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    February 01, 2023 - Feb. 28 Webinar on Use of Digital Health Technologies To Improve Care for Underserved Populations . … New Initiative Offered To Improve Cancer Diagnosis in Primary Care . … Feb. 28 Webinar on Use of Digital Health Technologies To Improve Care for Underserved Populations An … The program, which will begin in June, will emphasize strategies to improve diagnostic verification, … Participants will receive one-on-one expert coaching to help improve diagnoses of breast, colorectal
    November 24, 2020 - Co-producing a Diagnosis Engaging Patients To Improve Diagnostic Safety Practice Orientation AHRQ Publication … specifically to breakdowns in communication between the patient and the provider.3 Thus, resources to improve … communication within the patient-provider encounter are needed in order to improve diagnostic accuracy … .3-5 2 How can we improve diagnostic safety? … The goal with the 60 Seconds To Improve Diagnostic Safety strategy is to listen more than talk, to ask
    March 01, 2012 - Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded grants to 10 States under a 5‐year, $100 million effort to improve … the five grant categories:  Showing how a core set of children’s quality measures can be used to improve … core set of children’s quality measures; use health IT to automate quality reporting and feedback and improve … categories are projects that (1) show how a core set of children’s quality measures can be used to improve …  To what extent did previous knowledge, skills, or experience related to using health IT to improve
    March 01, 2019 - agendas Evaluation Highlight No. 6 : How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States working together to improve … Top of Page   Vermont's Objectives Using Health IT to Improve Child Health Care Quality Vermont's … The State's goal is to improve the collection and use of child health quality information by expanding … and other resources: The National Improvement Partnership Network: State-Based Partnerships That Improve … Network , which is helping 20 States develop sustainable State-level improvement partnerships working to improve
    March 01, 2019 - Evaluation: Evaluation Highlight No. 6 : How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States working together to improve … Implementation Guide No. 1: Engaging Stakeholders to Improve the Quality of Children’s Health Care … As one of the States in this tri-State partnership, Georgia is working to expand an existing CME to improve … Georgia aims to improve: 1) access to home and community-based services; 2) clinical and functional outcomes … To what extent did Georgia's efforts to expand the CME model improve quality of care for youth with serious
    March 01, 2019 - Evaluation Highlight No. 6 : How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States working together to improve … Evaluation Highlight No. 13: How did CHIPRA quality demonstration States employ learning collaboratives to improve … Article: Nine States’ Use of Collaboratives to Improve Children’s Health Care Quality in Medicaid and … of the five grant categories: Showing how a core set of children's quality measures can be used to improve … Using Health IT to Improve Child Health Care Quality West Virginia will use a Web-based reporting system
    March 01, 2019 - Article : Nine States' Use of Collaboratives to Improve Children's Health Care Quality in Medicaid and … of the five grant categories: Showing how a core set of children's quality measures can be used to improve … set of children's quality measures; (2) use health IT to automate quality reporting and feedback and improve … Using Health IT to Improve Child Health Care Quality Leveraging other HIE statewide infrastructure … To what extent did previous knowledge, skills, or experience related to using health IT to improve
    November 01, 2006 - Competencies • Health Systems Research: Invest in research and evidence to make health care safer and improve … • Practice & Quality Improvement: Create tools for health care professionals to improve care for their … • Data & Analytics: Generate measures and data to track and improve performance, and evaluate progress
    April 01, 2022 - in exceeding the Million Hearts ® target of 70 percent for delivery of each of the ABCS services to improve … The second goal of EvidenceNOW is to improve primary care practices' capacity for implementing evidence … EvidenceNOW cooperative will conduct a rigorous local evaluation examining four factors: How practices improve … How external support is organized to help practices change and improve. … experiences of small primary care practices, and how access to tailored external support can help practices improve
    March 01, 2023 - process, or the effectiveness of a technology-based application, such as a new computer algorithm, to improve … These efforts aim to leverage the vast amounts of data stored in EHRs, and the potential to improve the … Several investigative teams seek to improve the diagnosis of specific medical conditions, such as cancer … morbidity or mortality if the correct diagnosis is delayed, and investigators are developing ways to improve … Strategies to improve communication, teamwork, and healthcare delivery processes are also being studied
    January 01, 2018 - of care for children, but only 33 percent said that they had started to use the quality reports to improve … the quality of care for children.2 • Helped more than 200 practices improve care quality. … QI specialists helped practices develop QI teams, identify QI activities, and improve targeted care … In the interim, providing direct assistance to practices helped improve their use of EHR functionality … Nine states’ use of collaboratives to improve children’s health care quality in Medicaid and CHIP.
