April 28, 2017 - effectiveness of mHealth technologies for diabetes could
address uncertainty about mHealth’s impact on improving … technological change, it is unclear which technologies currently available
to patients are effective at improving … Improving type 1 diabetes management with mobile tools: a systematic
review. … Improving diabetes care for young people with type 1
diabetes through visual learning on mobile phones … Improving Self Management Skills of Older Adults With Diabetes.
April 28, 2017 - effectiveness of mHealth technologies for diabetes could
address uncertainty about mHealth’s impact on improving … technological change, it is unclear which technologies currently available
to patients are effective at improving … Improving type 1 diabetes management with mobile tools: a systematic
review. … Improving diabetes care for young people with type 1
diabetes through visual learning on mobile phones … Improving Self Management Skills of Older Adults With Diabetes.
June 01, 2013 - admissions, what is the most effective strategy for reducing MRSA acquisition and infection
rates and improving … setting, what is the most effective strategy for reducing MRSA acquisition
and infection rates and improving … setting, what is the most effective strategy for reducing MRSA acquisition
and infection rates and improving … setting, what is the most effective strategy for reducing MRSA acquisition and infection rates and improving … setting, what is the most effective strategy for reducing MRSA acquisition and infection rates and improving
January 01, 2012 - Key Expert Comments: Experts thought that this model will successfully meet the need for
improving … Key Expert Comments: Experts suggested that this program might be particularly
impactful in improving … If the onus of improving patient
adherence falls on the provider, staffing levels might change, because … Experts suggested that this program might be particularly impactful in improving
health disparities … Improving
outcomes of elderly patients presenting to the
emergency department.
August 07, 2018 - adults with any BD type, cognitive behavioral therapy may be no better than other psychotherapies for improving
October 01, 2021 - Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 241_Physical Activity and the Health of Wheelchair Users: A Systematic Review in Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, and Spinal Cord Injury
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 241
Physical Activity and the Health of Wheelchair
Users: A Systematic Review in Multiple Scle…
January 01, 2018 - .......................................................................... 7
Controlling Costs and Improving … the patient experience of care; (2) improving the health of
populations; and (3) reducing the per capita … Several studies have
documented the effectiveness of reminder systems for reducing missed visits, improving … Controlling Costs and Improving Efficiency
Considerations surrounding efficiency include minimizing … Improving efficiency and quality can have a substantial
impact on costs, as demonstrated by Intermountain
January 01, 2018 - .......................................................................... 7
Controlling Costs and Improving … the patient experience of care; (2) improving the health of
populations; and (3) reducing the per capita … Several studies have
documented the effectiveness of reminder systems for reducing missed visits, improving … Controlling Costs and Improving Efficiency
Considerations surrounding efficiency include minimizing … Improving efficiency and quality can have a substantial
impact on costs, as demonstrated by Intermountain
January 27, 2012 - KQ 1b: How do medications for adults with AUDs
compare for improving consumption outcomes in
outpatient … KQ 2a: Which medications are efficacious for
improving health outcomes for adults with AUDs in
outpatient … KQ 2b: How do medications for adults with AUDs
compare for improving health outcomes in outpatient … We found insufficient direct evidence to determine whether
medications are efficacious for improving … Conclusions
Acamprosate and oral naltrexone (50 mg/day) are
effective for improving alcohol consumption
November 11, 2015 - It's
almost always more effective at improving outcomes and improving decision-‐making than
relying … That's why habits are so important in
improving health
January 01, 2017 - practice has focused
on early intervention with first episode
psychosis, demonstrating promise toward
improving … Supportive therapy was not significantly different from
usual care in improving global or social function … to inform clinicians, patients and their
families, and guideline authors with the ultimate goal of
improving … Consistent
with other reviews, we found CBT to be effective at
improving core illness symptoms with … Cognitive Remediation
Although the direct focus of cognitive remediation is
on improving cognitive functioning
June 21, 2016 - children in whom lesion proliferation can lead to functional impairment and disfigurement is key to improving
January 01, 2012 - Key Expert Comments: Experts thought that this model could successfully meet the need
for improving … Key Expert Comments: Experts suggested that this program might have particularly high
impact in improving … If the onus of improving patient
adherence falls on the provider, staffing needs might increase because … Experts suggested that this program might be particularly impactful in improving health
disparities … Improving outcomes
of elderly patients presenting to the emergency
August 08, 2018 - Synthesizing Evidence for Quality Improvement
Abstract August 8, 2018
Background. Systematic reviews have become a mainstay for guideline groups, professional societies, and policymakers in determining which interventions are effective. Traditional systematic reviews may not provide sufficient informat…
March 27, 2020 - nothing in the formal science supports
individual CHW certification in advancing the CHW workforce or improving … programs, we risk forgoing significant return on investment, both in
advancing the workforce and improving … where CHWs are
interviewed about their perceptions and suggestions for advancing the
workforce and improving
May 13, 2014 - They concluded that "appropriate echocardiograms are those that are likely to contribute to improving
December 22, 2011 - receiving aggressive care that has almost no chance of improving survival and almost certainly results
June 01, 2016 - children in whom lesion
proliferation can lead to functional impairment and disfig-
urement is key to improving
May 12, 2015 - These therapies focus on eliminating the symptoms of the disease, and improving patient functioning
April 18, 2013 - Evidence on improving quality of life was inconsistent across individual drugs.