
Total Results: over 10,000 records

Showing results for "improvements".

  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 20, 2022 - This radiotherapy service combined the three sources to make improvements in safety and quality. … Involving the patient in this way could lead to improvements in quality and safety.
  2. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 01, 2021 - Suggested strategies to reduce diagnostic error included improvements to clinical management, increase … patient access to clinicians, communication improvements between patients and clinicians and between
  3. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 17, 2021 - fusion of incident learning and failure mode and effects analysis for data-driven patient safety improvements … The fusion of incident learning and failure mode and effects analysis for data-driven patient safety improvements
  4. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    February 28, 2024 - The bundle includes data monitoring and compliance resources in its implementation toolkit to track improvements … This involved drawing out algorithms and discussing clinical improvements and logic constructs to enable … Results Overall, the Innovation Team saw improvements in both the intervention and control groups over … time, with larger improvements seen in the intervention group. … These improvements included lower next-day in-ICU mortality, lower next-day in-hospital mortality rates
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    December 01, 2020 - As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … Based on prior efforts to achieve and sustain improvements, Kaiser Permanente conducted a gap analysis … that coaching improved providers’ overall provider rating and CAHPS communication scores, but these improvements … They also identified some barriers to making improvements, including the lag time between when the CAHPS … Recommendations based on this work include focusing on improvements in the implementation process rather
    January 01, 2020 - Agenda • Overview of the AHRQ QIs • Overview of the v2020 software (including risk-adjustment) and improvements … • Usability Improvements • Specification changes for select QIs • v2020 SAS and WinQI software resources … 11 Overview of V2020 Software and Improvements … • • • Usability Improvements • • • Specification changes for select QIs • • • v2020 … Usability Improvements Usability Improvements Usability Improvements Usability Usability Usability

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