    June 01, 2021 - antibiotic prescribing decisions Summarize how to use available AHRQ safety tools, such as SBAR, to improve … of Patient Safety Engage leadership for support and collaboration Understand the science of safety Improve … communication Recognize current practices that may lead to patient harm Develop system-based solutions to improve … patient safety 3 3 3 Improving Teamwork 3 Improve Teamwork and Communication Improve teamwork … Develop tools and strategies to help teams work together effectively to improve resident safety Team
    September 01, 2022 - stewardship leader(s) is encouraged to ask all clinical staff which of the components of the AHRQ Toolkit To Improve … Also, remind staff how they can access the AHRQ Toolkit To Improve Antibiotic Use in Ambulatory Care … (s) should generate conversation among staff members to determine how the practice can collectively improve
    September 01, 2022 - stewardship leader(s) is encouraged to ask all clinical staff which of the components of the AHRQ Toolkit To Improve … Also, remind staff how they can access the AHRQ Toolkit To Improve Antibiotic Use in Ambulatory Care … (s) should generate conversation among staff members to determine how the practice can collectively improve
    January 01, 2018 - services in 2006, Maryland used its CHIPRA quality demonstration funding to expand access to and improve … Spotlight on Maryland January 2018 Maryland’s Goals: Improve the quality and reduce the cost of care … for children with serious behavioral health challenges by— • Refining care management entities to improve … Spotlight on Maryland January 2018 • Analyzed data across agencies to identify ways to improve CME … Maryland sought to improve access to and the quality of these services.
    December 01, 2007 - 73) Communication and Teamwork (29) Patient Safety Tools (19) Human Factors Approaches To Improve … These topics include human factors approaches to improve patient safety, patient safety measure development … U18 HS 015826 Topic(s): Patient Safety Tools Publication Date: October 2007 Technology to Improve … 016261 Topic(s): Medication Safety Publication Date: June 2007 Using Barcode Technology to Improve … Grant Number: UC1 HS 014253 Topic(s): Human Factors Approaches To Improve Patient Safety, Medication
    June 01, 2018 - It also underscores why a national effort is needed to improve the quality of health care. … The Need for a National Effort While there have been successful efforts to improve health outcomes, … Support the focused development of quality measures that enhance and improve the ability to evaluate … and improve care. … The Council and the Forum are part of the Quality Commission's overall recommendations to improve the
    March 01, 2019 - of the five grant categories: Showing how a core set of children's quality measures can be used to improve … will test an electronic screening tool to enhance communication between providers and families and improve … Work under the CHIPRA grant has brought these issues to light, thereby enabling the health systems to improve … Using Health IT to Improve Child Health Care Quality CHOP and Geisinger have implemented electronic … Did electronic linkages across child‐serving sites improve access to services for children with developmental
    September 28, 2016 - ) • A Look Forward Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine • Vision Creating a world where no patients … • Mission The Society catalyzes and leads change to improve diagnosis and eliminate harm, in partnership … Coalition to Improve Diagnosis (CID) • CID aims to bring much-needed attention … and Families* • National Patient Safety Foundation* • Society of Hospital Medicine • Society to Improve … Diagnosis in Medicine Coalition to Improve Diagnosis (CID) CID Organizational Members Research Advocacy
    March 01, 2012 - Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded grants to 10 States under a 5‐year, $100 million effort to improve … Utah’s Objectives Utah is working to improve quality of care for all children, with particular emphasis … Under the demonstration, Utah will: (1) implement a strategy to improve the child health IT infrastructure … Using Health IT to Improve Child Health Care Quality Utah is implementing a multifaceted health IT … child with complex conditions that can be updated, as appropriate, by providers and families; and improve

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