July 28, 2009 - DARTNet provides this missing clinical information and helps to quickly improve knowledge about health … As we work with practices to improve care and add standardized data collection techniques to assist with … these improvements these data should also improve our ability to conduct meaningful OCER. … The ability to improve the quality of data in claims data is limited as there is no interaction between … IMPROVE Investigators. J Clin Epidemiol 1999 Jun;52(6):551-557.
December 01, 2017 - To improve the scientific rigor of these evidence reports, AHRQ supports empiric research
by the EPCs … to help understand or improve complex methodologic issues in systematic reviews. … These methods research projects are intended to contribute to the research base in and be used to
improve … Are there types of decisions where EPC reports could substantially improve the
decisionmaking process … Patient-oriented needs include
interventions to improve access and to serve special populations (e.g
May 04, 2015 - Current Page Topic Timeline Mar. 14, 2013 Topic Suggestion Jun. 30, 2014 Research Protocol May. 4, 2015 Systematic Review Aug. 26, 2015 Disposition of Comments Report Treatments for Ankyloglossia and Ankyloglossia with Concomitant Lip-tie
Systematic Review Archived May 4, 2015 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main …
January 01, 2013 - Strong methodologic approaches to systematic review improve the transparency, consistency, and
scientific … In this sense,
the goal of topic refinement is to improve a nominated topic so that it is a good and … To improve
the transparency and consistency of reporting, the workgroup recommended and integrated … Their input can improve the relevance and applicability of the systematic review. … This in turn helps to
inform the scope of the review, and improve the relevance and applicability of
November 19, 2012 - identify current strengths, limitations, deficiencies, and unique challenges; and make recommendations to improve
July 05, 2012 - Improve the quality of archived data through collaborative review and commentary.
January 01, 2018 - outcomes of breastfeeding for infants and children are needed for
continued support of efforts to improve
September 26, 2011 - quality, and consistency of studies, there is moderate strength of evidence to support that DMARDs improve
September 15, 2014 - Low-strength evidence suggested that botulinum toxin injected into the urethral sphincter may not improve
August 21, 2013 - Treatment with antipsychotics other than clozapine appears to improve psychiatric symptoms more than
August 27, 2012 - to assist consumers,
clinicians, purchasers and policy makers to make
informed decisions that will improve
July 11, 2012 - range of etiologies for acute respiratory failure, NPPV has the potential to reduce complications and improve
January 01, 2009 - The main goals of treatment are to reduce or control pain,
improve physical function, prevent disability
July 19, 2014 - What is the comparative safety and effectiveness of treatment options to improve
the symptoms of diabetic
January 01, 2010 - Clinicians treating children age 0-18 years diagnosed with asthma
Intervention(s): Interventions to improve
January 01, 2008 - Does the technology improve quality of life and function, and if so, to what
extent and at what cost
July 01, 2012 - and
technology assessments to assist public-
and private-sector organizations in their
efforts to improve … purchasers as well as the health care
system as a whole by providing important
information to help improve … primary care transformation that
seeks to meet the variety of health care needs
of patients and to improve … diabetes
mellitus, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or
depression have been shown to improve … A meta-analysis
of interventions to improve care for chronic illnesses.
July 01, 2016 - fecal incontinence etiologies, baseline
characteristics, and comorbid conditions—are needed to
improve … the variability in definitions for fecal
incontience episodes and outcome measures in RCTs
would improve
September 21, 2012 - Machine Learning Methods in Systematic Reviews: Identifying Quality Improvement Intervention Evaluations
Research Report September 21, 2012 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 498.3 KB
People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For additio…
February 01, 2015 - purported to or may hold potential to diagnose, treat, or otherwise
manage a particular condition or to improve … intervention that enhances insulin
signaling or provides supplemental insulin in these regions may improve … These limited findings suggest that intranasal insulin treatment may slightly improve
cognitive function … experts believe that as a potentially affordable, easily
administered drug, intranasal insulin could improve … Some experts were also concerned that intranasal insulin would not dramatically improve patient