November 01, 2018 - variety of outreach activities to sharing information and insights about the use of the AHRQ QIs to improve … MN
This panel presentation addressed “AHRQ’s Prevention Quality Indicators: Using Data Measures to Improve … Health Quality Association’s Quality Summit, Baltimore MD
This panel presentation addressed how to “Improve … America’s Essential Hospitals VITAL2016 Conference, Boston MA
This presentation addressed “Measuring to Improve
November 01, 2018 - variety of outreach activities to sharing information and insights about the use of the AHRQ QIs to improve … MN
This panel presentation addressed “AHRQ’s Prevention Quality Indicators: Using Data Measures to Improve … Health Quality Association’s Quality Summit, Baltimore MD
This panel presentation addressed how to “Improve … America’s Essential Hospitals VITAL2016 Conference, Boston MA
This presentation addressed “Measuring to Improve
August 01, 2019 - Study: Johns Hopkins Health System
Key Findings
• The Johns Hopkins Hospital worked diligently to improve … “Our overarching goals are to eliminate harm, improve
patient outcomes and experience, and reduce cost … The Collaborative identified service-specific champions, and
investigated strategies to improve VTE … The Collaborative also implemented nurse education to improve prophylactic administration rates. … The Quality Department’s review also
uncovered opportunities to improve
documentation, including: 1
January 01, 2015 - Panel Discussion: Lessons Learned in Using the AHRQ QIs to Improve the Quality and Safety of Care
Panel … Discussion: Lessons Learned in
Using the AHRQ QIs to Improve the
Quality and Safety of Care
December … a peer-to-peer learning opportunity for
organizations to share how they are using the
AHRQ QIs to improve … Case Study 2: Essentia Health
Essentia Health Uses
AHRQ’s Patient Safety
Indicators (PSIs) to
Improve … we use the technical
specifications to examine each case individually, identify
opportunities to improve
May 01, 2015 - AHRQ is taking this opportunity to explore
adding new features to the software that will improve its … redesign are to:
Implement QI specifications using ICD-10-CM/PCS diagnosis and procedure codes
Improve … needs for analyzing healthcare quality
Reduce the cost of routine maintenance of the software
Improve … User Spotlight
Using the Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) to Improve Healthcare Quality
Anderson Regional … implemented an
innovative approach to integrating the AHRQ QI Toolkit at the organization level to improve
December 09, 2015 - from 2015
December 9, 2015 — Panel Discussion:
Lessons Learned in Using the AHRQ QIs to Improve … their experiences implementing the Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs)
as part of a larger effort to improve … Essentia Health and Yale New Haven Health System share how their organizations use the AHRQ QIs
to improve … participate in a webinar about the AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs), a set of measures that can be used to improve
provides information on how organizations, including hospitals and health systems, use the AHRQ QIs to improve … Case Studies
All Case Studies
How does your organization use the AHRQ QIs to improve
August 01, 2019 - team partnered with the Graduate
Medical Education leadership to
establish a simulation program to
improve … and Opportunities for
Improved Primary Care Outreach
To date, Carilion has monitored and worked to improve … performance across the full slate of PSIs to
improve patient safety. … share PQI data with clinicians so that they can
identify opportunities to increase prevention and improve … Hospitals and health systems can use AHRQ QIs as part of an overall performance
initiative to improve
January 01, 2016 - Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Clinical Care.
25 indicator-specific best practices … Step-by-step method for calculating the return on investment for an intervention implemented to improve … ICD-9 to ICD-10, including updated documentation and coding practices
Guidance that can be used to improve
July 01, 2020 - Potential benefits of composite measures are
to: summarize quality across multiple indicators, improve … identifying domains and drivers of
quality, purchaser use for selection of hospitals or health plans to improve … employee health and
policymaker use for setting policy priorities to improve the health of a population … The PQI composites are intended to improve the statistical precision
of the individual PQI, allowing
October 16, 2017 - By being
transparent with price and quality data,
hospitals are working together to
improve the … efforts of a range of stakeholders—hospitals, purchasers, consumers and others in
the community—to improve … results have generally improved, suggesting that public
reporting—alongside MHA’s many strategies to improve … Hospitals and health systems can use AHRQ QIs
as part of an overall performance initiative to improve
July 01, 2021 - Potential benefits of composite measures are to: summarize quality across multiple
indicators, improve … identifying domains and drivers of quality, purchaser use for
selection of hospitals or health plans to improve … employee health and policymaker use for setting policy
priorities to improve the health of a population … The
PQI composites are intended to improve the statistical precision of the individual PQI, allowing
January 01, 2005 - topics:
Pediatric Indicator Module
the AHRQ QI to improve … (670 KB, PowerPoint)
Session I – Using
the AHRQ Area Level Indicators to Improve … consequences and the
interests of multiple stakeholders; Identify areas for future
research to improve
July 01, 2020 - Potential benefits of composite measures are
to: summarize quality across multiple indicators, improve … identifying domains and drivers of quality,
purchaser use for selection of hospitals or health plans to improve … employee health and
policymaker use for setting policy priorities to improve the health of a population
July 01, 2021 - Potential benefits of composite measures are to: summarize quality across multiple
indicators, improve … identifying domains and drivers of quality, purchaser use for
selection of hospitals or health plans to improve … employee health and policymaker use for setting policy
priorities to improve the health of a population
January 01, 2005 - To improve, hospitals must
find out what their results are.
analyze their results,
to find their strong … Evidence based over arbitrary
Get the organization moving in a direction that is inherently inevitable
Improve … criteria
Going public
Infrastructure needed
To collect, analyze, and display the data
To analyze and improve … Physician workforce better aligned
Created new feedback about the ultimate effectiveness of attempts to improve
August 01, 2011 - Potential benefits of composite measures are
to: summarize quality across multiple indicators, improve … identifying domains and drivers of quality,
purchasers use for selection of hospitals or health plans to improve … employee health and
policymakers use for setting policy priorities to improve the health of a population … The PQI composites are intended to improve the statistical precision
of the individual PQI, allowing
April 20, 2015 - Learn more about how the AHRQ QIs are used to improve the quality of health care. … Learn more about who uses the AHRQ QIs and for what purposes
How are the AHRQ QIs used to improve … One of the basic foundations for producing evidence on how to improve quality is quality measurement. … author of that report
Reports on users of the software
Care guidelines or advice on how to improve … Additionally, updates are typically made to the software to improve usability and enhance the functionality
April 20, 2015 - Learn more about how the AHRQ QIs are used to improve the quality of health care. … Learn more about who uses the AHRQ QIs and for what purposes
How are the AHRQ QIs used to improve … One of the basic foundations for producing evidence on how to improve quality is quality measurement. … author of that report
Reports on users of the software
Care guidelines or advice on how to improve … Additionally, updates are typically made to the software to improve usability and enhance the functionality
January 01, 2015 - • We need to improve patient safety in our
• How do I know what area to focus on? … Quality Improvement Examples
Real-time Patient Safety Monitoring at
Cleveland Clinic
• Goal: Improve … Increased clinician trust in coding processes
► Identified opportunities to allocate resources to improve … Better Care, Lower Costs at
Yale New Haven Health System
• Goal: Use PSIs as part of initiative to improve … dropping
from $17,756 to $16,688.
Identifying Safety Event Trigger at
Essentia Health
• Goal: Improve