
Total Results: 2,649 records

Showing results for "improve".

    January 01, 2013 - Mutual support in health care has significant importance as it is a skill that has the potential to improve … Support In summary, mutual support is a core skill that enables teams to function effectively and improve … Interprofessional education in team communication: working together to improve patient safety. … Does teamwork improve performance in the operating room? A multilevel evaluation.
    April 01, 2018 - materials that document the development and implementation of a feasible and sustainable intervention to improve … evidence-based resources that show how hospital staff can work as partners with patients and families to improve … Professionals These training modules provide tools to hospital leaders and health care professionals to improve … Primary Care Settings by Engaging Patients and Families This project focuses on developing approaches to improve
    June 01, 2015 - concerns before starting the procedure Consistent use of each component on the checklist will help improve
    March 01, 2015 - technology (IT) by primary care practices to facilitate quality improvement (QI) can help practices improve … their ability to deliver high quality care and improve patient outcomes. … Meaningful use objectives specifically included requirements for using EHR data to improve health care … Even when providers highly value the use of health IT for QI to improve patient care, they might avoid … .html
    November 14, 2015 - the extent to which you agree or disagree that your practice has used the following strategies to improve … the extent to which you agree or disagree that your practice has used the following strategies to improve … cardiovascular preventive care: Off somewhat disagree- strategies to improve cardiovascular preventive … agree- strategies to improve cardiovascular preventive care: Off strongly agree- strategies to improve … cardiovascular preventive care: Off n/a- strategies to improve cardiovascular preventive care: Off
    September 01, 2018 - Promote Safe Surgery helps perioperative and surgical units in hospitals identify opportunities to improve … For a toolkit that focuses on ambulatory surgery centers, access the AHRQ Toolkit To Improve Safety in … want to identify and describe systems with the ultimate goal of understanding how health systems can improve
    December 01, 2019 - capacity as the attitudes, skills, structures, and processes that enable a primary care practice to improve … the extent to which you agree or disagree that your practice has used the following strategies to improve
    March 07, 2019 - Building on what you’ve learned about: Change Management Coaching Measurement Remember: Our goal is to improve … patient outcomes, to improve care, and make things better for our patients Module 11: Implementation … Again, remember the goal of TeamSTEPPS is to improve patient outcomes, to improve care, and make things … So, more needs to be done than just improve clinical care. … the office and at the same time also improve patient care.
    August 02, 2017 - Learning Health Care Systems Goals of EvidenceNOW Initiative  Help practices implement evidence to improve … incorporate other PCOR findings in the future  Study how external QI support helps primary care practices improve … the way they work, improve the health of their patients, and build and disseminate a blueprint of … trained individuals who work with primary care practices “to make meaningful changes designed to improve … Systematically gathers and creates evidence  Applies the most promising evidence-based practices to improve
    April 01, 2015 - Efforts One of the few positive results from Hurricane Katrina was the opportunity to substantially improve … It is notable that all five practices were able to improve in an environment of limited resources, high … primary care services throughout the region’s safety net and implementing medical home processes to improve
    September 01, 2015 - and their families Applying health information technologies (IT) for QI Building partnerships to improve … In several States, the experience and resources developed to improve quality of care for children were … representatives from the State's Medicaid program—that is invested in using measurement-based efforts to improve
    June 01, 2011 - Potential activities, reforms, and supports to improve the functioning of medical neighborhoods ..... … Pharmacists confront the same challenges as other health care professionals in attempting to improve … Electronic referral systems constitute another health IT tool that can improve patient care. … White space or black hole: what can we do to improve care transitions? Issue Brief #6. … Enhancing Medicaid primary care case management to improve care management and accountability.
    November 09, 2016 - Just Culture Webcast Intro Using Just Culture to Improve Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture … Staff worry that mistakes they make are kept in their personnel file. 12 Using Just Culture to Improve
    May 01, 2017 - environment in which patients, families, clinicians, and hospital staff all work together as partners to improve … Advisors working with clinicians and leaders to improve policies and procedures. … Patients and family members who received care at this hospital and want to help improve care experiences … Slide 9: Advisors: What They Do Help us improve the quality and safety of the care we provide: … Discuss and plan changes to improve hospital quality and safety.
    March 01, 2017 - Being offered choices that foster engagement and improve quality of life. … What can you and other members of the team do to improve family engagement? … What are things that you can do to improve communication concerning the plan of care? … Slide 23: Explaining How We Are Changing To Improve Care 6 Say: In addition to communicating about … facilities improve quality and safety by giving meaningful input and feedback.
    May 19, 2013 - ways of improving the care experience for all patients and families – Discuss and plan changes to improve … environment where patients, families, clinicians, and hospital staff all work together as partners to improve … (Tool 5) Final thoughts • Your perspectives and experiences provide the rich data we need to improve … our services • Your participation allows us to work together to improve care experiences • Improvement
    November 01, 2017 - In what areas can we improve? What does "better" look like? … How can we prioritize the areas in which we want to improve? … You now face a different challenge: how to sustain the work and improve it over time. … with people individually about checklist use, and thank them for their checklist use and efforts to improve … to collect information regarding the processes performed in the operating room or procedure room to improve
    August 01, 2019 - This unit regularly reviews work processes to determine if changes are needed to improve patient safety … In this unit, changes to improve patient safety are evaluated to see how well they worked. A14. … Hospital management provides adequate resources to improve patient safety. F3.
    May 12, 2014 - To improve processes and encourage communication 30 © Aurora Health Care, Inc. … from Pilot Study • Some QI Project Examples: – Accurately identify patients using date of birth – Improve
    January 01, 2006 - Office-Based Care Leadership Strategies Three critical events: Plan – Briefs Problem solve – Huddles Improve … information exchange used as a process improvement tool Occurs after an event or shift Designed to improve … What went well, what should change, what can improve?

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