January 01, 2018 - care, which is named the Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative, 6 and its work promises to make improvements … AHRQ’s patient safety programs continue to enable and guide improvements in health care delivery. … In addition to sustaining further improvements in the safety of hospital care, the Agency has substantially … from 2010 to 2013 and 2014 could have been partially due to increased EHR adoption and increases and improvements
September 01, 2015 - and specifically, how to
carry out repetitive and systematic processes for testing and implementing improvements … But without discipline and the ability to assess the real effects of the improvements, these
enthusiastic … will be to help
practices develop the discipline of using a systematic process to develop and test improvements … This can be difficult in a
practice that is enthusiastic about making improvements.
March 01, 2021 - Many practices have shown significant improvements, regardless of which measures the practices chose … work with the practice facilitators to put together data in imaginative ways and demonstrate marked improvements
March 01, 2024 - interpretation of patients’ narrative feedback can motivate staff learning and behavior changes and lead to improvements … Follow-up Shadow Coaching Improves Primary Care Provider-Patient Interactions and Maintains Improvements … Many changes made during PCMH transformation are improvements that can be measured and monitored by CAHPS … multi-item, structured item set elicited a high percentage of comments with sufficient detail to inform improvements
October 01, 2021 - Research shows that when patients are engaged in their healthcare, it can lead to measurable improvements
May 01, 2017 - Many participating ASCs have demonstrated improvements in safety practices. … SAY: Many change efforts fail to result in sustained improvements.
November 01, 2017 - Assess the sustainability of changes made in QI capacity and ABCS
improvements and develop a model of … It is associated with ABCS clinical quality
measures and tracks closely with observed improvements in
March 15, 2016 - • 3 goals
• Cultivate an environment that encourages and sustains
improvements in patient-centered
May 01, 2015 - Incremental improvements in PCMH model implementation yielded positive effects on quality of care for … Elements related to team-based care were associated with improvements in quality outcomes as well as … These differences came at no significant changes to overall costs at 12 months, indicating that improvements … PMID: 23222529
The authors tested the hypothesis that primary care PCMH improvements are associated … The degree of change in systems was positively correlated with improvements in physician and staff job
February 01, 2017 - Incremental improvements in PCMH model implementation yielded positive effects on quality of care for … Elements related to team-based care were associated with improvements in quality outcomes as well as … These differences came at no significant changes to overall costs at 12 months, indicating that improvements … PMID: 23222529
The authors tested the hypothesis that primary care PCMH improvements are associated … The degree of change in systems was positively correlated with improvements in physician and staff job
May 18, 2021 - Ask:
How do you go about making improvements currently?
May 17, 2021 - member add, remove, change
actions and decision points on the "current state" map to incorporate improvements
September 01, 2015 - You will also provide
training to your practices on the contents of specific improvements or engage … exemplar processes in your practices and spread them to others,
• identify resources to implement improvements … create and generate performance reports for QI
implementation of
targeted changes and
improvements … peer-to-peer and
expert training to practice on new models of care, treatments, and
other targeted improvements … who establish long-term relationships with
practices and work to help them implement the targeted improvements
March 01, 2017 - To achieve CAUTI reduction and sustain these improvements, a strategy to address both culture and
clinical … • How will the changes and improvements be measured? … Utilize Data
As part of the strategy to implement improvements, data to monitor progress toward achieving … It also garners buy-in for improvements being implemented and
gives the staff a voice to identify workable … Clinical Interventions
Improvements in clinical care of residents begin with understanding the appropriate
January 01, 2015 - HAIs, reduce antibiotic resistance
• Build capacity in the health care system to accelerate safety
June 01, 2015 - These States implemented learning collaboratives and subsequently reported quantifiable improvements … We also report on quantitative improvements realized by practices by mid-2014 based on self-reported … semi-annual progress reports and other documents provided by the States to illustrate quantifiable improvements … Learning collaboratives taught how to test improvements and measure progress
Learning collaboratives … Conclusions
The States included in this Highlight reported measurable improvements in medical home
April 01, 2016 - Will your institution be able to reinforce and reward positive teamwork behaviors and improvements in … To become accepted practice, positive teamwork behaviors and improvements in processes and outcomes need
January 20, 2006 - Phase III: Sustainment, Monitor, Coach and Integrate
The goal of Phase III is to sustain and spread improvements … This in turn will prevent the targeted problem from recurring, or lead to your targeted improvements. … in one or two sentences what you hope will be achieved, who will be involved, and when and where the improvements … assessment of the effectiveness of the intervention and for identification of opportunities for further improvements
December 01, 2016 - from 2010 to 2013 and 2014 could have been partially due to increased EHR adoption and increases and
improvements … care, which is named the Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative,6 and its
work promises to make improvements … AHRQ’s patient safety programs continue to enable and guide improvements in health care
delivery. … In addition to sustaining further improvements in the safety of hospital care, the
Agency has substantially
January 07, 2022 - improvement aims, measurement criteria, and use Plan Do Study Act cycles to evaluate the
impact of improvements