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Showing results for "improve".

    July 01, 2015 - First, QI coaches worked with SBHCs to improve the delivery and documentation of preventive services … To improve performance in other priority areas as well, one SBHC provided nutrition counseling to parents … Spotlight on Colorado July 2015 Colorado’s Goals: Work with school-based health centers to improve … • Helped SBHCs improve patient care and population management. … Several SBHCs formed youth advisory groups to get first-hand input on how to improve their services
    January 01, 2015 - Competencies • Health Systems Research: Invest in research and evidence to make health care safer and improve … • Practice Improvement: Create tools for health care professionals to improve care for their patients … • Data & Analytics: Generate measures and data to track and improve performance and evaluate progress … antibiotic resistance • Build capacity in the health care system to accelerate safety improvements • Improve … Conducts research to further the measurement and understanding of patient safety culture • Tools to improve
    February 01, 2024 - from patients in their own words, collected through structured open-ended survey questions—can help improve … published in Health Care Management Review , researchers explored how sharing patients' stories could improve … evidence reviews from AHRQ are available to help healthcare leaders prioritize and implement strategies to improve … in healthcare creates a safe learning environment for healthcare practitioners and teams to test and improve … The report details AHRQ’s investments in research to improve primary care organization, workforce, quality
    October 29, 2018 - AHRQ’s Core Competencies Research: Invest in research and evidence to make health care safer and improve … Practice Improvement: Create tools for health care professionals to improve care for their patients. … Data & Analytics: Generate measures and data to track and improve performance, and evaluate progress
    September 01, 2015 - and their families Applying health information technologies (IT) for QI Building partnerships to improve … Program objectives CMS awarded demonstration grants to three States (Maryland, Georgia, and Wyoming) to improve … their objectives, States used the demonstration funds to develop new care management entities (CMEs), improve … establish data-sharing agreements, reduce cross-system variation in the structure of service records, and improve … The State also aimed to improve access to and the quality of CME services.
    August 01, 2015 - Office Systems Inventory to Improve Asthma Care and Treatment in Primary Care Practices Practice name … Stanley Weinberger, MD; Kelly Cowan, MD; University of Vermont. 23 Office Systems Inventory to Improve … Collborative, the following are strategies that healthcare professionals and practices can use to improve
    October 01, 2015 - momentum in the United States to implement changes to the health care system that will reduce costs, improve … the quality of care provided, and improve the patient’s experience with care, and there is mounting … Findings from the TPC grants show that primary care transformation efforts have the potential to improve … access to care; improve patient satisfaction with care; reduce utilization of unneeded care, particularly … in emergency departments; and improve the quality of care and health outcomes, particularly for patients
    March 01, 2017 - momentum in the United States to implement changes to the health care system that will reduce costs, improve … the quality of care provided, and improve the patient’s experience with care, and there is mounting … Findings from the TPC grants show that primary care transformation efforts have the potential to improve … access to care; improve patient satisfaction with care; reduce utilization of unneeded care, particularly … in emergency departments; and improve the quality of care and health outcomes, particularly for patients
    September 01, 2012 - Discharge (RED) Toolkit This toolkit assists hospitals, including those that serve diverse populations, improve … To Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) TeamSTEPPS is a customizable program to improve … Published: March 2022 Setting of Care: Hospital Toolkit for Engaging Patients To Improve … materials that explain the concepts, change strategies, tools, and resources to teach residents and improve … Toolkit for Improving Perinatal Safety This toolkit helps hospital labor and delivery units improve
    February 01, 2017 - to help more than 1,500 smaller primary care practices and 5,000 clinicians build their capacity to improve … EvidenceNOW are already near or exceeding the 70% goal for one or more of the ABCS, but still have room to improve … services—typically not available to smaller practices because of their size—to help primary care practices improve … collaboratives Follow EvidenceNOW as we learn how these services can help smaller primary care practices improve
    February 01, 2017 - to help more than 1,500 smaller primary care practices and 5,000 clinicians build their capacity to improve … EvidenceNOW are already near or exceeding the 70% goal for one or more of the ABCS, but still have room to improve … services—typically not available to smaller practices because of their size—to help primary care practices improve … collaboratives Follow EvidenceNOW as we learn how these services can help smaller primary care practices improve
    May 01, 2022 - generation of researchers to conduct patient-centered outcomes research and implement the results to improve … The purpose of the LHS K12 Learning Collaborative is to identify and improve understanding of best practices … specify key competencies that the LHS scientist needs to address health and healthcare inequities to improve … To know how to use information systems to conduct LHS research and improve patient and health system … Demonstrate knowledge of mixed methods and how they can be used to improve LHS research studies.
