
Total Results: over 10,000 records

Showing results for "improvements".

    January 01, 2021 - learned about improving patient experience Evaluating the use of a modified CAHPS® survey to support improvements … patient-centred care: lessons from a quality improvement collaborative Conclusion: Small measurable improvements … Evaluating the Use of a Modified CAHPS Survey to Support Improvements in Patient-Centered Care: Lessons
    January 01, 2021 - learned about improving patient experience Evaluating the use of a modified CAHPS® survey to support improvements … patient-centred care: lessons from a quality improvement collaborative Conclusion: Small measurable improvements … Evaluating the Use of a Modified CAHPS Survey to Support Improvements in Patient-Centered Care: Lessons
    July 01, 2015 - approach where health care providers work together to monitor patients’ progress—could lead to lasting improvements … When the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture was repeated in 2013, significant improvements were
    January 01, 2008 - Improvements were found in all three clinical domains, including preventive services, acute illness care … Further improvements in quality and safety are possible through increased physician use of CDS, but this … will require physician willingness to change their workflow, as well as improvements to EHR software … IPSQWHIT: Measuring the Quality Improvements Associated with Decision Support in Pediatrics.
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 09, 2015 - temporal-trends-patient-safety-netherlands-reductions-preventable-adverse- events-or-end Patient safety advocates recognize the lack of appropriate measures to track improvements … degree to which the nonsignificant reduction in preventable adverse events may actually signify real improvements
    April 01, 2022 - Helping Practices Scale Improvements . Joy in Work .   … swimlane diagram, facilitate a process mapping session for a practice, and help a practice design process improvements … Helping Practices Scale up Improvements – Learn how to support change throughout a practice by designing … Access additional resources and a table of contents for Helping Practices Scale up Improvements.
    April 01, 2022 - Helping Practices Scale Improvements . Joy in Work .   … swimlane diagram, facilitate a process mapping session for a practice, and help a practice design process improvements … Helping Practices Scale up Improvements – Learn how to support change throughout a practice by designing … Access additional resources and a table of contents for Helping Practices Scale up Improvements.
    March 06, 2005 - inexperienced caregiver, supervision gaps, ineffective double-checks, and the misalignment of system improvements … Nets to Reduce Missed and Delayed Diagnoses of Cancer July 31, 2023 Safety improvements
    June 09, 2009 - educational , learning , and leadership strategies to help nurses drive and sustain patient safety improvements … August 14, 2019 Effect of changes in hospital nursing resources on improvements in patient
    May 02, 2014 - Participating  practices  reported  6  to  10  percent  improvements  entive  care  screenings,  8  … to  17  percent  improvements  in  adult izations,  and  up  to  18  percent  improvements  in  diabetes … use of the HM features rather than actual delivery of more services may have biased assessments of improvements … in one actual clinical procedure (obtaining a lipid panel) may exaggerate improvements in the summary … Two of the eight practices experienced more difficulty in demonstrating improvements.
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    May 18, 2021 -  Generate ideas for improvements to reduce missed opportunities. …  Are the changes you are testing creating the desired improvements or do you need to make modifications …  Are improvements being maintained over time or is there backsliding?
    January 01, 2005 - Advances in information technology and recent national directives have the potential to support dramatic improvements … Critical disease-management data for decision support are available continuously, resulting in improvements
    April 03, 2008 - A: Under the Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 and amendments, (1) laboratories … Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments (CLIA). 42 USC 263a. USA; 1988. 2. Dimitropoulos, LL.

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