September 29, 2013 - R01 HS20033-01
The New Mexico State Department of Health and the Health Policy Commission will
May 01, 2016 - that likely could have been prevented with high-quality care. 4
States are undertaking activities to improve … improvement efforts, and to create a mechanism for collaboration across programs or departments to improve … States want and need additional data on disparities to develop strategies to improve health equity. … emphasize the need for valid data to document disparities and collaboration for action planning to improve … Their lessons can provide guidance for states that are exploring ways to improve their health equity
June 24, 2011 - important for several
• Improving quality and containing costs: States can use this work to improve … States
also consistently work in tandem with hospital associations and communities to improve
the collection … It can help states begin to target resources most
efficiently and effectively to improve the value of … are measurement challenges associated with small
sample sizes and missing data, states continue to improve
June 01, 2011 - Many initiatives have been created to
increase quality of care
•The purpose of this project is to improve … ethnicity and language data does not
necessarily result in actions that will
reduce disparities and improve
September 29, 2013 - Two small randomized clinical trials demonstrated that therapeutic hypothermia
can improve neurologically
June 16, 2014 - provide health information in languages spoken
by our patients and offer effective programs that can improve
September 29, 2013 - public health and other researchers to offer evidence-based data that could
inform decision-making and improve
April 01, 2022 - are made available to assist researchers and healthcare providers to enhance administrative data and improve
July 01, 2016 - CER) is based on the belief that more informed decisions about the use of healthcare resources could improve … discharge data with hospitalization-related laboratory results, an enhancement that has been shown to improve … CER) is based on the belief that more informed decisions about the use of healthcare resources could improve … discharge data with hospitalization-related laboratory results, an enhancement that has been shown to improve … It will also help improve estimates of inpatient mortality and surgical complications, and the measurement
June 01, 2014 - logo
slide 2
Collect accurate and reliable race and ethnicity and language data to:
Improve … collecting high quality data on race, ethnicity, and language that meet state requirements and for use to improve
June 01, 2011 - important for several reasons:
Improving quality and containing costs : States can use this work to improve … States also consistently work in tandem with hospital associations and communities to improve the collection … It can help states begin to target resources most efficiently and effectively to improve the value of … are measurement challenges associated with small sample sizes and missing data, states continue to improve
February 01, 2022 - Conduct and translate research to inform decision making and improve healthcare delivery.
January 01, 2006 - number of false
positives that hospitals with patient safety programs need to investigate further
• Improve … 3M Potentially Preventable Complications (PPCs)
• Increase validity of hospital report cards
• Improve … accuracy of results in mortality risk assessment and outcomes research
• Improve design and fairness … ability would significantly increase the efficiency of quality
assurance activities in hospitals and improve … Present-at-admission diagnoses improve mortality risk adjustment and allow more
accurate assessment
January 15, 2008 - hospital administrative-clinical databases from electronic data submitted by
hospitals that will improve … evaluate these prospectively collected data for data
quality and work with participating hospitals to improve … employed
to create and evaluate risk adjustment models for the study of “Enhancement of Claims
Data to Improve … structure of the IQIs and PSIs themselves to determine whether additional clinical data
can be used to improve … proven expertise, build on its excellent rapport with
its hospital constituency and, at the same time, improve
October 01, 2010 - HS20033-01
The New Mexico State Department of Health and the Health Policy Commission will improve
August 01, 2014 - Your Hospital gains Comparative Analysis
Compare your risk-adjusted outcomes to other hospitals
July 01, 2016 - set of clinical
data that would be combined with existing hospital administrative (claims) data to
improve … While industry wide EHRs/EMRs are still a ways off, pressures to
improve measurement to identify quality … involving employers,
physicians, hospitals, patients, health plans, and others working together to improve … identify and measure quality health care, then produce publicly-available
reports designed to help improve … WSHA works to improve the health of the
people of the state by becoming involved in all matters affecting
April 23, 2009 - hospitals under
Inland Northwest Health Services (INHS) in support of another CDC initiative to
improve … of clinical
data that would be combined with existing hospital administrative (claims) data to
improve … While industry wide EHRs/EMRs are still a ways off, pressures to
improve measurement to identify quality … involving employers,
physicians, hospitals, patients, health plans, and others working together to improve … WSHA works to improve the health of the
people of the state by becoming involved in all matters affecting
October 05, 2010 - hybrid hospital administrative-clinical databases from electronic data submitted by hospitals that will improve … evaluate these prospectively collected data for data quality and work with participating hospitals to improve … employed to create and evaluate risk adjustment models for the study of "Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve … structure of the IQIs and PSIs themselves to determine whether additional clinical data can be used to improve … proven expertise, build on its excellent rapport with its hospital constituency and, at the same time, improve
July 01, 2016 - About the Grants
AHRQ initiated a research program that awarded eight grants in September 2010 to improve … Two types of grants were implemented under this research program to improve state data by:
Enhancing … The end result is an enduring infrastructure that will improve research and quality.