September 29, 2013 - Hospital specific compliance plans will be developed and
modified to assure improvements in each hospital's … discharge records with birth certificate records and Indian Health Service records
periodically will track improvements … compare
their race, ethnicity and tribal identifier by self-report with hospital records will track
October 01, 2010 - Hospital specific compliance plans will be developed and modified to assure improvements in each hospital's … discharge records with birth certificate records and Indian Health Service records periodically will track improvements … compare their race, ethnicity and tribal identifier by self-report with hospital records will track improvements
January 01, 2024 - How does the article
demonstrate improvements or advancements on established research
methodology … Translation of Research:
o Please describe the direct implications of the article’s findings for improvements
June 21, 2014 - as: pay for
performance, risk-adjusted
quality measurement, and
accountable care
Guide Coding improvements
October 01, 2007 - The identification of areas for potential improvements in the quality
of care in U.S. hospitals is important … Variations in
mortality rates over time can be affected by changes in populations
hospitalized, improvements … Estimated aggregate reduction in inpatient deaths through improvements in inpatient mortality rates … aggregate reduction in the number of in-hospital deaths among patients
admitted in 2004, based on improvements … Estimated aggregate number of in-hospital deaths reduced in 2004 through improvements in hospital
February 01, 2025 - healthcare organizations use these data to improve access to and use of their services, and demonstrate improvements … to achieve their unique goals, but all their activities fall into two main approaches:
Data improvements … through educating and training of hospital staff
Data improvements through data linkages and data
August 01, 2014 - such as: pay for performance, risk-adjusted quality measurement, and accountable care
Guide Coding improvements
September 01, 2014 - Enhancements included making substantial, sustainable improvements to the reporting of R/E/L data among
January 01, 2021 - o Does the article demonstrate improvements or advancements on established
research methodology?
January 01, 2025 - and behavior) within or across a population
Impact of changes in healthcare behavior or policy
October 25, 2012 - are dying much younger
than whites
• Higher rates of mortality due to MVC, drug
• Improvements
October 01, 2014 - In addition to benefiting the research community, related improvements to health data infrastructure
August 01, 2011 - improving healthcare safety and quality and generating the knowledge and tools to achieve measureable improvements
June 01, 2012 - Some
improvements in injury mortality that have been seen in the White population have not made it … It is our hope that this
conversation will continue and lead to improvements in race data accuracy … younger than
• Higher rates of mortality due to MVC, drug
overdose, suicide, homicide
• Improvements
August 01, 2014 - Some improvements in injury mortality that have been seen in the White population have not made it into … It is our hope that this conversation will continue and lead to improvements in race data accuracy upstream … dying younger than Whites
Higher rates of mortality due to MVC, drug overdose, suicide, homicide
July 01, 2016 - Information about lessons learned and tools for other state data organizations to adopt the improvements … The project is expected to make substantial, sustainable improvements to the reporting of R/E/L among
October 08, 2012 - Unintentional injury & MVC
mortality in particular remain
disproportionately high for
• Some improvements
August 01, 2014 - Unintentional injury & MVC mortality in particular remain disproportionately high for AI/ANs
Some improvements
December 11, 2020 - Health Capital, and
Health Insurance
Our results reflect earlier studies that showed improvements … We found some indication of improvements in health after age-out of eligibility for the DCE prior
to … reductions in discharge and visit rates
and in ambulatory-sensitive conditions may be attributable to improvements … visit rates, and ambulatory care
sensitive conditions after age-out, which could be attributable to improvements
December 11, 2020 - Health Capital, and
Health Insurance
Our results reflect earlier studies that showed improvements … We found some indication of improvements in health after age-out of eligibility for the DCE prior
to … reductions in discharge and visit rates
and in ambulatory-sensitive conditions may be attributable to improvements … visit rates, and ambulatory care
sensitive conditions after age-out, which could be attributable to improvements