January 01, 2009 - to which a multistate
health IT collaborative network can contribute to measurable and sustainable improvements … Telemedicine also appears to be associated with significant improvements in access to care
for rural … The health care
visit improvements observed for rural patients also suggest that telemedicine facilitates
June 05, 2006 - poverty level: 70% below FPL
– Low health literacy—impaired self care management
Healthcare Quality Improvements … Recipients through HIT
• With the appropriate use of interoperable HIT and the data
collected, quality improvements … Purchaser
Medicaid Recipients are Sicker and Poorer than the General Population
Healthcare Quality Improvements
January 01, 2012 - Findings: Use of an outpatient and an integrated outpatient and inpatient EHR was associated with improvements … Use of the outpatient EHR was associated with improvements in glycemic and lipid control for patients
January 01, 2023 - from the hospital, improves patients’ medication adherence post-hospitalization, leading to health improvements … Despite the barriers, the smart pillbox intervention showed better medication adherence and health improvements
January 01, 2023 - The project work identified indicators that track measurable improvements in patient safety, quality
January 01, 2023 - text messages for changing medication adherence in adults with uncontrolled diabetes and found that improvements
January 01, 2014 - We hypothesized that BPMED participants would demonstrate
improvements over usual care for measures … Results: Both usual care and intervention groups showed slight improvements in medication
adherence … Hypothesis #2, stating that improvements in medication adherence self-efficacy would be
greater among … While both intervention and
control groups saw slight improvements in medication adherence and blood … pressure, these
improvements were not significantly different between groups.
January 01, 2023 - developed a telephonic comprehensive nurse line service and triage function; and investiged and implemented improvements
January 01, 1995 - including patient exit surveys, physician interviews, and practice audits was used to evaluate and design improvements … In an 18-month period, "improvements occurred in all counseling services, for screening services such
January 01, 2009 - system implementations, 25 reported success at changing health care provider behaviour, and 5 noted improvements … system implementations, 25 reported success at changing health care provider behaviour, and 5 noted improvements
January 01, 2010 - Impact and Findings: Improvements in template presence, template use, and QI performance were found for … Median improvements ranged from six to 10 percent in screenings, eight to 17 percent in immunizations … focused on a limited set of SOs throughout the project and may
need more time to demonstrate substantial improvements
January 01, 2009 - After intervention, there were
substantial, statistically significant improvements in several selected … varied by region
within the State of Washington (east versus west), but both regions saw substantial improvements … Both regions
experienced significant improvements in the rate at which they met several individual AMI
November 19, 2021 - Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: Use of the HIT system resulted in statistically significant improvements
September 06, 2021 - Innovative Research (SBIR) program helped small businesses develop innovative technology that will lead to improvements
January 01, 2023 - developed a telephonic comprehensive nurse line service and triage function; and investiged and implemented improvements
January 01, 2023 - text messages for changing medication adherence in adults with uncontrolled diabetes and found that improvements
September 29, 2024 - enhance care coordination for families of children and youth with special healthcare needs and to inform improvements … needs between CYSHCN and adults with multiple chronic conditions, the study’s findings will inform improvements
January 01, 1998 - be of quality too poor to draw conclusions, but one high quality randomized trial demonstrated that improvements
January 01, 2012 - Findings: Use of an outpatient and an integrated outpatient and inpatient EHR was associated
outpatient EHR was associated with improvements
October 11, 2023 - patients and their families to make well-informed decisions about their care and can lead to measurable improvements