March 01, 2024 - involving patients, families, and caregivers in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of care can improve … aesthetic details of healthcare facilities (e.g., units, rooms, equipment, logistics, and technologies) can improve … Since 2000, AHRQ has supported 55 patient safety projects to improve communication between healthcare
November 01, 2023 - Priorities & Special Emphasis Notices
AHRQ Announces Interest in Health Services Research to Improve … Enhanced Care Planning
AHRQ Announces Interest in Research that Uses Shared Decision Making as a Tool to Improve … Outcomes
Advancing the Collection and Use of Patient-Reported Outcomes and Patient Contextual Data to Improve
July 01, 2022 - Find resources on IHI’s How to Improve page. … The Assessment of Chronic Illness Care is a practical tool to help practices improve care for chronic … These include:
Physician Burnout: Improve Physician Satisfaction and Patient Outcomes . … AMA STEPS Forward course that promotes the use of participatory management to improve joy at work. … Here are some resources to help practices wanting to create or improve care team functioning.
June 05, 2016 - Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators
How To Improve … Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators
How To Improve … Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators
How To Improve … Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators
How To Improve … Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators
How To Improve
May 01, 2018 - /coordination/index.html
http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/prevention-chronic-care/improve/self-mgmt/ … • Implement PCOR findings in primary care practice
to improve health care quality
– Focus on heart … Available a t http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/prevention-
chronic-care/improve/capacity-building/pcmhqi2 … .html
http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/prevention-chronic-care/improve/capacity-building/pcmhqi2.html … design and standards can
support or hinder primary care practices using this
technology for QI
• Improve
January 01, 2018 - engaged 15
practices in a learning collaborative designed to promote
medical home transformation and improve … The learning collaborative provided
Spotlight on Illinois
January 2018
Illinois’s Goals: Improve the … • Despite the availability of resources intended to improve
referrals and cross-clinician communication … • Partner with ILPQC to improve efforts to exchange perinatal
data and to offer perinatal-focused … Nine states’ use of collaboratives to
improve children’s health care quality in Medicaid and CHIP.
January 01, 2018 - of the patient-centered medical
home (PCMH) model—a specific approach to primary care
designed to improve … in Florida’s first PCMH learning
Spotlight on Florida
January 2018
Florida’s Goals: Improve … Nine hospitals participated in a QI project
designed to improve delivery room management. … • Evaluation Highlight No. 6: How are the CHIPRA quality demonstration States
working together to improve … Nine states’ use of collaboratives to
improve children’s health care quality in Medicaid and CHIP.
October 01, 2021 - patients, families, and health professionals in primary care settings work together as partners to improve … the Guide) is a resource to help primary care practices partner with patients and their families to improve … of materials and resources to help primary care practices implement patient and family engagement to improve
March 01, 2019 - Evaluation Highlight No. 6 : How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States working together to improve … Article: Nine States' Use of Collaboratives to Improve Children's Health Care Quality in Medicaid and … of the five grant categories:
Showing how a core set of children's quality measures can be used to improve … measures, the State will use existing data sources (such as the Illinois Enterprise Data Warehouse) and improve … Using Health IT to Improve Child Health Care Quality
Illinois will collaborate with ongoing, statewide
March 01, 2023 - A strong primary care foundation is necessary to improve the quality of care, improve the health of people … IT-Enabled Care Coordination and Redesign in Tennessee (PDF, 2 MB) highlights opportunities to improve … and resources to help physicians' offices, clinics, and other ambulatory care facilities assess and improve … Survey results can be used to: improve care and equip consumers with information they can use to choose
August 01, 2021 - the sickle cell disease population and ultimately, a series of key driver diagrams at each level to improve … Recognizing the need to improve care for these children, the Director and his staff have taken the action … and are developing an incentive program for Michigan Medicaid health plans to improve the care of their … to encourage an environment for plans within a specific Medicaid region to work collaboratively to improve … Designing a Multistakeholder Collaboration to Improve Preventive Care for Children with Sickle Cell Anemia
October 01, 2018 - designed to help small and medium-sized primary care practices across the U.S. use the latest evidence to improve … The Goals of EvidenceNOW
Help practices implement evidence to improve health care with a focus on the … and incorporate evidence in the future
Learn how external QI support helps primary care practices improve … the way they work and improve the health of their patients
Build and disseminate a blueprint of what
July 01, 2012 - • Grantees working in Category B will develop or enhance health information technology
(IT) to improve … Among these is the patient-centered medical home, which aims to improve
complex care management and … • Examining the contributions of demonstration activities to improve quality of care in
relation … • What health IT or health IT enhancements were designed to improve the quality of
children’s health … • How was the health IT used to improve quality of care for children enrolled in Medicaid
or CHIP, and
April 01, 2024 - Funding Available for Strategies and Interventions to Improve Diagnostic Safety in Ambulatory Care … Funding Opportunity (R18) invites proposals focused on developing strategies and interventions to improve … interested in providing support designed to develop, test, and evaluate ambulatory care activities that will improve … understanding of the role and capacity of primary care to increase the value and quality of care and improve
July 01, 2021 - collaborate with its stakeholders to produce novel insights and evidence that can be rapidly implemented to improve … apply PCOR methods and conduct PCOR in a LHS to facilitate rapid implementation of evidence that will improve … To know how to use information systems to conduct LHS research and improve patient and health system … Promoting LHS capability
This project promotes LHS capabilities to improve health outcomes and quality
March 01, 2019 - National Evaluation:
Evaluation Highlight No. 3: How are CHIPRA Quality Demonstration States working to improve … Evaluation Highlight No. 6: How are CHIPRA Quality Demonstration States working together to improve … Page
New Mexico's Objectives
New Mexico is working to help school-based health centers (SBHCs): improve … The quality improvement coaches will work with SBHCs to implement these strategies and develop or improve
March 01, 2019 - National Evaluation:
Evaluation Highlight No . 3: How are CHIPRA Quality Demonstration States working to improve … Evaluation Highlight No. 6 : How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States working together to improve … Page
Colorado's Objectives
Colorado is working to help school-based health centers (SBHCs) improve … The quality improvement coaches will work with SBHCs to implement these strategies and develop or improve
March 01, 2021 - EvidenceNOW is to strengthen our Nation’s primary care system and its ability to adapt, thrive, and improve … to keep up with these changes, but with support, they may be able to adapt faster and more nimbly to improve … effective methods for increasing the capacity of primary care practices to apply the latest evidence to improve … Hearts®, AHRQ developed EvidenceNOW to 1) help small- and medium-sized practices implement the ABCS to improve
March 01, 2012 - Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded grants to 10 States
under a 5‐year, $100 million effort to improve … As one of the States in this tri‐State partnership, Georgia is working to expand an existing CME to
improve … Georgia aims to improve: 1) access to home and community‐based services; 2) clinical and
functional … categories are projects that (1) show how a core set of children’s quality measures can be used to
improve … To what extent did Georgia’s efforts to expand the CME model improve quality of care for youth
March 01, 2012 - Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded grants to 10 States
under a 5‐year, $100 million effort to improve … the five grant categories:
Showing how a core set of children’s quality measures can be used to improve … categories are projects that (1) show how a core set of children’s quality measures can be used to
improve … attributes: (1) adequacy in addressing gaps in current EHR products for children; (2) capability to
improve … To what extent did the State’s medical home model improve quality of care for children with