September 16, 2004 - Foster real quality
Importance Relevance
• Assesses an important
leverage point for
improving … or health system
• Should not create
incentives or rewards to
improve without truly
improving … quality of care
• Leverage point for
improving quality
• Considerable
variation in quality of … or health system
• Should not create
incentives or rewards
to improve without
truly improving
May 01, 2021 - levels, and support of the science of rigorous
measurement development and use of quality measures for improving … evidence and analyses related to the risk-adjustment methodology and the use of quality
measures for improving
July 01, 2021 - View
Improving the AHRQ Quality Indicators … December 2014
Summary of findings and recommendations for improving
September 28, 2007 - of the AHRQ QI
The User Meeting is being held in conjunction with the AHRQ 2007 Annual Meeting: Improving … Healthcare,
Improving Lives.
June 28, 2012 - , one planned feature is a “User Spotlight” highlighting recent examples of QI use
contributing to improving
January 01, 2004 - and CMS Administrator Mark McClellan – the heads of two agencies with long-standing commitments to improving … Because feedback from AHRQ QI users is an important part of AHRQ’s strategy for continuously improving
December 01, 2005 - strengthen the quality and availability of such data at the state
and local levels, for example, improving
April 01, 2022 - help public health agencies, State data
organizations, health care systems, and others
interested in improving
January 01, 2005 - Better data; less time arguing about the measure and more time improving performance. … much potential variation]
Implementing the consensus standards
Turned up the heat on improving
August 01, 2019 - allows clinicians to more
easily interpret the data and encourages interdisciplinary conversations on improving
January 01, 2005 - sources of variation in ICD-9-CM coding practices that might
impact AHRQ QI rates; Approaches to improving
August 01, 2019 - Microsoft Word - Johns_Hopkins_Case_Study.docx
August 2019
May 2019 Page 1 of 4
AHRQ Quality Indicators Case Study: Johns Hopkins Health System
Key Findings
• The Johns Hopkins Hospital worked diligently to improve its performance for Postoperative
Respiratory Failure (PSI 11). The effort started ba…
January 01, 2015 - Lessons Learned
• Provider education and prevention activities are critical to
improving patient safety
January 01, 2005 - worse off on some measures of care where the gap is growing larger
Information about disparities is improving
October 16, 2017 - Quality Agenda
MHA first began using the AHRQ QIs in 2000 to support a broad quality agenda aimed at improving
September 13, 2021 - We are sorry, the page is not able to load completely because the javascript setting in your browser is disabled.
Please enable javascript by going to your browser settings or by contacting your administrator.
This page includes announcements related to software updates, Federal R…
September 13, 2021 - We are sorry, the page is not able to load completely because the javascript setting in your browser is disabled.
Please enable javascript by going to your browser settings or by contacting your administrator.
This page includes announcements related to software updates, Federal R…
September 13, 2021 - We are sorry, the page is not able to load completely because the javascript setting in your browser is disabled.
Please enable javascript by going to your browser settings or by contacting your administrator.
This page includes announcements related to software updates, Federal R…
January 01, 2015 - System
• Goal: Use PSIs as part of initiative to improve quality and save
• Background: Improving
May 23, 2019 - Microsoft Word - Retirement Notice_v2019_Indicators.docx
Retirement of Select AHRQ Quality Indicators, v2019 Software May 23, 2019
Retirement of Select AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) in Upcoming v2019 QI Software
This announcement pertains to 21 AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) schedu…