
Total Results: 1,775 records

Showing results for "improve".

    March 01, 2021 - new and better ways of delivering health care, the Innovations Exchange supports AHRQ’s mission to improve … Health Care Practice ,” David Meyers, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, discusses how AHRQ is working to improve
    May 01, 2016 - Grantees who sought to improve communication learned that the beliefs, preferences, and behaviors of … More work is needed to improve the screening instrument, increase adherence to the model, and further … This planning grant intended to improve communication between patients/family members and providers … A-12 | P a g e University of Washington Title: Shared Decision Making in Surgery To ImproveImprove Patient Safety and Reform Medical Liability by Planning the Implementation of the Initiative
    March 01, 2020 - Improvement Guide Section 1: About the CAHPS Ambulatory Care Improvement Guide Section 2: Why Improve … Section 3: Are You Ready To Improve? … To Approach the Quality Improvement Process Section 5: Determining Where To Focus Efforts To Improve … Interventions aimed at increasing self-service options for members: The purpose of these interventions was to improve
    April 01, 2023 - Improvement Guide Section 1: About the CAHPS Ambulatory Care Improvement Guide Section 2: Why Improve … Section 3: Are You Ready To Improve? … To Approach the Quality Improvement Process Section 5: Determining Where To Focus Efforts To Improve … Others are waiting for stronger evidence that these applications improve clinician efficiency, satisfaction
    April 01, 2023 - Improvement Guide Section 1: About the CAHPS Ambulatory Care Improvement Guide Section 2: Why Improve … Section 3: Are You Ready To Improve? … To Approach the Quality Improvement Process Section 5: Determining Where To Focus Efforts To Improve … These tools increase knowledge, improve risk estimates, increase patient's involvement in decisions,
    January 01, 2011 - s): California Network Founded: January 1, 2002 Network Mission Statement: To improve … supporting health care providers and community-based organizations serving low-income communities to improve
    April 01, 2018 - Clinical decision support can effectively improve patient outcomes and lead to higher-quality health … Multiple Chronic Conditions As part of its ongoing effort to improve care for patients with multiple
    July 01, 2023 - Slide 14: Key Safety Elements: Simulation Team simulation can improve knowledge, practical skills … Do safety checklists improve teamwork and communication in the operating room? … ACOG Committee Opinion No. 526: Standardization of practice to improve outcomes. … Estimating blood loss: can teaching significantly improve visual estimation? … Use of a novel visual aid to improve estimation of obstetric blood loss.
    March 15, 2016 - ET • Webcast will feature innovative strategies used by two health plans to significantly improve their
    July 01, 2017 - HSVR) 23 3 This study section is aligned with the AHRQ priorities: Increase accessibility and improve … Effectiveness and Outcomes Research (HEOR) 36 3 This study section is aligned with the AHRQ Priority: improve … applications concerned with the organization and functioning of health care delivery and access to improve
    September 01, 2005 - 73) Communication and Teamwork (29) Patient Safety Tools (19) Human Factors Approaches To Improve … These topics include human factors approaches to improve patient safety, patient safety measure development … UC1 HS 014289 Topic(s): Discharge Planning Publication Date: September 2004 Risk Models to Improve
    March 01, 2016 - podcast series as part of our mission to develop and disseminate scientific knowledge, tools, and data to improve … Because of that, measures of patient experience help health care providers improve care and help patients … And wouldn’t those kinds of situations encourage doctors to do what patients ask for in order to improve … I see that and that's helpful, but if doctors and hospitals spend a lot of their time and effort to improve
    May 01, 2023 - a list of references to websites and other publicly available resources that hospitals can use to improve … Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set for Hospitals composite measures they are designed to help improve … • Improve organizational culture. … online toolkit as a resource for facilities that want to establish a violence prevention program or improve … • Improve staff and patient experience and satisfaction by building a culture of patient and staff
    July 01, 2022 - Database Purpose • Make community-level SDOH data easier to use in analyses to inform decisions to improve … Interagency Agreement 750119PE0K0036. 4 Approach • Develop, make publicly available, and iteratively improve … practices or systems) ► Does knowing information on the community in which a patient lives help providers improve
    December 01, 2018 - Hospital Admissions for Uncontrolled Diabetes Improving ve or even HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS FOR UNCONTROLLED DIABETES IMPROVING AMONG AMERICAN INDIANS AND ALASKA NATIVES Did you know? More than 100 million people living in the United States ha diabetes or are at risk for diabetes.1 American Indians and Alaska Nati…
    October 01, 2014 - PRIVATE-PUBLIC PARTNERSHIPS TO IMPROVE ORGANIZATION AND DELIVERY. … quality, the Agency may provide scientific and technical support for private and public efforts to improve … i) To increase awareness of— (I) new uses of drugs, biological products, and devices; (II) ways to improve … (iii) To improve the quality of health care while reducing the cost of health care through— (I) an increase … measurement and improvement organizations; and (B) to identify options and make recommendations to improve
    November 02, 2018 - What is it, specifically, that you want to fix or improve? … As part of our patient safety plan, it's been very important to improve teamwork and communication in … Do I need to expand participation or improve engagement? … What are your TeamSTEPPS aims to improve your process? … Describe the intervention and the tools that will be implemented to improve the process.
    June 01, 2021 - THANK YOU FOR HELPING IMPROVE SAFETY IN YOUR WORKPLACE!AHRQ Pub. No. 17(21)-0029 June 2021
    January 01, 2023 - document includes references to websites and other publicly available resources nursing homes can use to improve … Resources by Composite Measure The following resources are designed to help nursing homes improve areas … 1081802/ (requires free account setup and login) This guide provides ideas and lessons learned to improve … • Improve staff and patient experience and satisfaction by building a culture of patient and staff … • Improve organizational culture.
    May 01, 2017 - Elements: Create Independent Checks Cognitive aids such as checklists, algorithms, or protocols, may improve … Do safety checklists improve teamwork and communication in the operating room? A systematic review. … ACOG Committee Opinion No. 526: Standardization of practice to improve outcomes. … Estimating blood loss: can teaching significantly improve visual estimation? … Use of a novel visual aid to improve estimation of obstetric blood loss.

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