
Total Results: over 10,000 records

Showing results for "improvements".

    September 01, 2017 - This software release includes several improvements that address the following needs: Expansion to … This software release includes several improvements that address user-identified needs: Report on additional … Improvements to the user interface and to data mapping processes during data importation. … This software release includes several improvements that address user-identified needs: Improved user … This software release includes several small improvements that address user-identified needs: Displays
    January 01, 2017 - the duration of mechanical ventilation, length of stay (LOS), and mortality To achieve significant improvements … Cost efficiency Real cost reduction Revenue enhancement Balance sheet improvements Intangible improvements … a Business Case ‹#› AHRQ Safety Program for Mechanically Ventilated Patients 17 Balance Sheet Improvements … Build a Business Case ‹#› AHRQ Safety Program for Mechanically Ventilated Patients 18 Intangible Improvements … How can we realize these savings and patient improvements?
    January 01, 2011 - pivotal role in helping managers clarify and change and raise expectations when there are quality improvements … and so that they will help their teams speak the truth about quality and work together on achieving improvements … So HR needs to initiate performance-based recognition and ideally pay and/or incentives for improvements … And employee engagement is a prerequisite to teams sharing responsibility for making process improvements … with department teams in departmental QI initiatives to identify ways HR can help with hardwiring improvements
    February 01, 2025 - services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements
    March 01, 2024 - In almost every Cooperative, practices with lower baseline QI capacity made larger improvements than … facilitation, and more months with at least one practice facilitation visit, were associated with larger improvements
    June 01, 2023 - compliance with process measures (elements of your ISCR pathway), you can evaluate whether there are improvements … Discuss any issues with implementation and modify approach, as needed (see examples in month 4) Update on improvements … Discuss any issues with implementation and modify approach, as needed (see examples in month 4) Update on improvements … Discuss any issues with implementation and modify approach, as needed (see examples in month 4) Update on improvements … Revisit activities/tips listed in months 10–12 to sustain your improvements and consider more opportunities
    January 29, 2008 - Organizational Behavior Management in Health Care: Applications for Large-Scale Improvements in Patient … Safety Organizational Behavior Management in Health Care: Applications for Large-Scale Improvements … While small, these improvements are encouraging in terms of current proactive efforts to address patient … to help reduce errors.9 Early evaluations suggest that implementation of CPOE leads to significant improvements
    October 01, 2021 - The report shows that physical activity was associated with improvements in walking ability, general
    October 01, 2014 - The data is being used in Iowa as an important tool in measuring improvements in the state. … IHC initiatives have focused provider-directed efforts toward improvements in communication, data-sharing
    June 01, 2018 - exists across the National Quality Strategy (NQS) priorities: Effective Treatment measures indicate improvementsImprovements in access were led by sustained reductions in the number of Americans without health insurance
    January 01, 2018 - care, which is named the Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative, 6 and its work promises to make improvements … AHRQ's patient safety programs continue to enable and guide improvements in health care delivery. … In addition to sustaining further improvements in the safety of hospital care, the Agency has substantially … from 2010 to 2013 and 2014 could have been partially due to increased EHR adoption and increases and improvements
    September 01, 2020 - The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. … The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements. 2 3. … 1.00-1.99 Pharmacy does not appear to be doing this item. 2.00-2.99 Pharmacy could make some improvements … Provide recommendations for specific improvements based on areas of weakness identified by the Pharmacy
    January 01, 2022 - The project aims to improve appropriateness of PICC use; evaluate whether these improvements are associated … If the results of this project show clear improvements, MAGIC potentially could change how clinicians
    March 01, 2023 - He said, “My goal was to make usability improvements within the EHR that could enhance providers’ ability … project, which ended in 2022, concluded that neurofeedback is a promising tool to sustain performance improvements
    October 05, 2023 - agenda and speaker bios 2 Today’s Agenda • Welcome from AHRQ • Overview of AHRQ’s CAHPS Program • Improvements
    September 01, 2023 - patients are engaged as partners in their care rather than passive participants, it can lead to measurable improvements … caregivers, and health professionals work together as members of a cohesive healthcare team that can promote improvements
    October 01, 2014 - Institution: Johns Hopkins University Grant Title: Improvements in Health Outcomes from Health Insurance
    April 01, 2021 - assessment of performance in the actual work environment, and helps facilities collect data to support improvements
    March 01, 2023 - Despite improvements among all races, the percentage of White home healthcare patients who reported that
    February 07, 2025 - Centers Program Generating evidence reports on a wide spectrum of topics to inform clinician practice improvements … services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements

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