May 26, 2016 - Potential improvements to the Horizon Scanning System
In line with the findings above, interviews of … external experts and internal staff identified several potential improvements.
August 17, 2011 - For example, some studies have reported improvements in specific health services, while other studies … Key Questions for Objective 1
Question 1
Does public reporting result in improvements in the quality … Improvements in quality of health care (includes improvements in health care–delivery structure or processes … Improvements in care and patient outcomes may be combined in some studies and reviews under the heading … The actual improvements in care delivery and patient outcomes are the goals of quality improvement and
August 01, 2020 - 3
improve quality of life for PLWD6-9 and health system-level markers, including
improvements … expedite the translational pipeline of
idea development to implementation, as they aim to do, critical improvements … Only with such improvements will we be able to draw clearer,
less ambiguous conclusions related to efficacy
October 01, 2021 - Implications and Conclusions
Our review suggested that IPMPs and CPMPs may provide small to moderate
improvements … in function and small improvements in pain for patients with chronic pain
compared with usual care … The
average improvements in function and pain in our review were consistent with those
reported for
November 17, 2014 - Outcome measures of interest would include improvements in socialoccupational functioning improvements
January 01, 2009 - If there is evidence of improved outcomes, can the improvements be linked to the
patient's use of the … monitors, or are the improvements more directly related to the
additional support provided to the patient
September 23, 2016 - Both pharmacological and
nonpharmacological treatments for schizophrenia can result in meaningful improvements … Ideally, improvements in
symptoms translate to long-term clinically relevant positive changes in other … • Outcomes for each question:
o Key Questions 1 and 2:
Benefits Outcomes:
§ Functional
• Improvements … Improvements in core illness symptoms scale score changes
8. … Improvements in core illness symptoms scale score changes
March 31, 2021 - including:
Real-world safety, efficacy, and medical appropriateness of NASHA/Dx FI
Significant improvements
November 01, 2022 - research
institutions, synthesize scientific evidence and produce comprehensive reports to—
◆ Inform improvements
March 07, 2013 - (For example, improvements in patient symptoms or problems from treatment or diagnosis.) … -Improvement in patient symptoms and family functioning, including potential improvements in somatic
October 01, 2012 - Newer
studies continue to
report improvements
children in motor, eye-
hand coordination, and … Another large RCT
(Strain, 2011) found that
children in LEAP classrooms
showed improvements in
problem … computer game
reported in improvements in
face recognition. … One good-
quality RCT suggested
benefit from the use of
ESDM in young
children, with
improvements … One good-quality RCT suggested benefit
from the use of ESDM in young children,
with improvements in
March 28, 2013 - 2011 to find randomized studies published in English that examined drugs for urgency UI on continence, improvements
March 15, 2021 - demonstrates:
Real-world safety, efficacy, and medical appropriateness of NASHA/Dx FI
Significant improvements
April 01, 2020 - Spinal manipulation
was associated with small improvements
compared with sham manipulation, usual … Massage was associated with small
improvements in short-term function (6
trials [2 new]) and pain ( … Acupuncture was associated with
small improvements in short-term (5 trials)
and long-term (1 trial) … One trial found
pulsed electromagnetic fields were
associated with small improvements in
function … in function and moderate
improvements in pain compared with usual
care over the short term in one
August 01, 2012 - Anthropometrics:
26 observational
studies showed
mixed results
improvements in … Anthropometric Measures:
In controlled trials suitable for pooling,
significant improvements in height … In controlled trials, significant improvements
in weight were observed for patients with CF
receiving … Qualitative improvements in several
measures of exercise tolerance were seen
after rhGH therapy in … Do Not Know
Overall Conclusions:
Improvements in bone mineral content vs.
November 01, 2016 - lifestyle and DSME-plus-support programs
offering ≥11 contact hours led to clinically important
improvements … DSME-plus-support programs offering
≥11 hours of contact with delivery personnel led to
clinically important improvements
May 01, 2020 - treatment of problematic alcohol
use among college student with behavioral interventions resulted in small improvements … In students mandated to treatment,
there were small improvements in heavy drinking frequency and alcohol-related
March 15, 2021 - demonstrates:
Real-world safety, efficacy, and medical appropriateness of NASHA/Dx FI
Significant improvements
April 10, 2013 - Principally, this process will result in improvements in EPC practice.
January 01, 2011 - question the comparative effectiveness of different imaging modalities
alone or in combination for improvements