
Total Results: 2,622 records

Showing results for "improvements".

    May 04, 2015 - Four RCTs reported improvements in breastfeeding efficacy using either maternally reported or observer … Three studies with significant limitations reported improvements in other feeding outcomes with frenotomy … Three poor-quality comparative studies noted some improvements in social concerns and gains in tongue … Conclusions A small body of evidence suggests that frenotomy may be associated with improvements in … Comparative studies reported improvements in some measures of speech, but assessment of outcomes was
  2. TND-0775-150722 (pdf file)
    May 12, 2015 - ., different dosage of the same antipsychotic) Outcome(s): Social, occupational and functioning improvements … ; improvements Topic Number(s): 0622 Document Completion Date: 05-12-15 1 … ability to live independently; harms of treatments (e.g., diabetes mellitus, extrapyramidal symptoms); improvements … dosage of the same non- pharmacological treatment) Outcome(s): Social, occupational and functioning improvements … ; improvements in health-related quality of life; reductions in hospitalizations; reductions in self-harm
    July 27, 2011 - (For example, improvements in patient symptoms or problems from treatment or diagnosis.) … Improvements in primary outcomes such as growth, quality of life, functional improvements, participation … Improvements in other outcomes such as nutritional status, decreased time spent in feeding-related activities … Improvements in delivering nutrition to patients with impaired oral feeding have increased the options
    March 17, 2008 - Desired Health Improvements: If you question focuses on: … Identification of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in identification or diagnosis … Treatment of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in patient symptoms or problems would
    March 21, 2008 - Desired Health Improvements: If you question focuses on: … Identification of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in identification or diagnosis … Treatment of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in patient symptoms or problems would
    November 23, 2008 - Desired Health Improvements: If you question focuses on: … Identification of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in identification or diagnosis … Treatment of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in patient symptoms or problems would
    March 11, 2008 - Desired Health Improvements: If you question focuses on: … Identification of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in identification or diagnosis … Treatment of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in patient symptoms or problems would
    June 19, 2008 - Desired Health Improvements: If you question focuses on: … Identification of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in identification or diagnosis … Treatment of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in patient symptoms or problems would
    June 01, 2011 - (For example, improvements in patient symptoms or problems from treatment or diagnosis.) … Improvements in preoperative tumor staging and prediction of tumor-free resection margin (local extension … the United States in 2010.* Over the last two decades multimodality treatment has led to important improvements
    January 01, 2017 - Ideally, improvements in symptoms translate to long-term, clinically relevant, positive changes in … Benefits Outcomes for Key Questions 1 and 2 • Functional – Improvements in social and occupational … Women had greater improvements than men in core illness symptoms with clozapine and in quality of life … Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) resulted in improvements in global function and quality of life ( … SGA comparisons Core Illness Symptoms: Improvements in Negative Scale Scores • Olanzapine was more
    The learning health systems panel will generate ideas, provide feedback, make improvements, and implement
    August 01, 2014 - Improvements were most often seen in cognitive abilities and language acquisition, with less robust … Children’s symptom severity often decreased during treatment, but these improvements often did not … exceeded improvements related to the impact of ameliorated anxiety itself. … Limitations of the Evidence Base Despite improvements, the existing literature still has significant … across settings and continued improvements in methodologic rigor.
    April 01, 2020 - The antidepressant duloxetine resulted in small improvements in pain, function, and quality of life … In patients with fibromyalgia, RCTs (n=24) show small short-term and intermediate-term improvements … Anticonvulsants pregabalin and gabapentin show short-term improvements in pain and function but not … Acetaminophen did not show improvements in pain or function, across all doses (SOE: Low). … In patients with inflammatory arthritis (k=30 RCTs), NSAIDs resulted in small improvements in pain
    March 27, 2012 - Improvements were associated with reporting of using quality-item checklists to guide assessment of methodological … Over time there have been substantial improvements in the literature review, quality assessment and statistical
    September 10, 2012 - Objectives To examine evidence for whether breathing exercises and retraining techniques lead to improvements … interventions (particularly those with 5 hours or more of patient contact) achieved medium to large improvements
    August 01, 2012 - There is also evidence to suggest that improvements in symptoms and improvements in problem behaviors … One longer term case series reported improvements in general symptom severity and compulsive behavior … • Some improvements in emotion recognition in treated participants; no differences in measures of … • Improvements in aggression, irritability/agitation, repetitive behavior, sensory motor behaviors … A crossover study of the opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone found no significant improvements in
    October 01, 2011 - (For example, improvements in patient symptoms or problems from treatment or diagnosis.) … Improvements in patient depressive symptoms Improvements in parenting skills Improvements in quality
    June 01, 2012 - one or more components of PCC effective in improving health care process outcomes, and how do these improvements … telemedicine to tools for patient self-management, has resulted in positive, and often significant, improvements … or more components of PCC effective in improving clinical outcomes for patients, and how do these improvements … providers; patient-clinician communication; and access to medical information; and how do these improvements … While real improvements in all outcomes are the ultimate goal, standardization of core outcomes pertinent
    October 01, 2021 - • Comparable THC to CBD ratio oral spray is probably associated with small improvements in pain severity … In the short term (4 weeks to <6 months), small magnitude improvements in pain severity and overall … In the short term, moderate improvements in pain severity and no effect on overall function were found … In the short-term, moderate improvements in pain severity were found with whole-plant extracted, high-THC … In order to better understand the small to moderate improvements in pain, and the complete adverse event
    October 01, 2021 - • Comparable THC to CBD ratio oral spray is probably associated with small improvements in pain severity … In the short term (4 weeks to <6 months), small magnitude improvements in pain severity and overall … In the short term, moderate improvements in pain severity and no effect on overall function were found … In the short-term, moderate improvements in pain severity were found with whole-plant extracted, high-THC … In order to better understand the small to moderate improvements in pain, and the complete adverse event

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