October 01, 2017 - Improving how we alert people in health-systems about new reports,
making reports more clear and concise … The
AcademyHealth Listening Project:
Improving the Evidence Base for Safety Net
Health Care Delivery … Department of Health and Human Services that is charged with improving the
quality, safety, efficiency
January 01, 2012 - InsuPatch for improving pump-infused insulin absorption No high-impact potential at this time
10. … development for all types of diabetes focus on delaying onset of the disease
in at-risk patients and improving … expanding access to exenatide while
reducing frequency of injections and nausea, thereby potentially improving … from six experts.
Given that these two therapies are geared towards extending
release and improving … However, one clinical expert noted, “In terms of improving glycemic control, extended-
release exenatide
March 13, 2013 - § There are recent efforts in kidney transplantation to reduce exposure to CNIs in the hopes of improving
November 01, 2017 - You Might Also Like
Research Protocol
Jan 17, 2025
November 01, 2017 - Improvements in outcomes such as mortality and monitoring response to avoid ineffective chemotherapy, and improving
December 01, 2017 - both mifepristone and ulipristal effectively reduce the
size of fibroids and bleeding symptoms, while improving … without symptoms may
forego intervention because of the general belief that care
should be aimed at improving … Conclusions
A range of interventions are effective for reducing
fibroid size and improving symptoms
January 01, 2012 - effects and appears to reduce oxidative stress, investigators hypothesize
that HBOT offers a means of improving … resource tool for treatment in the medical diagnostic process by
evaluating galvanic responses and by improving … expert thought the device could improve knowledge and understanding about
ASDs, which could lead to improving … antiinflammatory effects and appears to
reduce oxidative stress, researchers hypothesize HBOT can be a means of improving
January 01, 2012 - InsuPatch for improving pump-infused insulin absorption No high-impact potential at this time
9. … in development for all types of diabetes focus on delaying disease onset in at-
risk patients and improving … expanding access to exenatide while
reducing frequency of injections and nausea, thereby potentially improving … exenatide release mechanisms while reducing injection frequency
and nausea, potentially improving … However, one clinical
expert noted, “In terms of improving glycemic control, extended-release exenatide
October 01, 2006 - hypertension and kidney dysfunction will
assist in determining whether intervention should be
directed toward improving
June 01, 2016 - A Randomized Trial of Epidural Glucocorticoid Injections for Spinal Stenosis: A Brief Summary of Findings for Clinicians
A Randomized Trial of Epidural Glucocorticoid
Injections for Spinal Stenosis: A Brief Summary
of Findings for Clinicians
What are the relative effectiveness and adverse effect…
November 01, 2017 - interventions (food thickeners, nutritional supplementation, gastrostomy, behavioral interventions, etc) in improving
November 01, 2017 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Contact Us
Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers
November 01, 2017 - reviews found insufficient evidence to
support the comparative effectiveness of interventions
for improving … outcomes, and both reviews
recognized the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions
and SSRIs on improving
January 01, 2012 - established and the earlier that intervention can
begin, the better chance an affected child has of improving … behavior and communication therapies (including
applied behavior analysis), technology aids aimed at improving
December 01, 2015 - Michigan Surgical Health and Optimization Program
(MSHOP) is an example of an initiative aimed at improving … Unmet need and health outcomes: An important unmet need exists for improving patient
adherence to medication … Patient health outcomes may improve with 3-D–printed biomodels by
improving surgical skill, allowing … surgical outcomes by assessing patient-specific risk before surgery and
improving overall health by … The prospective cohort study is assessing MSHOP’s efficacy
in improving surgical outcomes, reducing
December 11, 2015 - and policies) that provide mental
health care to children and adolescents, with the ultimate goal of improving … interventions into
usual care settings, underscores the critical nature of the proposed review to improving … Improving practice in community-
based settings: a randomized trial of supervision - study protocol.
December 14, 2017 - The
American Lung Association is the leading organization working
to save lives by improving lung health … review, currently Boston Scientific does
not market the therapy as having a direct impact toward
improving … of the evidence that BT does not worsen /
degrade pulmonary physiology measures indicative of non-
March 02, 2012 - Current Practices and Decisional Uncertainty
Despite the evidence of efficacy in improving outcomes … are not user-friendly, patient
preferences, etc.).19
Although most interventions targeted at improving
January 01, 2007 - cost-
savings,5, 8, 9 while other programs have focused on reducing potential adverse drug events,
improving … Role of the clinical
pharmacist in improving drug therapy. … Improving
adherence and persistence: a review and assessment of
interventions and description of steps … Interventions for
improving adherence to treatment in patients with high
blood pressure in ambulatory … mailings)
75.0 7.4
Patient adherence (provision of targeted education,
counseling, and/or tools for improving
November 01, 2017 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Contact Us
Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers