
Total Results: 6,235 records

Showing results for "improvements".

    January 01, 2023 - Track 5: Achieving and Sustaining Improvements Featured Sessions  |  Track … West A Track 5-V Unintended Consequences: Recognition and Management Though health IT can provide improvements
    January 01, 2023 - Patient and clinician perspectives on the outpatient after-visit summary: a qualitative study to inform improvements … Patient and clinician perspectives on the outpatient after-visit summary: a qualitative study to inform improvements
    January 01, 2023 - there is no system-wide implementation date for any given service, making it difficult to tie outcome improvements … In addition, some improvements not seen may have been achieved prior to the study. … For instance, outcomes and preventive service delivery were found to have had significant improvements … However, many important outcomes, such as reduced mortality compared to peer population did not show improvements … , perhaps because the improvements occurred when the changes were made 10 years earlier.
    July 29, 2015 - A National Web Conference on Using Health IT to Support Improvements in Clinical Workflow
    January 01, 2020 - Shared Decision Making Patient engagement in healthcare leads to improvements … contracts to help patients, families, and health professionals work together as partners in promoting care improvements … an adaptive, multiuser health kiosk located in convenient community locations, to see if there are improvements … Digital tools supporting patient engagement lead to measurable improvements in safety, quality, and satisfaction
    January 01, 2023 - The study found that facilities experienced improvements in terms of both time and efficiencies. … Improvements in the standards may help these issues and lead to improvements in adoption.
    January 01, 2019 - measures to assess patients’ experiences of illness and wellness has been increasing, and may lead to improvements … One factor is that some data metrics represent improvements in patient symptoms when their value increases … (e.g., physical function), whereas other metrics indicate improvements by decreasing values (e.g., pain
    January 01, 2009 - Authors’ conclusions: Point of care computer reminders generally achieve small to modest improvements … Further research must identify design features and contextual factors consistently associated with larger improvements … Workflow-Related Findings "...the median improvements in process adherence associated with computer … reminders were: 4.2 % (IQR: 0.8% to 18.8%) across all process outcomes, 3.3% (IQR: 0.5% to 10.6%) for improvements … in prescribing behaviours, 3.8% (IQR: 0.5% to 6.6%) for improvements in vaccination, and 3.8%(IQR: 0.4%
    January 01, 2008 - Improvements were found in all three clinical domains, including preventive services, acute illness care … Further improvements in quality and safety are possible through increased physician use of CDS, but this … will require physician willingness to change their workflow, as well as improvements to EHR software … IPSQWHIT: Measuring the Quality Improvements Associated with Decision Support in Pediatrics.
    May 02, 2014 - Participating  practices  reported  6  to  10  percent  improvements  entive  care  screenings,  8  … to  17  percent  improvements  in  adult izations,  and  up  to  18  percent  improvements  in  diabetes … use of the HM features rather than actual delivery of more services may have biased assessments of improvements … in one actual clinical procedure (obtaining a lipid panel) may exaggerate improvements in the summary … Two of the eight practices experienced more difficulty in demonstrating improvements.
    January 01, 2005 - Advances in information technology and recent national directives have the potential to support dramatic improvements … Critical disease-management data for decision support are available continuously, resulting in improvements
    April 03, 2008 - A: Under the Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 and amendments, (1) laboratories … Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments (CLIA). 42 USC 263a. USA; 1988. 2. Dimitropoulos, LL.
    January 01, 2023 - Patient and clinician perspectives on the outpatient after-visit summary: a qualitative study to inform improvements … Patient and clinician perspectives on the outpatient after-visit summary: a qualitative study to inform improvements
    January 01, 1995 - The improvements in guideline compliance were seen in all areas of diabetes preventive care studied, … and significant improvements were seen with recommended items from the medical history, physical exam
    January 01, 2023 - Patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures may lead to improvements in clinical management, health outcomes … measures to assess patients’ experiences of illness and wellness has been increasing, and may lead to improvements … One factor is that some data metrics represent improvements in patient symptoms when their value increases … (e.g., physical function), whereas other metrics indicate improvements by decreasing values (e.g., pain
    January 01, 2009 - Improvements were found in all three clinical domains, including preventive services, acute illness … Further improvements in quality and safety are possible through increased physician use of CDS, but … this will require physician willingness to change their workflow, as well as improvements to EHR software … IPSQWHIT: Measuring the Quality Improvements Associated with Decision Support in Pediatrics.
    January 01, 2023 - Specific Aim 3: We measured the matching accuracy improvements resulting from using combinations of … We evaluated best-practice matching data recommendations and novel algorithm improvements in the context … Specific Aim 3: Measure the matching accuracy improvements resulting from using combinations of three … Each of the 105 matching enhancement combinations that exhibited significant accuracy improvements in … Specific Aim 3: Measure the matching accuracy improvements resulting from using combinations of three
    participation in a diabetes telehealth eye care program with standard, face-to-face eye care as well as improvements … incorporate evaluation, education, and care planning are related to use of recommended eye care and improvements
    January 01, 2010 - The goals are to: establish what is known about the impact of health IT on improvements in mental health … Project Objective: Establish what is known about the impact of health IT on improvements in mental
    January 31, 2025 - help health systems identify gaps, inconsistencies, and inefficiencies in discharge planning to inform improvements … Health systems need actionable data to assess where discharge planning breaks down to identify possible improvements

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