
Total Results: over 10,000 records

Showing results for "improvements".

    September 01, 2021 - Determine patient, provider, clinic, and other contextual factors associated with greater improvements … efectiveness of the heart healthy QIP overall and by subgroup; and (3) factors associated with greater improvements
    September 01, 2021 -  In almost e very Cooperative, practices with lower baseline QI capacity made larger improvements … facilitation, and more months with at least one practice facilitation visit, were associated with larger improvements
    January 01, 2024 - selected and used strategies for implementing the resources and tools from the Compendium to make planned improvements … in their practices, and 3) integrated these improvements into routine workflows.
    May 16, 2013 - What improvements would you suggest to make things better for other patients and families?
    July 01, 2021 - During the 12 months following completion of the QI collaborative (February 2019 to January 2020), these improvements
    February 01, 2023 - Status Quo Ownership Cryptic Handoffs Problematic Expectations Assumptions Questioned Quality Improvements
    October 01, 2015 - CUSP is associated with improvements in patient safety, clinical outcomes, and safety culture. 10-13 … for Sustaining and Spreading Safety Interventions ” for more information on planning for sustaining improvements
    April 01, 2015 - How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States using quality reports to drive health care improvements for … reports to draw attention to State- or practice-level performance on quality measures in order to drive improvements … Similarly, North Carolina made modest but meaningful improvements in most of the areas it focused on … It is likely that these improvements represent both an increase in the provision of needed services as … Conclusion The six States’ experience with using reports to drive improvements in the quality of care
    February 13, 2023 - in each area are and to consider what types of improvements may be needed. … in each area are and to consider what types of improvements may be needed. … Or you can just select one or several of the listed areas where you know improvements are needed and … • Narrow your focus to a doable number of improvements. … Making improvements across the four phases will ensure you are addressing the needs of all patients
    September 01, 2020 - The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. 3. … The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. 3. … The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. 3.
    January 01, 2022 - The report identifies improvements in HIV and colon cancer care, nursing home care and medication prescribing … While Black, Hispanic and American Indian and Alaska Native communities have experienced substantial improvements … Even when rates of improvement in quality exceeded those experienced by White Americans, the improvements
    June 01, 2010 - other accreditation activities, to identify and report to CMS its focus areas for making HCBS waiver improvements … other accreditation activities, to identify and report to CMS its focus areas for making HCBS waiver improvements … other accreditation activities, to identify and report to CMS its focus areas for making HCBS waiver improvements … other accreditation activities, to identify and report to CMS its focus areas for making HCBS waiver improvements … other accreditation activities, to identify and report to CMS its focus areas for making HCBS waiver improvements
    March 01, 2022 - includes representatives of staff in operational areas that will play a role in implementing the desired improvements … thousands of changes possible those that are most likely to be “high yield” and lead to the greatest improvements … existing workflows and assist the QI team and practice to redesign various workflows to support desired improvements … the next set of goals that they may want to work on, which should include continued monitoring of the improvements
    November 01, 2018 - It states your goal for improvements in your staff's team performance. … The clinical outcome aim is your goal for improvements in clinical results due to improved team performance … Effectiveness can be monitored over time for continuous improvements.   Feasible Costs. … intervention, for sustainment of positive changes, and for identification of opportunities for further improvements
    June 01, 2018 - Brief Online Survey Will Guide Improvements to AHRQ Quality Indicators . … Brief Online Survey Will Guide Improvements to AHRQ Quality Indicators A new online survey from AHRQ … Feedback will support improvements to AHRQ QIs , the AHRQ QI Toolkit, AHRQ QI resources and QI software
    October 15, 2007 - The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. 3. The pharmacy is doing this well. … The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. 3. The pharmacy is doing this well. … The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. 3. The pharmacy is doing this well.
    December 01, 2017 - barriers and complications to aid project implementation Anticipate problems to help teams sustain improvements … potential barriers to and complications of project implementation can help teams prepare to sustain improvements … scenario might look like. 7 Premortem Exercise Step 2 Generate the reasons for this failure to sustain improvements
    October 01, 2014 - Patient safety improvements, measurable improvements in health outcomes, and patient satisfaction determine
    June 01, 2014 - This has made the biggest difference in our improvements." … She adds, "We have made tremendous improvements in our performance and our ranking.
    October 01, 2014 - The project goal is to facilitate and guide improvements in this process. … Their report will include questions to address and suggestions for process improvements in a future,

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