at improving
    October 05, 2011 - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Issues Final Evidence Report for Screening for and Management of Obesity and Overweight in Adults Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print October 5, 2011 – In order to update its…
    December 01, 2010 - Reconsidering the Approach to Prevention Recommendations for Older Adults - Figure 1 Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print Example of the ideal analytic framework for geriatric topics. * Risk factors include …
    December 15, 2020 - How effective is antiviral treatment in improving intermediate outcomes among nonpregnant adolescents … How effective is antiviral treatment in improving health outcomes among nonpregnant adolescents and adults … settings; all studies were conducted in Europe KQ4: How effective is antiviral treatment in improving … cirrhosis at baseline or were treatment-experienced KQ5: How effective is antiviral treatment in improving
    October 19, 2021 - Screen for disordered eating: improving the accuracy of eating disorder screening in primary care. … There is inadequate evidence on the effectiveness of interventions for improving health outcomes in screen-detected
    March 25, 2024 - Summary of USPSTF Draft Recommendation: Screening and Supplementation for Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy 1 The Task Force is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine that w…
    May 02, 2014 - Final Research Plan Statin Use for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults: Preventive Medication May 02, 2014 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not be construed as an official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality …
    August 01, 2014 - Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adults with Cardiovascular Risk Factors August 2014 Task Force FINAL Recommendation | 1 Understanding Task Force Recommendations Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity…
    May 02, 2014 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print archived Final Research Plan Statin Use for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults: Preventive Medication May 02, 2014 Recommendations made by the USP…
    August 01, 2014 - Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adults with Cardiovascular Risk Factors August 2014 Task Force FINAL Recommendation | 1 Understanding Task Force Recommendations Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity…
    March 11, 2025 - Improving patient well-being in the United States through care coordination interventions informed by

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