
Total Results: 6,235 records

Showing results for "improving".

    November 14, 2014 - AHRQ's Guide to Evaluating Health Information Exchange Projects - Section 6 6-1 Section 6: Examples of Evaluation Measures Section 6 includes tables that list sample measures you might use to evaluate your HIE project. Each table includes possible measures, suggested data sources for each measure, practical no…
    September 01, 2022 - AHRQ Webinar: Lessons Learned from Real-World Applications of Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support - Slides Lessons Learned from Real-World Applications of Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Wednesday, June 1, 2022 Disclosure We have no financial or non-financial interests or other relationship…
  3. 1_ScenariosGuide (pdf file)
    April 13, 2012 - 1_ScenariosGuide Tool 1. Scenarios Guide Privacy and Security Assessment of Variation Toolkit 1-1 Tool 1. Scenarios Guide The following 18 scenarios were developed specifically for the privacy and security project to provide a standardized context for discussing organization-level business p…
  4. 1_ScenariosGuide (pdf file)
    April 26, 2013 - 1_ScenariosGuide Tool 1. Scenarios Guide Tool 1. Scenarios Guide The following 18 scenarios were developed specifically for the privacy and security project to provide a standardized context for discussing organization-level business practices across all states and territories. The scenarios represent …
    January 01, 2015 - Informing Consumer Health Information Technology Design: How Patients Use Social Networking Sites - Final Report Title: Informing Consumer Health IT Design: How Patients Use Social Networking Sites Principle Investigator: Rupa Valdez,  PhD Team Members: Yuliya  Dudaronak,  PhD; Kara  Fitzgibbon,  MA; T…
    January 01, 2018 - mHealth Delivery of a Motivational Intervention to Address Heavy Drinking Among College Freshmen - Final Report 1 Title of Project: mHealth D elivery o f a M otivational Intervention t o A ddress H eavy D rinkin…
  7. Slide 1 (ppt file)
    June 05, 2006 - Slide 1 Socio-Technical Approach to Planning and Assessing Redesign l June 5, 2006 l * AHRQ 2006 Annual Conference on Patient Safety and Health IT Socio-Technical Approach to Planning and Assessing Redesign Huron Hospital CPOE Implementation June 5, 2006 Greg Kall, CPHIMS Regional Vice President, Information Te…
    January 01, 2021 - A user-center designed anticoagulation shared decision-making tool for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation - Final Report FINAL PROGRESS REPORT A user-center designed anticoagulation shared decision-making tool for stroke prevention in atri…
    January 01, 2020 - Clinical Information Needs of CHCs for HIT (CLINCH-IT) - Final Report Title: Clinical Information Needs of CHCs for HIT (CLINCH-IT) Principal Investigator and Team Members: Deborah Jill Cohen, PhD (PI) Department of F…
    April 09, 2009 - The Excellence Report: Quality Measures for Colonoscopy The Excellence Report: Quality Measures for Colonoscopy Quality Measure 1. Preprocedure risk assessment is documented. Quality Measure 2. A management plan is documented for patients on oral anticoagulants. Quality Measure 3. Sedation medication(s…
    January 20, 2009 - Overview of Technical and Data Standards for Health IT and HIE Webinar Overview of Technical and Data Standards.doc Audio begins at Slide 7: First, we were given additional work on the consumer access to clinical information. And so, for example, in 2006, we looked at demographics, medication history. In 2007, we…
    January 01, 2023 - EHR-based screening and intervention for intimate partner violence - Final Report EHR-based screening and intervention for intimate partner violence Principal Investigators: Leslie Lenert, MD and Alyssa Rheingold, PhD, Multi PI Organization: Medical University of South Carolina Inclusive Dates of Proj…
    January 01, 2023 - EHR-based screening and intervention for intimate partner violence - Final Report EHR-based screening and intervention for intimate partner violence Principal Investigators: Leslie Lenert, MD and Alyssa Rheingold, PhD, Multi PI Organization: Medical University of South Carolina Inclusive Dates of Proj…
  14. Welcome, everybody (pdf file)
    November 02, 2007 - believe there’s untapped potential for engaging pharmacists, physicians, and patients in ultimately improving
    March 31, 2011 - Information Requirements PLURALSOFT 2009 Authored by: PluralSoft Inc. Technical Specifications CACHIE Quality Information System – AHRQ Scope 1 T e c h n ic a l S p e c if ic a ti o n s | 7 / 2 5 / 2 0 0 9 Revision History Date Author Version Change Reference …
    September 30, 2008 - Electronic Standards for Privacy Consent Directives Electronic Standards for Privacy Consent Directives Technical Assistance for Medicaid and SCHIP for Health IT and HIE Webinar 8/27/08 This is the Technical Assistance for Medicaid and SCHIP for Health IT and HIE Webinar. We are at about 50% of those who re…
    January 01, 2014 - Facilitators and Barriers to Adoption of a Successful Urban Telemedicine Model - Final Report 1     Title of Project Facilitators and Barriers to Adoption of a Successful Urban Telemedicine Model Principal Investigator and Team Members. Kenneth McConnochie, MD, MPH, Principal Investigator Scott McIntosh, …
    March 20, 1997 - D_ITPrivacyandSecurityPrimer Appendix D: IT Privacy and Security Primer Privacy and Security Assessment of Variation Toolkit D-1 PART 1: GENERAL PRIVACY CONSIDERATIONS1 Introduction The purpose of this IT Privacy and Security Primer is to provide a broad overview of what privacy in health …
    March 20, 1997 - D_ITPrivacyandSecurityPrimer Appendix D: IT Privacy and Security Primer PART 1: GENERAL PRIVACY CONSIDERATIONS1 Introduction The purpose of this IT Privacy and Security Primer is to provide a broad overview of what privacy in health care represents. This section is not intended to address the state a…
    January 01, 2012 - Primary Care Research Methods & Statistics Conference - Final Report Grant Final Report Grant ID: R13HS17658 Primary Care Research Methods & Statistics Conference Inclusive project dates: 09/30/08 - 04/…

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