
Total Results: 581 records

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    February 01, 2025 - Therefore, there is a growing need to improve the processes and protocols to collect R/E/L patient information … There is an obvious need to document and improve the quality of care provided to at-risk populations. … Each project undertaken by the grantees from California, New Mexico, and the Northwest region to improve … While involvement of multiple stakeholders can improve the sustainability of data improvement efforts … FAQs, staff scripts, and questionnaires are mechanisms utilized by investigators from California to improve
    July 01, 2012 - collected systematically and used responsibly, these data can help identify and reduce disparities and improve … Collecting patient information allows hospitals to provide culturally competent care, improve health … Collecting patients’ race, ethnicity, and language allows hospitals to:  Improve patient-provider … disparities in health status, quality of care, and outcomes  Leverage funding for programs  Improve … CURRENT AND PAST INITIATIVES TO IMPROVE COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF PATIENT DATA  With funding from
    November 01, 2014 - collected systematically and used responsibly, these data can help identify and reduce disparities and improve … Collecting patient information allows hospitals to provide culturally competent care, improve healthcare … Collecting patients' race, ethnicity, and language allows hospitals to: Improve patient-provider … healthcare organizations to collect information on patients' race, ethnicity, and spoken language to improve … CURRENT AND PAST INITIATIVES TO IMPROVE COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF PATIENT DATA With funding from
    July 01, 2016 - Innovations   AHRQ initiated a research program that awarded eight grants in September 2010 to improve … Two types of grants were implemented under this research program to improve state data by: Enhancing … The end result will be an enduring infrastructure that will improve research and quality. … data quality, and to conduct research to measure the value of clinically enhanced data to improve risk … The researchers plan to continue conducting linkages to improve race classification for AI/AN in the
    February 01, 2025 - It can be used to improve data collection, quality assessment, and the dissemination of information. … linkage project between NTR and various public health data sets to evaluate racial misclassification and improve
  6. Title: (pdf file)
    September 29, 2013 - Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, propose a 3-year programmatic intervention to improve … • Directly improve the accuracy and reliability of race, ethnicity, and language information collected … • Use supplemental data and statistical approaches to improve race and ethnicity measures reported
  7. Title: (pdf file)
    September 29, 2013 - ) is based on the belief that more informed decisions about the use of health care resources could improve … discharge data with hospitalization-related laboratory results, an enhancement that has been shown to improve
    July 01, 2016 - The contract proposal is to develop a method to improve the Virginia’s patient level data system’s ability … enhanced quality information for internal use, and an early opportunity to use this information to improve
    July 01, 2016 - About the Grants AHRQ initiated a research program that awarded eight grants in September 2010 to improve … Two types of grants were implemented under this research program to improve state data by: Enhancing … importance of effectively collecting high quality R/E/L data that meet state requirements and can be used to improve … linkage project between NTR and various public health data sets to evaluate racial misclassification and improve
    July 01, 2016 - All-Payer Administrative Data (High-Value Health Care Project, 2010) Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve … Surgical Risk (Fry et al, 2007 Annals of Surgery) Cost-Effective Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve … Harmon et al, 2007 Journal of Patient Safety) Modifying ICD-9-CM Coding of Secondary Diagnoses to Improve
    July 09, 2007 - The contract proposal is to develop a method to improve the Virginia’s patient level data system’s ability … enhanced quality information for internal use, and an early opportunity to use this information to improve
    September 01, 2014 - region in the Pacific Northwest to identify and, in some cases, augment racial misclassification and improve
    October 01, 2014 - California used training and educational resources such as FAQs, staff scripts, and questionnaires to improve … importance of effectively collecting high quality R/E/L data that meet state requirements and can be used to improve
    October 01, 2010 - Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, propose a 3-year programmatic intervention to improve … Directly improve the accuracy and reliability of race, ethnicity, and language information collected … Use supplemental data and statistical approaches to improve race and ethnicity measures reported by hospitals
    October 01, 2014 - Toolkit on Enhancing the Clinical Content of Administrative Data " Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve … Risk " (Fry et al., 2007, Annals of Surgery ) " Cost-Effective Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve … et al., 2007, Journal of Patient Safety ) " Modifying ICD-9-CM Coding of Secondary Diagnoses to Improve
    October 31, 2010 - significant opportunity in at least a generation to reduce disparities in health and health care and improve … Access to health care: The ACA specifically requires states to take actions to improve access to health … Cultural competence training at both the individual and organizational level can improve the quality … under health care reform, is necessary but not sufficient to ultimately improve health outcomes. … These include: • Improve data collection and analysis through the State Health Improvement Plan
    May 01, 2016 - significant opportunity in at least a generation to reduce disparities in health and healthcare and improve … Cultural competence training at both the individual and organizational level can improve the quality … Health Insurance Reforms 1101, 1311, 1322, 1421, 1501, 1513, 2001, 2005, 10104 Actions to Improve … under healthcare reform, is necessary but not sufficient to ultimately improve health outcomes. … These include: Improve data collection and analysis through the State Health Improvement Plan (
    July 12, 2012 - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Presenter Presentation Notes ns Purpose • To improve … • How can we improve the collection of race/ethnicity/tribal affiliation data? … reporting requirements for health care facilities Presenter Presentation Notes nk How can we improve … Collection by OMB 1997 Guidelines NMAC – Data reporting requirements for health care facilities How can we improve
    May 26, 2012 - trainer The Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality funded the New Mexico Department of Health to improve … One aspect of my practicum consisted of working with the trainer and two epidemiologists to improve … Goals The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) aims to improve race, ethnicity and tribal identification
    January 01, 2020 - It also is collaborating with the Wisconsin Hospital Association and others to improve data collection … activities, such as authoring reports that use race/ethnicity data and fostering collaboration to improve … minority health care and racial and ethnic disparities in health and health care, including how to improve … To improve data collection at the hospital admission/registration level, increase patient comfort with … The overall goal is to improve reporting to allow for analysis of the health and health care needs of

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