
Total Results: 2,622 records

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    September 05, 2018 - Guidance on treatment options for these conditions is needed to improve the quality of life for pregnant … information on treatment options for the different types of headaches pregnant women may experience, to improve … Clinicians will then be better qualified to identify, make appropriate treatment decisions, and improve
    April 02, 2013 - Can anything be done to improve diabetic periphheral neuropathy?What is truly effective?
    August 01, 2016 - that is right for your child or teen. 4 Psychosocial Treatment Psychosocial treatment can help improve … They are used to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. … Approved for children aged 6 and older Stimulants may improve disruptive behavior.* Nonstimulant … Approved for children aged 6 and older Atomoxetine and guanfacine ER improve disruptive behavior … Approved for children aged 6 and older Antipsychotics improve disruptive behavior in the short
    January 15, 2021 - Improving Rural Health Through Telehealth-Guided Provider-to-Provider Communication Research Protocol January 15, 2021 Improving Cultural Competence to Reduce Health Disparities for Priority Populations Research Protocol Archived July 8, 2014 Improving Cultural Competence …
    of the current era of data abundance, and make systematic reviews both more efficient and salient to improve
    January 01, 2012 - Experts also predicted, however, that this technology has potential to improve patient adherence … Project ECHO is currently being investigated for its viability to improve management of patients with … These experts also predicted that this technology has the potential to improve patient health outcomes … They believe this intervention has the potential to improve patient health outcomes, particularly for … Because patient outcomes are usually a function of medication compliance, the outcomes would improve
    November 14, 2017 - Enhanced care interventions that integrate psychiatric treatment into cardiology and primary care settings improve … Combining cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressant medication may improve depression outcomes … but does not clearly improve cardiac outcomes. … effectiveness, enhanced care interventions that integrate psychiatric treatment into other clinical settings improve
    September 10, 2012 - symptoms and reductions in reliever medication use of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 puffs per day, but did not improve … Limited evidence suggested yoga breathing may improve pulmonary function in adults in addition to reducing … Conclusions Behavioral approaches that include hyperventilation reduction techniques can improve asthma
    May 01, 2013 - Do school-based asthma education programs improve self-management and health outcomes? … Do clinical practice guidelines improve processes or outcomes in primary care? … Can we improve the management of chronic obstructive respiratory disease? … Introduction of asthma APGAR tools improve asthma management in primary care practices. … Can a community evidence-based asthma care program improve clinical outcomes?
    September 22, 2014 - Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Project Title: Interventions to Improveimprove shared decision making. … While this is the most direct outcome of interventions intended to improve appropriate prescription, … to improve shared decision making. … to improve shared decision-making.
    December 20, 2012 - Disposition of Comments Report for Interventions To Improve Patient Adherence to Hepatitis C Treatment … Interventions To Improve Patient Adherence to Hepatitis C Treatment: Comparative Effectiveness. … Interventions to improve providers’ expertise and training could also improve pharmacological management … of side effects and, in turn, improve treatment completion rates. … As such, efforts to improve treatment adherence in hepatitis C are needed."
    January 01, 2013 - The PCMH model aims to improve both care and patient experience across the full care continuum, from … These analyses further focus the lens of inquiry to improve our understanding of how to improve quality … Interventions targeting communication and decisionmaking did not improve patient satisfaction. … All audiences have the same aim: to improve health by improving health care quality. … Meta- analysis of trials of interventions to improve medication adherence.
    August 18, 2011 - Although medical researchers have demonstrated many efficacious medical treatments to improve health … Means To Address the Problem To improve health care quality, interventions used to improve medication … Meta-analysis of trials of interventions to improve medication adherence. … Chronic disease management: what will it take to improve care for chronic illness? … Effectiveness of interventions to improve patient compliance: a meta-analysis.
    May 19, 2013 - Abstract Objectives To synthesize the published literature on the effect of interventions designed to improve … to support the use of decision support tools, feedback and audit, and clinical pharmacy support to improve … health care providers to asthma guidelines, as measured through health care process outcomes, and to improve
    January 01, 2012 - Overall High Impact Potential: Interactive robotic dolls to improve social skills of children with … They thought that the device has potential to improve quality of life for children and their families … These experts thought the device has potential to improve quality of life for children and their … A researcher indicated this device could potentially address the need to improve existing services. … social skills of children with autism Intervention Interactive robotic dolls to improve social
    September 23, 2014 - Moderate evidence exists that child-focused early intensive behavioral interventions can improve cognitive … and developmental interventions such as the UCLA/Lovaas Model and the Early Start Denver Model can improve … [evidence medium] Play- and interaction-based interventions improve joint attention skills in young … [evidence medium] Parent-focused early intensive behavioral interventions may improve language skills … Secretin does not improve language, cognition, behavior, communication, autism symptom severity, or socialization
    September 01, 2014 - Moderate evidence exists that child-focused early intensive behavioral interventions can improve cognitive … and developmental interventions such as the UCLA/Lovaas Model and the Early Start Denver Model can improve … cognitive and language outcomes for some children.  � Play- and interaction-based interventions improve … receiving early intervention.  � Parent-focused early intensive behavioral interventions may improve … � Secretin does not improve language, cognition, behavior, communication, autism symptom severity
    September 30, 2009 - Translating Information Into Action: Improving Quality of Care Through Interactive Media Series Overview September 30, 2009 The AHRQ Evidence-Based Care (EBC) Challenge Research Report June 1, 2013 Supporting Informed Decision Making When Clinical Evidence and Conventiona…
    July 02, 2020 - EHC Protocol: Addressing Social Isolation To Improve Health of Older Adults: A Rapid Evidence Review
    December 15, 2009 - Furthur evidence is needed to improve patient selection for ICDs.

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