
Total Results: 7,687 records

Showing results for "improvements".

  1. TO (doc file)
    May 25, 2016 - This tool is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the D tools for implementing performance improvements
  2. TO (doc file)
    May 25, 2016 - the gap analysis as possible strengths or weaknesses (i.e., barriers) to be managed when implementing improvements
    July 01, 2018 - HAIs, reduce antibiotic resistance • Build capacity in the health care system to accelerate safety improvements
    March 29, 2008 - Opportunities abound for informatics-based improvements in perioperative care. … Opportunities for informatics-based perioperative improvements • Perioperative documentation templates … cases, the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) holds significant promise to bring dramatic improvements … have been undertaken to support patient data sharing, improve health care IT standards, and foster improvements … Through the design and implementation of such systems, the perioperative process can help maximize improvements
    October 13, 2021 - recommendations are more likely to be adopted ➢ Further changes & resources may be needed to sustain improvements … advocates find it hard to make a case for system support of research, sustainment of demonstrated improvements … pressing system challenges, such as opioid use, areas of widespread innovation (e.g. virtual care), or improvements
    November 15, 2019 - Improvements to interoperability of data; 5.
    July 01, 2018 - These measures may be useful in guiding improvements if the patient/family perspective accountability … It also has been shown to be sensitive to system improvements made during quality improvement initiatives … improvement initiatives that were associated with increases in ACIC scores were also associated with improvements … It has been shown to be sensitive to system improvements made during quality improvement initiatives.
    January 01, 2018 - care, which is named the Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative, 6 and its work promises to make improvements … AHRQ’s patient safety programs continue to enable and guide improvements in health care delivery. … In addition to sustaining further improvements in the safety of hospital care, the Agency has substantially … from 2010 to 2013 and 2014 could have been partially due to increased EHR adoption and increases and improvements
    September 01, 2015 - and specifically, how to carry out repetitive and systematic processes for testing and implementing improvements … But without discipline and the ability to assess the real effects of the improvements, these enthusiastic … will be to help practices develop the discipline of using a systematic process to develop and test improvements … This can be difficult in a practice that is enthusiastic about making improvements.
    October 25, 2018 - grantees across State agencies, usually located within State health departments to support innovative improvements
    September 05, 2017 - • Establish context: position specific improvements in larger context of promoting organizational … 2) To what extent was the toolkit useful for guiding lab testing process improvements? … As the practice manager in the small GIM practice said, “Making improvements in that bubble is sort … , and begin to plan to implement improvements. … Small General Internal Medicine Practice Improvements The GIM practice used the Patient Experience
    March 01, 2021 - Many practices have shown significant improvements, regardless of which measures the practices chose … work with the practice facilitators to put together data in imaginative ways and demonstrate marked improvements
    January 01, 2013 - are considering both Minimal lag time allows for relatively recent data, sufficient to implement improvements
  14. Preface (pdf file)
    February 01, 2005 - Although we have made improvements in the safety of the health care system since that time, there is
  15. Preface (pdf file)
    February 01, 2005 - Although we have made improvements in the safety of the health care system since that time, there is
  16. Preface (pdf file)
    February 01, 2005 - Although we have made improvements in the safety of the health care system since that time, there is
  17. Preface (pdf file)
    February 01, 2005 - Although we have made improvements in the safety of the health care system since that time, there is
    March 01, 2017 - To achieve CAUTI reduction and sustain these improvements, a strategy to address both culture and clinical … the effectiveness of a CAUTI reduction strategy, and finally, strategies for sustaining and spreading improvements … How will the changes and improvements be measured? … Return to Contents Utilize Data As part of the strategy to implement improvements, data to monitor … It also garners buy-in for improvements being implemented and gives the staff a voice to identify workable
    December 01, 2017 - • After identifying a problem, you can use the Planning for Improvements tools to design a change … Design a change to reduce error in your office system by using a Planning for Improvements tool. … Using the Tool • Meet with critical staff relevant to the laboratory testingPLANNING FOR IMPROVEMENTS … PLANNING FOR IMPROVEMENTS ACTION PLANNING Purpose The Action Planning tool will help you and your … u If impractical: Revise the Action Planning Improvements Tool.
    May 17, 2017 - Start your implementation of improvements with small-scale demonstrations, which are easier to manage … Seek a feasible number of measures that address the most important aspects of the improvements you are … A Framework for Spread: From Local Improvements to System-Wide Change. … If not, you can learn about and adapt one of the models described below to pursue improvements:  … Many of the improvements perceived by the staff are interrelated.

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