
Total Results: 6,235 records

Showing results for "improving".

    Health Information Exchange in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Case Study Findings: Final Report The purpose of the study was fourfold: (1) describe the current status of the use of health information technology (HIT) in existing state-of-the-art health delivery systems (HDSs) and how health information is or i…
    Using Diffusion of Innovation Concepts to Enhance Implementation of an Electronic Health Record to Support Evidence-Based Practice The article identifies the explosion of clinical data that are available and how difficult it is for clinicians to find answers to clinical questions. Electronic health records (EH…
    March 16, 2016 - A National Web Conference on the Factors Contributing to the Use of Health Information Exchange (HIE) in Health Care Organizations Event Details Date: March 16, 2016 Time: 12:30pm to 2:00pm Presenters: Presenters: William (Bill) Hersh, MD; Karen Eden, PhD; Elizabeth Palena Hall, MSIS, MBA, RN; Larry …
    March 01, 2004 - A Pilot Study to Document the Return on Investment for Implementing an Ambulatory Electronic Health Record at an Academic Medical Center Five ambulatory offices within the University of Rochester Medical Center participated in a pilot project using an electronic health record (EHR) to document the return on i…
    A medical home for children with insulin-dependent diabetes: comanagement by primary and subspecialty physicians--convergence and divergence of opinions The purpose of this work was to examine pediatricians' and endocrinologists' views about management for routine preventive and acute care, diabetes specific …
    June 01, 2006 - Initial lessons from the first national demonstration project on practice transformation to a patient-centered medical home The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is emerging as a potential catalyst for multiple health care reform efforts. Demonstration projects are beginning in nearly every state, with a b…
    February 01, 2007 - A randomised controlled trial comparing computer-assisted with face-to-face sexual history taking in a clinical setting Authors:  Tideman, R. L., Chen, M. Y., Pitts, M. K., Ginige, S., Slaney, M., Fairley, C. K. Journal:  Sex Transm Infect Publication Date:  2007 Feb Volume:  83 Issue:  1 Pages:  52-6 HIT D…
    February 01, 2006 - A systematic review of interactive computer-assisted technology in diabetes care. Interactive information technology in diabetes care Authors:  Jackson, C. L., Bolen, S., Brancati, F. L., Batts-Turner, M. L., Gary, T. L. Journal:  J Gen Intern Med Publication Date:  2006 Feb Volume:  21 Issue:  2 Pages:  105-…
    Use of a patient-accessible electronic medical record in a practice for congestive heart failure: patient and physician experiences Authors:  Earnest, M. A., Ross, S. E., Wittevrongel, L., Moore, L. A., Lin, C. T. Journal:  J Am Med Inform Assoc Publication Date:  2004 Sep-Oct Volume:  11 Issue:  5 Pages:  41…
    November 02, 2007 - A National Web Conference on the Results and Impact of Electronic Prescribing (e-Rx) Use Results and Impact of Electronic Prescribing (e-Rx) Use; 3rd teleconference in a series of four on the Medicare Modernization Act e-RX Pilot Evaluation November 2, 2007 Speakers: Ken Majkowski, Pharm D Vice President, Clin…
    January 01, 2023 - PA-20-070 Integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Routine Primary Care: Monitoring Asthma Between Visits – Final Report AHRQ Final Progress Report R18 HS26432-03S1 1 1. Title Page Title of Project PA-20-070 Integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Routine Primary Care: Monitoring Asthma Betwee…
    September 26, 2011 - Baseline Clinician Survey: Keystone Health Information Exchange (KeyHIE) Baseline Clinician Survey: Keystone Health Information Exchange (KeyHIE) Geisinger Health System, Danville PA This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by clinical staff across a health care system setting. The…
    January 01, 2005 - Development of a Job Task Analysis Tool for Assessing the Work of Physicians in the Intensive Care Unit DEVELOPMENT OF A JOB TASK ANALYSIS TOOL FOR ASSESSING THE WORK OF PHYSICIANS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT Kara Schultz*~, Jason Slagle±, Roger Brown†, Steve Douglas*, Brian Frederick*, Manisha Lakhani*, Jesse …
    March 30, 2015 - Portal and Non-Portal User Surveys to Assess MyPreventiveCare Portal Portal and Non-Portal User Surveys to Assess MyPreventiveCare Portal Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA These are questionnaires designed to be completed by patients in a home setting. The questionnai…
    January 01, 2023 - Clinical Decision Support Optimizing Necrotizing Enterocolitis Prevention Implementation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Project Final Report ( PDF , 951.03 KB) Disclaimer Disclaimer The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for…
    January 01, 2019 - Personal Health Information Needs and Practices for Maternal Fetal Care - Final Report TITLE PAGE Title: Personal Health Information Needs and Practices for Maternal Fetal Care Principal Investigator: Gretchen Purcell Jackson, M.D., PhD. Team Memb…
    June 01, 2011 - Multi-Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting — Provider Engagement: Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention Multigrantee Technical Assistance Meeting—Practical Approaches to Using Electronic Health Records for Research: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and …
    December 29, 2006 - Microsoft Word - IAVR_ExecSumm.doc December 29, 2006 Privacy and Security Solutions for Interoperable Health Information Exchange Interim Assessment of Variation Executive Summary Prepared for Susan Christensen, Senior Advisor Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither…
    January 01, 2008 - Statewide Implementation of Electronic Health Records Grant Final Report Grant ID: 5UC1HS015397 Statewide Implementation of Electronic Health Records Inclusive Dates: 09/30/04 - 09/29/08 Principal Investigator: David W. Bates, MD, MSc* † ‡ Team Members: Paul D. Cleary, PhD Ashish Jha, M…
    January 01, 2014 - as the primary recommendation by multiple authors. (3,4,17,18) In 2006, the Joint Commission made improving

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