    April 01, 2024 - The report lists 73 patient safety practices that are likely to improve patient safety and describes … conferences; and tools related to patient safety. 2006 AHRQ releases TeamSTEPPS® tool to improve … creates regional cooperatives to work with about 5,000 primary care professionals in 12 States to improve … can help Latinos prepare for in-person and telehealth medical appointments, part of AHRQ’s effort to improve … low literacy on health outcomes and calls for more research to determine the most effective ways to improve
    February 01, 2023 - Feb. 28 Webinar on Use of Digital Health Technologies To Improve Care for Underserved Populations . … New Initiative Offered To Improve Cancer Diagnosis in Primary Care . … Feb. 28 Webinar on Use of Digital Health Technologies To Improve Care for Underserved Populations An … The program, which will begin in June, will emphasize strategies to improve diagnostic verification, … Participants will receive one-on-one expert coaching to help improve diagnoses of breast, colorectal
    December 01, 2023 - Develop and evaluate strategies to improve patient experience. … Recent examples include: Section 5: Determining Where to Focus Efforts to Improve Patient Experience … Improve Patient Experience with Primary and Specialty Care After using survey results to identify aspects … is a comprehensive resource for medical groups, physician practices, and other providers seeking to improve … Creative Strategies to Improve Patient Care Experience .
    March 01, 2012 - Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded grants to 10 States under a 5‐year, $100 million effort to improve … the five grant categories:  Showing how a core set of children’s quality measures can be used to improve … core set of children’s quality measures; use health IT to automate quality reporting and feedback and improve … categories are projects that (1) show how a core set of children’s quality measures can be used to improve …  To what extent did previous knowledge, skills, or experience related to using health IT to improve
    October 01, 2014 - Newsroom Impact Case Studies AHRQ Resources Help Maine Telehealth Network Improve … Blog Newsletter Events AHRQ Resources Help Maine Telehealth Network Improve … originally created March 2012 Internet Citation: AHRQ Resources Help Maine Telehealth Network Improve
    January 01, 2020 - Section 3: Are You Ready To Improve? … To Approach the Quality Improvement Process Section 5: Determining Where To Focus Efforts To Improve … Measurement and performance feedback must be part of the microsystem's principles to learn and improve … Some health plans, for example, have learned how to improve their call center operations by sending staff … Communicate with staff about why the measures are being collected and how these data will help improve
    March 01, 2019 - Evaluation: Evaluation Highlight No. 6 : How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States working together to improve … Implementation Guide No. 1: Engaging Stakeholders to Improve the Quality of Children’s Health Care … As one of the States in this tri-State partnership, Georgia is working to expand an existing CME to improve … Georgia aims to improve: 1) access to home and community-based services; 2) clinical and functional outcomes … To what extent did Georgia's efforts to expand the CME model improve quality of care for youth with serious
    March 01, 2019 - Evaluation Highlight No. 6 : How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States working together to improve … Evaluation Highlight No. 13: How did CHIPRA quality demonstration States employ learning collaboratives to improve … Article: Nine States’ Use of Collaboratives to Improve Children’s Health Care Quality in Medicaid and … of the five grant categories: Showing how a core set of children's quality measures can be used to improve … Using Health IT to Improve Child Health Care Quality West Virginia will use a Web-based reporting system

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