
Total Results: 581 records

Showing results for "improve".

    November 01, 2011 - leading states activities related to collection, analysis and use of patient race/ethnicity data to improve … needs, actions, and plans related to collecting, analyzing, and using patient race/ethnicity data to improveImprove the consistency of implementing data standards across agencies. … leading states activities related to collection, analysis and use of patient race/ethnicity data to improve … The documents can inform state officials as they look for ways to improve health system performance and
    September 23, 2011 - leading states activities related to collection, analysis and use of patient race/ethnicity data to improve … needs, actions, and plans related to collecting, analyzing, and using patient race/ethnicity data to improve … Del #1728.22C NHQR/NHDR Summary Report of Dissemination Activities Conducted • Improve … leading states activities related to collection, analysis and use of patient race/ethnicity data to improve … The documents can inform state officials as they look for ways to improve health system performance
    June 16, 2014 - provide health information in languages spoken by our patients and offer effective programs that can improve … This information is confidential and used only to improve health care.
    October 01, 2010 - CER) is based on the belief that more informed decisions about the use of healthcare resources could improve … discharge data with hospitalization-related laboratory results, an enhancement that has been shown to improve
    January 01, 2010 - Conduct and translate research to inform decision making and improve health care delivery. … For patients and purchasers to make sound health care choices and for providers to improve the quality … is essential for public reporting on quality and costs of care as well as for hospital efforts to improve … condition on admission through lab results, and more accurately adjust mortality rates, which would improve … by hospitals in identifying quality/safety issues and measuring improvements over time; and could improve
    June 16, 2014 - Health Science Library Information Center – Advisory Committee (Quarterly Meetings) Goals • Improve … and target institutional factors influencing data collection • Increased awareness of need to improve
    July 01, 2016 - incremental value of adding particular clinical data elements: Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve … Surgical Risk (Fry et al, 2007 Annals of Surgery) Cost-Effective Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve
    November 15, 2011 - ) • Linkages conducted with various public health datasets to evaluate racial misclassification & improve
    June 21, 2014 - Your Hospital gains Comparative Analysis Compare your risk-adjusted outcomes to other hospitals Improve
    August 01, 2014 - NTR) Linkages conducted with various public health datasets to evaluate racial misclassification & improve
    July 01, 2014 - Health Science Library Information Center Advisory Committee (Quarterly Meetings) Goals Improve … identify and target institutional factors influencing data collection Increased awareness of need to improve
    May 01, 2004 - of Medicine GOAL Collect accurate and reliable race and ethnicity and language data to: • Improve … collecting high quality data on race, ethnicity, and language that meet state requirements and for use to improve
    July 01, 2016 - Department AHRQ Grant #: R01 HS20033-01 Goals The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) aims to improve … Background The Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality funded the New Mexico Department of Health to improve … One aspect of my practicum consisted of working with the trainer and two epidemiologists to improve these
    January 01, 2009 - INTRODUCTION The mission of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is to improve … initiative to cover the uninsured, expand coverage for other populations, and continue its effort to improve
    March 11, 2011 - likely could have been prevented with high-quality care.4 States are undertaking activities to improve … improvement efforts, and to create a mechanism for collaboration across programs or departments to improve … • States want and need additional data on disparities to develop strategies to improve health equity … emphasize the need for valid data to document disparities and collaboration for action planning to improve … Their lessons can provide guidance for states that are exploring ways to improve their health equity
    January 01, 2008 - INTRODUCTION The mission of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is to improve … initiative to cover the uninsured, expand coverage for other populations, and continue its effort to improve
    November 01, 2014 - provide health information in languages spoken by our patients and offer effective programs that can improve … This information is confidential and used only to improve healthcare.
  18. Title: (pdf file)
    September 29, 2013 - • How alterations in selection of patients, procedures, and sites can improve short- term and long-term
    September 01, 2013 - is based on the belief that more informed decisions about the use of healthcare resources could improve … discharge data with hospitalization-related laboratory results, an enhancement that has been shown to improve … is based on the belief that more informed decisions about the use of healthcare resources could improve … discharge data with hospitalization-related laboratory results, an enhancement that has been shown to improve … It will also help improve estimates of inpatient mortality and surgical complications, and the measurement
    July 01, 2016 - Director/Epidemiologist: Noell Stone, MPH Epidemiologist: Nicole Katz, MPH slide 3 Purpose To improve … How can we improve the collection of race/ethnicity/tribal affiliation data? … -Zuni Pueblo T100-Other Tribal Affiliation T200-Declined T300-Unknown slide 10 How can we improve

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