April 16, 2008 - They suggest improvements for verbal sign-out and propose that these improvements be used in designing
October 19, 2012 - Exploring the improvements and challenges associated with checklists in the surgical environment , … September 22, 2017
Implementation science: a neglected opportunity to accelerate improvements
June 14, 2011 - quality problems and their most prominent causes, including a series of obstacles that prevent necessary improvements … Overall, this article provides an overview of the challenges facing health care quality improvements
June 15, 2017 - children and adolescents with obesity to comprehensive, intensive behavioral
interventions to promote improvements … older and offering or referring them to comprehensive, intensive behavioral interventions to promote improvements
July 03, 2016 - effects of duty-hours reform on surgical trainees, this systematic review
concluded that there were no improvements … Even though some improvements in residents' quality of life were observed after the first
January 01, 2009 - Improvements were found in all three clinical domains,
including preventive services, acute illness … Further improvements in quality and safety are possible through
increased physician use of CDS, but … this will require physician willingness to change their workflow, as
well as improvements to EHR software … IPSQWHIT: Measuring the Quality Improvements Associated with Decision Support in
November 01, 2017 - (For example, improvements in patient symptoms or problems from treatment or diagnosis.) … Improvements in primary outcomes such as growth, quality of life, functional improvements, participation … Improvements in other outcomes such as nutritional status, decreased time spent in feeding-related activities … Improvements in delivering nutrition to patients with impaired oral feeding have increased the options
January 01, 2023 - Specific Aim 3: We measured the matching accuracy improvements resulting from using combinations of … We evaluated best-practice matching data recommendations and novel algorithm improvements in
the context … Specific Aim 3: Measure the matching accuracy improvements resulting from using combinations of
three … Each of the 105
matching enhancement combinations that exhibited significant accuracy improvements in … Specific Aim 3: Measure the matching accuracy improvements resulting from using combinations of three
June 01, 2005 - The relevant
corollary is that any study reporting dramatic improvements in any major clinical outcome … When clinical interventions do work, they tend to bring very modest gains: relative improvements of … 20% to 40% are often cause for celebration, and absolute improvements in the 5% to 10% range represent … If an article reports improvements in these ranges, scrutinize it closely. … If the
improvements exceed these ranges, expect subsequent studies to show less impressive effects,
November 23, 2008 - Desired Health Improvements: If you question focuses on: … Identification of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in identification or diagnosis … Treatment of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in patient symptoms or problems would
participation in a diabetes telehealth eye care program with standard, face-to-face eye care as well as improvements … incorporate evaluation, education, and care planning are related to use of recommended eye care and improvements
January 01, 2010 - The goals are to: establish what is known about the impact of health IT on improvements in mental health … Project Objective:
Establish what is known about the impact of health IT on improvements in mental
September 01, 2020 - |__| Will hospital leadership support the training and improvements? … |__| Does your hospital have the necessary infrastructure to monitor improvements? … Consider prioritizing the improvements, starting with one strategy. … Test improvements in one area before spreading changes. … That will let the hospital make improvements.
September 01, 2020 - |__| Will hospital leadership support the training and improvements? … |__| Does your hospital have the necessary infrastructure to monitor improvements? … Consider prioritizing the improvements, starting with one strategy. … Test improvements in one area before spreading changes. … That will let the hospital make improvements.
September 01, 2020 - |__| Will hospital leadership support the training and improvements? … |__| Does your hospital have the necessary infrastructure to monitor improvements? … Consider prioritizing the improvements, starting with one strategy. … Test improvements in one area before spreading changes. … That will let the hospital make improvements.
September 01, 2020 - |__| Will hospital leadership support the training and improvements? … |__| Does your hospital have the necessary infrastructure to monitor improvements? … Consider prioritizing the improvements, starting with one strategy. … Test improvements in one area before spreading changes. … That will let the hospital make improvements.
September 01, 2020 - |__| Will hospital leadership support the training and improvements? … |__| Does your hospital have the necessary infrastructure to monitor improvements? … Consider prioritizing the improvements, starting with one strategy. … Test improvements in one area before spreading changes. … That will let the hospital make improvements.
September 01, 2020 - |__| Will hospital leadership support the training and improvements? … |__| Does your hospital have the necessary infrastructure to monitor improvements? … Consider prioritizing the improvements, starting with one strategy. … Test improvements in one area before spreading changes. … That will let the hospital make improvements.
January 31, 2025 - help health systems identify gaps, inconsistencies, and inefficiencies in discharge planning to inform improvements … Health systems need actionable data to assess where discharge planning breaks down to identify possible improvements
December 09, 2020 - December 9, 2020
VA Health Care: Improvements Needed in Processes Used to Address Providers … August 3, 2016
VA Health Care: Improvements Needed in Processes Used to Address Providers