
Total Results: 165 records

Showing results for "improvements".

  1. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - AHRQ Slide Template Overview of the Pediatric Indicator Module Presenters: Kathryn McDonald and Sheryl Davies, Stanford University AHRQ QI User Meeting September 26-27, 2005 Acknowledgements Pediatric Module Development: Kathryn McDonald, Stanford University Patrick Romano, UC-Davis Sheryl Davies, Stanford…
    January 01, 2011 - DRAFT REPORT TO AHRQ REGARDING ICD-9-CM TO ICD-10-CM/PCS CONVERSION OF AHRQ QUALITY INDICATORS AHRQ Quality Indicators ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM/PCS Conversion of AHRQ Quality Indicators: Summary of Challenges with Recommendations for AHRQ Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.…
    July 27, 2017 - AHRQ Quality Indicators Updated July 27, 2017 1 Removal of v6.0 PSI Software Package from QualityIndicators.AHRQ.GOV Replacement v6.0.2 PSI Software Package - Forthcoming This announcement is for all users of the AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) that all 6.0 versions of the Patient Safety Indicator (PSI) S…
  4. Icd10 V70 Faq (pdf file)
    September 01, 2017 - AHRQ Quality Indicators™ 1 | Page V7.0 ICD-10-CM/PCS Beta Software, September 2017 AHRQ QIs Fact Sheet: FAQs on V7.0 ICD-10-CM/PCS Beta Software 1. Why is the v7.0 AHRQ QI ICD-10-CM/PCS software a “beta” release? AHRQ has named v7.0 a “beta version” as a signal to users that t…
  5. MEMORANDUM (pdf file)
    May 01, 2007 - MEMORANDUM 1 MEMORANDUM Date: May 1, 2007 To: Potential sponsors of public reports incorporating AHRQ Quality Indicators From: Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P.H., Baruch College Subject: Guidance in using the Hospital Quality Model Reports A research team from the School of Public Affairs,…
    January 01, 2000 - Cognitive Testing Protocol AHRQ QI template 1 HOSPITAL QUALITY MODEL REPORT: COMPOSITES SPONSOR HOME PAGE This page would be the normal home page of whatever group is releasing the report in a particular state or community. The group might be, for example, the State Health Department. The page wou…
    January 01, 2013 - At this time, those improvements are the following: 1.
    January 01, 2006 - Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Modeling AHRQ Quality Indicators Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Modeling Draft Report AHRQ Quality Indicators Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Modeling Approaches 1 Introduction The Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs) are a set of measures that provide a perspective on hospital …
    November 02, 2015 - Software Installing and Using the Software Troubleshooting Software Interpreting AHRQ QI Results Specific Codes and Indicators Installing and Using the Software What are the software requirements? The AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) software is designed to read hospit…
    November 02, 2015 - Software Installing and Using the Software Troubleshooting Software Interpreting AHRQ QI Results Specific Codes and Indicators Installing and Using the Software What are the software requirements? The AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) software is designed to read hospit…
  11. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - AHRQ Slide Template Day 2: Session III Considerations in Comparative and Public Reporting Presenters: Patrick Romano, UC Davis Shoshanna Sofaer, Baruch College AHRQ QI User Meeting September 26-27, 2005 Selecting AHRQ Quality Indicators for public reporting and pay-for-performance Type or conceptual framework F…
    October 05, 2016 - 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 10-05-16 AHRQ Quality Indicators TM PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) 1. What is the m…
    October 05, 2016 - 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 10-05-16 AHRQ Quality Indicators TM PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) 1. What is the m…
    January 01, 2012 - education, and support for parents, schools, and disability services regarding specific home hazards; improvements
    January 01, 2000 - Cognitive Testing Protocol AHRQ QI template 1 HOSPITAL QUALITY MODEL REPORT: HEALTH TOPICS SPONSOR HOME PAGE This page would be the normal home page of whatever group is releasing the report in a particular state or community. The group might be, for example, the State Health Department. The page wo…
  16. PSI 90 Fact Sheet (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - PSI 90 Fact Sheet 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 8-31-16 TM AHRQ Quality Indicators PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) …
  17. PSI 90 Fact Sheet (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - PSI 90 Fact Sheet 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 8-31-16 TM AHRQ Quality Indicators PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) …
  18. Psi90 Factsheet Faq (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 8-31-16 AHRQ Quality Indicators TM PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) 1. What is the mo…
  19. DFWHC (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - DFWHC Susan McBride, PhD, RN Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council Data Initiative Combining the AHRQ Indicator Sets to Assess the Health of Communities: Powerful information for planning purposes DFWHC Data Initiative DFWHC is a Trade Association for Member Hospitals The Data Initiative is under the Education …
    September 30, 2020 - criteria, which was previously derived using a related IQI Rationale for the change: Usability improvements

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