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Showing results for "improve".

    February 01, 2023 - (NOFO) announcement uses the R18 mechanism to support projects that develop and test strategies to improve … healthcare AHRQ posted a funding announcement, " Using Innovative Digital Healthcare Solutions to Improve … to substance abuse disorder (SUD), there is a need for more research on how digital healthcare can improve
    January 01, 2022 - Annals of Internal Medicine report findings from the AHRQ-sponsored systematic review that will help improve … used by the American College of Physicians (ACP) to develop new guidance for clinicians that will help improve … articles demonstrate one important way that AHRQ ensures high-level, real-world research is used to improve
    January 01, 2022 - patient-centered outcomes research to inform approaches that address emerging health issues and, ultimately, improve … also strove to revitalize primary care , expand access to high-quality behavioral healthcare , and improve … Thank you to everyone inside and outside of AHRQ who worked throughout 2021 to improve health and healthcare
    July 01, 2023 - joined AHRQ in 2004 and was a driving force behind key Agency accomplishments in producing evidence to improve … He directed  EvidenceNOW , AHRQ’s initiative to help primary care practices improve their patients' heart
    January 01, 2012 - community-engaged, practice-based clinical and translational research in an effort to expand knowledge, improve … Research Network (ACRN), the NewYork Presbyterian Hospital and the Columbia University Medical Center to improve
    January 01, 2024 - known as the Compendium , is to support efforts by primary care practices and healthcare systems to improve … activities and resources/tools to bring about the desired change that practices and systems can use to improve … Science of Improvement: How to Improve.
    February 01, 2024 - purpose of this change package is to support efforts by primary care practices and healthcare systems to improve … PCCDS for pain management and opioids. 11 stakeholder groups and recommended actions for them to improve … learn about or obtain naloxone in their community, and for community based organizations and leaders to improve
    April 01, 2024 - Diagnostic Safety and Quality Research on Diagnostic Safety and Quality Tools To Improve … Managing Interruptions to Improve Diagnostic Decision-Making: Strategies and Recommended Research Agenda
    September 01, 2023 - AHRQ resources for helping patients, families, caregivers and health professionals work together to improve … The annual report emphasizes the program’s efforts to identify digital tools and resources to improve … Patient and family contributions to improve the diagnostic process through the OurDX electronic health … Adapting a clinical decision support system to improve identification of pediatric hypertension in a
    May 01, 2019 - Employ IT methods to share new evidence with clinicians to improve decision-making. … Capture and analyze data and care experiences to improve care.
    November 01, 2021 - making health information available electronically when and where it is needed, digital healthcare can improve … foundational research to ensure that digital healthcare systems are designed and implemented in ways that improve
    November 01, 2017 - health care delivery by building a critical infrastructure to help smaller primary care practices improve … Comment from Principal Investigator “EvidenceNOW has provided a tremendous opportunity for our region to improve … new models of advanced primary care, and to build a workforce to align and coordinate efforts to improve … 2017] • Study Design Challenges and Solutions for Implementing the EvidenceNOW Southwest Trial to Improve … Cardiovascular Health [NAPCRG, 2017] • Using Electronic Clinical Quality Measures Data to Improve
    September 09, 2011 - Not only does that improve efficiencies, but it also helps improve health outcomes.
    July 01, 2023 - AHRQ is committed to incorporating their expertise into PCORTF work to improve healthcare delivery, and … AHRQ will continue to improve our methods for stakeholder engagement and to look for new opportunities
    November 01, 2012 - Best Practices and Suggestions for Improvement Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators How To Improve … and protocols for all procedures.1,6,7 Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators How To Improve … in the surgical record or operative note.2 Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators How To Improve … as correct (e.g., obese patients, multiple Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators How To Improve … Bar-coding surgical sponges to improve safety: a randomized controlled trial.
    August 01, 2018 - There are two ways of achieving coordinated care: using broad approaches that are commonly used to improve … coordination is identified by the Institute of Medicine as a key strategy that has the potential to improve … Well-designed, targeted care coordination that is delivered to the right people can improve outcomes … everyday routines of a medical practice can be overwhelming, even when it is obvious that the changes will improve
    July 01, 2022 - With AHRQ funding, Sunitha Kaiser, M.D., M.Sc., has studied and identified strategies to improve the … care of specific conditions informed by national guidelines—called clinical pathway—has been shown to improve … Career Development Award in 2016 to identify best practices for clinical pathway implementation to improve
    December 01, 2023 - Grantee Applies Human Factors Approach to Healthcare Systems To Improve Safety . … Grantee Applies Human Factors Approach to Healthcare Systems To Improve Safety AHRQ grantee Rollin … and communities; conducting research to generate evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to improve … Explore Careers at AHRQ Join the team  that strives to improve healthcare for all Americans by investing
    May 01, 2017 - Use structured briefings to improve communication and teamwork. … Demonstrate how the checklist can improve teamwork and communication. … Through these measures, briefings can help improve patient safety. … The value of the debriefing to improve patient care is clear, but not commonly practiced. … All of these things improve teamwork.
    April 01, 2018 - Clinical decision support can effectively improve patient outcomes and lead to higher-quality health … Multiple Chronic Conditions As part of its ongoing effort to improve care for patients with multiple

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