August 09, 2013 - Many of these projects
demonstrated improvements in outcomes, such as
preventive and chronic disease … management process
measures and patient self-management, although
often these improvements were concentrated … Evaluating improvements in the design of clinician
interfaces for e-prescribing and medication man- … The
researchers found that participating patients exhib-
ited improvements in key processes tied to … Health Outcomes
Several projects from the PCC and IQHIT initiatives
demonstrated improvements in health
August 09, 2013 - Many of these projects
demonstrated improvements in outcomes, such as
preventive and chronic disease … management process
measures and patient self-management, although
often these improvements were concentrated … Evaluating improvements in the design of clinician
interfaces for e-prescribing and medication man- … The
researchers found that participating patients exhib-
ited improvements in key processes tied to … Health Outcomes
Several projects from the PCC and IQHIT initiatives
demonstrated improvements in health
July 20, 2011 - Workflow: 1 of 1 study +
KQ1 Effectiveness
Clinical Endpoints
76 studies—all methods
• 54% show improvements … 23 RCTs with primary clinical outcomes
• 43% show improvements
26 RCTs with secondary clinical outcomes … • 12% show improvements
KQ1 Effectiveness
Clinical Endpoints
76 studies—all methods
• Length … • Financial
– Cost reduction
– Revenue enhancement
– Productivity gain
• Clinical
– Care process improvements … – Improved patient outcomes
• Organizational
– Stakeholder satisfaction improvements
– Risk mitigation
May 14, 2013 - health records (EHRs)
– Provides up to $60K per doctor
– Meaningful Use criteria defined to target
improvements … quality within the
Limited survey response rate
Self-reported data
Improvements … measures of
care coordination associated with EHR-use
varied by level of team cohesion
Significant improvements … for clinicians
working in teams with higher cohesion
No improvements for clinicians working in … Teams with a strong working relationships
more successfully leveraged the EHR to
achieve greater improvements
January 01, 2012 - The tool led to
small improvements in documentation of medications as compared to usual care practices … The project identified several recommended improvements
to increase the usability of the tool and improve
January 01, 2007 - develop policies, principles and solutions-
-for which there is multi-stakeholder consensus--to drive improvements … Foundation are independent, non-profit affiliated organizations
whose missions are the same: to drive improvements
January 01, 2000 - Efficiency is dependent on patient volume, and workflow improvements are due to a shift from batch to
January 01, 2010 - the full range
of features promoted under financial incentive programs established by the Medicare Improvements
February 04, 2011 - system
into daily activities, nursing home staffs report that they have
been able to maintain these improvements
January 01, 2010 - Recruitment strategy improvements, including outbound reminder calls (initiated in late 2009) and increases
January 01, 2011 - Achieved)
Determine how the frequency and type of use of Web-based health resources are associated with improvements
January 01, 2012 - Achieved)
Determine how the frequency and type of use of Web-based health resources are associated with improvements
January 01, 2009 - result, most practices were able to gather and analyze data and spend time brainstorming ways to make improvements
January 01, 2011 - Impact and Findings: Improvements to health care in the home hold the promise of providing healthy living
January 01, 1998 - "The systems that provided patient-specific information about laboratory test results found improvements
January 01, 2008 - Conclusions: Implementing a generalizable CRS in diverse primary care practices yielded significant improvements
January 01, 2011 - identifying EHR characteristics associated with better adoption and clinical outcomes will help to inform improvements
January 01, 2012 - will lay the foundation for a line of comparative effectiveness research that can drive meaningful improvements
January 01, 2014 - Aim 3: Examine quantitatively improvements in health outcomes, staff perceptions of patient safety, … medical errors and increases in patient
safety necessary to affect any meaningful progress towards improvements … Federal initiatives including Meaningful Use have been developed to spur design
improvements, standardization … the information in order to achieve
coordinated care, rather than on productivity and efficiency improvements … Improvements in quality could also result in the substitution of physician time
across tasks if, for
January 01, 2017 - However, EHR end-users are limited in their ability to make modifications to the AVS, so any improvements … Most patients greatly valued the medication list but wanted improvements. … Formatting Improvements. … Yet, they
emphasized the need for improvements and identified specific features they would like altered … The findings from this study will allow for incremental improvements in AVS content and formatting, but