November 04, 2015 - plan-aims-cut-hospital-deaths
This article reports on the 100,000 Lives Campaign and its mission, highlighting improvements
July 31, 2012 - https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/best-medical-care-us
This article discusses improvements made at U.S.
March 23, 2012 - billion-opportunity
This briefing sheet reviews the opportunities, solutions, and drivers for medication safety improvements
June 05, 2016 - and assist senior and
quality leaders in assessing the readiness of their organization to implement improvements … Selected Best Practices and
Suggestions for Improvements
Includes introduction to the indicator-specific … identifying areas in need of further
Section E: Monitoring Progress and Sustainability of Improvements … Evidence-Based Strategies To Improve Clinical Care
Section E: Monitoring Progress and Sustainability of Improvements
October 20, 2014 - from participants in the 1000 Lives Campaign on how patient stories can focus
attention on safety improvements
January 01, 2006 - participants the opportunity to select one of seven educational tracks on
understanding and implementing improvements
March 27, 2012 - Improvements were associated with reporting of using quality-item checklists to guide assessment of methodological … Over time there have been substantial improvements in the literature review, quality assessment and statistical
January 01, 2016 - Preview
Study Title and Description
Cranberry (poly)phenol metabolites correlate with improvements … View
Title Data
Cranberry (poly)phenol metabolites correlate with improvements
September 10, 2012 - Objectives
To examine evidence for whether breathing exercises and retraining techniques lead to improvements … interventions (particularly those with 5 hours or more of patient contact) achieved medium to large improvements
August 02, 2011 - More
Related Resources
Leveraging the science of teamwork to sustain handoff improvements … A handoff protocol from the cardiovascular operating room to cardiac ICU is associated with improvements
December 19, 2014 - Participants in the iDecide group reported
significant within-group and between-group improvements in … diabetes distress. iDecide participants had improvements in
A1c levels from baseline and were more
August 01, 2012 - There is also evidence to suggest that improvements
in symptoms and improvements in problem behaviors … One longer term
case series reported improvements in general symptom
severity and compulsive behavior … • Some improvements in emotion recognition in treated participants; no differences in
measures of … • Improvements in aggression, irritability/agitation, repetitive behavior, sensory motor
behaviors … A crossover study of the opioid receptor antagonist
naltrexone found no significant improvements in
August 01, 2012 - There is also evidence to suggest that improvements
in symptoms and improvements in problem behaviors … One longer term
case series reported improvements in general symptom
severity and compulsive behavior … • Some improvements in emotion recognition in treated participants; no differences in
measures of … • Improvements in aggression, irritability/agitation, repetitive behavior, sensory motor
behaviors … A crossover study of the opioid receptor antagonist
naltrexone found no significant improvements in
April 02, 2008 - hospital's efforts to improve blood transfusion safety by implementing new
technologies and process improvements
December 19, 2007 - explore
ideas such as building a culture of safety, replacing medical equipment, and measuring safety
July 28, 2013 - Kingdom, provides data on a variety of issues related to safety, and
makes recommendations to support improvements
February 13, 2018 - care system used a multi-event analysis process to identify
medication errors, implement system-level improvements
March 02, 2010 - -0
This special issue describes projects and research in Canadian health care that are supporting
June 25, 2008 - interested in adopting the transforming care at the bedside
(TCAB) model of nurse-initiated quality improvements
January 01, 2009 - 2) How will we know if we
have made our improvements (e.g., measures)? … At the end of the day, teams met to plan for sustaining
and expanding technology improvements in the … interaction
was less likely; the physician also reported improvements in patient satisfaction due to … Additionally, another Bangor Area team leader reported a
variety of improvements in practice efficiency … Thus, these improvements to practice efficiency and patient safety would not
have been achieved without