June 01, 2018 - exists across the National Quality Strategy (NQS) priorities:
Effective Treatment measures indicate improvements … Improvements in access were led by sustained reductions in the number of Americans without health insurance
January 01, 2003 - that faced by manufacturing
industries in the 1980s when competitive pressures demanded significant
improvements … But as the hoped-for improvements in product quality continued to remain
elusive, these firms were compelled … conclude with implications for health care organizations seeking to achieve
durable, organization-wide improvements … and Process
W ork
Advances in Patient Safety: Vol. 2
Systemwide improvements … What these organizations hope for are enduring,
organization-wide improvements; but what they most often
January 01, 2020 - The PQCs used hospital-based QI
projects to facilitate improvements
in the delivery of care
One of … According to the ILPQC, as of January
2015, participating hospitals have
demonstrated improvements … States pursued systems-level
changes to increase the likelihood
of sustaining improvements in
perinatal … Statewide
improvements in perinatal care
included the development of new
quality indicator systems … , hospitals, health
care systems, and women of child-
bearing age to increase the likelihood
that improvements
January 01, 2008 - It makes sense that we should ask patients and family members to take part in changes and improvements … the quality and safety
of the care we provide
Give input and feedback
Identify potential changes and improvements … In this way, they can help us identify meaningful and effective quality and safety improvements. … By making sure our changes represent true improvements for patients and family members, we can work towards … The benefits of working with advisors include improvements in our overall systems and processes of care
September 01, 2020 - HAIs, reduce antibiotic resistance
• Build capacity in the health care system to accelerate safety
June 01, 2020 - HAIs, reduce antibiotic resistance
• Build capacity in the health care system to accelerate safety
April 01, 2018 - improvement are eager to learn from mistakes, create and train high-functioning
teams, and integrate improvements
October 08, 2013 - after patient
• 3 open ended questions added to core CG-CAHPS survey regarding
• possible improvements
February 28, 2022 - Produce significant improvements right away or with minimal sustained effort. … Whether organizational culture supports safety improvements. … When and where will the improvements occur? … Anticipated performance improvements and results.
Identifying and Preparing
TeamSTEPPS … measures to continually monitor the results from the change and to identify opportunities for further improvements
March 01, 2017 - Monitoring Progress and Sustainability of Improvements. … Selected Best Practices and Suggestions for Improvements
Includes introduction to the indicator-specific … Section E: Monitoring Progress and Sustainability of Improvements
January 01, 2024 - and units
• Sent weekly reminders
“Showing staff how previous survey results were used to make
improvements … ─Director of Continuous Improvement, 200-bed Midwest hospital
This year’s safety
improvements: The survey … the survey and reflect the voices of
providers and staff
► Can provide specific suggestions for
October 01, 2007 - The pharmacy is doing this but could 2
make some improvements.
3. … Our pharmacy is doing this but 2
could make some improvements.
3. … The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements.
3. The pharmacy is doing this well. … The pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements.
3. The pharmacy is doing this well. … Our pharmacy is doing this but could make some improvements
October 01, 2015 - $1,600 in additional cost per patient. 9
The Solution
To achieve CAUTI reduction and sustain these improvements … effectiveness of a CAUTI reduction strategy, and finally, strategies for sustaining and spreading your improvements
December 01, 2012 - This exercise will help you better understand your culture and consider interventions that lead to improvements … the Culture Item Discussion Form (next page) to document the issues that surface and any suggested improvements
January 01, 2017 - Let’s make a few improvements. … We’ll walk through the improvements after you’ve had time to review. … For this example, the improvements took just a few minutes. … In this example, compliance in a process measure contributes to improvements in outcome measures.
July 23, 2010 - Benefits of patient and family engagement
Improves multiple aspects of hospital performance
Overall improvements … In addition to the improvements in hospital performance already discussed, working with patients and … Various studies indicate that the effects of engaging patients and families translate into measurable improvements … strategies to improve patient engagement and the patient-centeredness of care have seen subsequent improvements … implementing bedside shift report, hospitals reported an increase in patient satisfaction scores and improvements
January 01, 2013 - TEAMSTEPPS 05.2
Mod 1 2.0 Page ‹#›
These are real examples that provide evidence of significant improvements … 1.1 days
Mod 1 2.0 Page ‹#›
This slide presents additional evidence of significant improvements … the training
Mod 1 2.0 Page ‹#›
This slide presents more evidence of significant improvements … Improvements in teamwork during neonatal resuscitation after interprofessional TeamSTEPPS training. … Phase III — Sustainment (Make It Stick)
This phase is designed to sustain and spread the improvements
October 01, 2014 - No evidence was found suggesting improvements in process measures.
Telephonic Care Management. … Studies also found improvements associated with other interventions, including physician decision support … Seven studies implementing self-management and monitoring interventions reported significant improvements … Four in-person care management studies documented one or more improvements in cholesterol: two articles … Improvements in care and reduced self-management barriers among rural patients with diabetes.
January 01, 2007 - robust control strategy and integrate them into
practice in order to insure long-term sustainability of improvements … The digital camera is
used to record processing
conditions prior to and
following improvements. … processes and creation of an administrative
infrastructure to encourage sustainability of process improvements … feedback are used throughout the
pilot implementation, with the frequency of feedback decreasing as improvements … ,
each of the 36 completed
projects was retrospectively evaluated to assess the sustainability of improvements
September 01, 2019 - www.ahrq.gov/sops/events
Recent Webcasts include:
• Implementation of an Event Reporting System Leads to Improvements