January 01, 2017 - Compared to the control group, physicians who completed the EHR-PACE program
reported significant improvements … Similarly, PCPs who completed the EHR-PACE program also showed significant improvements
at 3-month follow-up … However, these improvements were not sustained at 6-month follow-up. … However, these
improvements were not sustained at 6-month follow-up. … We found that PCPs who completed the EHR-PACE program showed significant improvements
in their confidence
January 01, 2020 - exchange of ideas among stakeholders for prioritizing research agendas and best practices that may lead to improvements … following research highlights AHRQ-funded work on the use of digital healthcare solutions to support improvements
January 01, 2007 - in pediatric primary care, school health, specialty care, and emergency medicine., to
demonstrate improvements … Improved management of a prevalent
chronic disease can serve as a focus for community-wide improvements … To demonstrate improvements in quality of care for children with asthma.
3. … To Demonstrate Improvements in Quality of Care for Children with Asthma. … To Demonstrate Improvements in Quality of Care for Children with Asthma.
January 01, 2024 - With less overcrowding, it would be expected that there would be resultant improvements in patient safety
August 29, 2013 - Difference between T1 and T3 16.4** 8.8* 11.3* 16.9**
*: p<0.05; **: p<0.001
Do EHRs alone lead to
improvements … 2010 Dashboard March 2012 Dashboard
Dashboards Easily Highlight Areas for
Improvement, Leading to Improvements … Overall Progress in PCIP: 2-Year Trend
Do EHRs alone lead to improvements in quality of care? … Dashboards to Improve Their Quality of Care
Dashboards Easily Highlight Areas for Improvement, Leading to Improvements
November 08, 2010 - and ask questions
Talk to physicians
Talk to administrators
Ask how they use it, like it
What improvements
January 01, 2008 - and across network organizations. ( Ongoing * )
Produce significant, measurable, and sustainable improvements
January 01, 2010 - the full range of features promoted under financial incentive programs established by the Medicare Improvements
January 01, 2004 - change intervention on a national scale, but has also revealed unexpected benefits, including general improvements
January 01, 2023 - from multiple, unconnected sites as well as how telemedicine contributes to measurable and sustainable improvements
January 01, 2023 - important to have real-time electronic decision support, shown to have had significant clinical outcome improvements
January 01, 2023 - Improving their collection can lead to improvements in risk-predication models, identification of those
January 01, 2023 - for those clinical areas that have relatively low rates of clinical adherence and recognizing that improvements
January 01, 2023 - main objectives of the project were to:
Establish what is known about the impact of health IT on improvements
January 01, 2023 - Use of paper and computer protocols resulted in significant improvements in the doctors' delivery of
January 01, 2023 - have found a high degree of patient interest in PHRs, actual adoption rates are low and, once adopted, improvements
January 01, 2023 - including usability of AI and digital tools, clinical decision support and safety, health systems-level improvements
January 01, 2022 - During Year 6, the team continued with improvements to CDS Connect to increase trust in the
CDS ecosystem … CDS Connect Maintenance and Update | Final Report
4.4.2 General System Improvements … The team made general system
improvements to the Repository during
Year 6. … This workshop was based on a similar workshop from the previous year, but introduced
improvements based … 4.4.1 Secure Enclave Updates
4.4.2 General System Improvements
4.5 Additional Updates
January 01, 2012 - The tool led to small improvements in documentation of medications as compared to usual care practices … The project identified several recommended improvements to increase the usability of the tool and improve
January 01, 2009 - (Ongoing*)
Produce significant, measurable, and sustainable improvements in patient safety and quality