December 11, 2020 - In
2010, the ACA implemented a Dependent Coverage Expansion (DCE) mandate to help improve
insurance … Health insurance reduces the price of care and can improve access to care [28]. … being eligible for the
DCE, thereby reducing the impact of the DCE on insurance status as alternatives improve
December 11, 2020 - In
2010, the ACA implemented a Dependent Coverage Expansion (DCE) mandate to help improve
insurance … Health insurance reduces the price of care and can improve access to care [28]. … being eligible for the
DCE, thereby reducing the impact of the DCE on insurance status as alternatives improve
September 29, 2013 - Title:
States: Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Title: Improving Data & Enhancing Access—(IDEA)
Principal Investigator: Victoria Warren-Mears
Organization: Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Project Dates: September 30, 2010, to September 29, 2013
Grant Number: R01 HS19972-01
Correctly assessing th…
July 01, 2016 - Toolkit: Projects in Progress
Enhanced State Data Grants : Information about AHRQ grants to improve
July 01, 2016 - Many initiatives have been created to increase quality of care
The purpose of this project is to improve … ethnicity and language data does not necessarily result in actions that will reduce disparities and improve
June 16, 2014 - partners
• Informed by recent IOM reports on data granularity
• Section 4302 has great potential to improve
July 01, 2016 - enhanced hospital administrative-clinical databases to support quality improvement initiatives and improve
July 01, 2016 - States want and need additional data on disparities to develop strategies to improve health equity. … emphasize the need for valid data to document disparities and collaboration for action planning to improve … North Carolina hopes that this requirement will improve its disparities data. … States want and need additional data on disparities to develop strategies to improve health equity. … Despite the work that these states are doing to improve health equity, the states recognize that there
January 01, 2020 - • States want and need additional data on disparities to develop strategies to
improve health … • Connecticut’s efforts to improve data reporting have included a survey of all
Department of … North Carolina hopes that this requirement will improve its disparities data. … • States want and need additional data on disparities to develop strategies to
improve health … Despite the work that these states are doing to improve health equity, the states
recognize that there
July 01, 2016 - senior citizens find needed care, VHI is working with groups to cost-effectively use health data to improve
December 01, 2009 - “In order to improve the health data VHI collects, VHI will collaborate with
health care stakeholders … discern infections or better adjust mortality rates
by adding POA indicators or clinical data will improve … in
assessing the extent to which adding laboratory and POA information to
administrative data will improve … enhanced quality information for
internal use and an early opportunity to use this information to improve … VHI also produces a
Cardiac Care report at http://www.vhi.org/cardiac_reports.asp VHI intends to
April 01, 2017 - Data Innovations
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April 01, 2010 - Guide is published by Ingenix, a leading solutions provider working to transform
organizations and improve … Ingenix Client Services Ingenix is always striving to improve our products and services. … Ingenix Client Services Ingenix is always striving to improve our products and services. … Ingenix Client Services Ingenix is always striving to improve our products and services.
October 01, 2010 - How alterations in selection of patients, procedures, and sites can improve short-term and long-term
July 01, 2016 - successfully demonstrated that adding selected clinical laboratory data elements to administrative data can improve
October 08, 2012 - NW
• Goal: to design, implement, and test the effectiveness of
tribal interventions to improve
October 01, 2010 - Enhanced State Data for Analysis and Tracking of Comparative Effectiveness Impact
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
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January 15, 2008 - Slide 1
“Linking Clinical Data to
Administrative Data”
AHRQ Contract with MHA
Potential Benefits to
Participants in the Project
Michael Pine, M.D., M.B.A.
Michael Pine and Associates, Inc.
January 15, 2008
Potential Benefits to Participants
Evaluation and improvement of data quality
April 22, 2008 - CHARLIE CRIST
V is i t A H C A o n l i n e a t
h t t p : / / a h c a . m y f l o r i d a . c o m
2 7 27 M ah an D r i ve , M S#
T a l l a hass ee , F l o r i da 3 23 08
Adding Clinical Data to Statewide Administrative Data Pilot Project
Tuesday April 22, 200…
June 01, 2012 - IDEA-NW’s goals are to
improve the validity and reliability of AI/AN race data in state data systems … another intervention being
implemented by NPAIHB now, addressing child safety seat use in an effort to improve