
Total Results: 2,622 records

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    September 01, 2019 - To improve the scientific rigor of these evidence reports, AHRQ supports empiric research by the EPCs … to help understand or improve complex methodologic issues in systematic reviews. … These methods research projects are intended to contribute to the research base in and be used to improve … Selected feedback on how to improve interactive reports ............................................ … Selected feedback on how to improve interactive reports Suggestion Thematic classification Provide
    September 13, 2023 - Better resources and interventions are needed urgently to improve the mental and behavioral health of … Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines recovery as “a process of change through which individuals improve … Interventions that aim to improve resistance include pre- incident preventive interventions (primary … Interventions that aim to improve resilience include acute, short-term psychological crisis interventions … Interventions that aim to improve recovery address the subacute manifestations of distress and dysfunction
    August 08, 2018 - Synthesizing Evidence for Quality Improvement Abstract August 8, 2018 Background. Systematic reviews have become a mainstay for guideline groups, professional societies, and policymakers in determining which interventions are effective. Traditional systematic reviews may not provide sufficient informat…
  4. Diabetes Mellitus (pdf file)
    September 26, 2014 - Several experts commented that the intervention would significantly improve patient health outcomes … However, experts commented that the device’s potential to improve patient health is limited by its … Therefore, a need exists for improved insulin options to improve glycemic control. … Pharmacotherapy designed to improve the effectiveness and duration of insulin is warranted. … Unmet need and health outcomes: ITCA 650’s subcutaneous delivery could improve patient adherence to
    December 01, 2013 - An unmet need has existed for novel, effective therapies to improve outcomes in this patient population … Thus, an unmet need has existed for novel, effective medications to improve outcomes in this patient … Ivacaftor appears to have a sound theory underlying its mechanism of action and potential to improve … Health disparities: Ivacaftor could improve health disparities, one clinical expert noted, stating that … marginal lungs and potentially to preserve or improve the condition of routine donor lungs.
    September 23, 2014 - intensive behavioral interventions that focus on helping children with their overall development may improve … Research is not clear about whether they improve social skills, daily living skills, or the severity … Programs that address how children play may improve children’s social interactions, but more research
    January 21, 2016 - better target prostate cancer when compared with the treatments described in this review and, thereby, improve … approaches for prostate cancer A need for continuing ongoing research for prognostic surrogate markers to improve … may allow many of the currently available treatments to better target prostate cancer and, thereby, improve
    September 01, 2014 - intensive behavioral interventions that focus on helping children with their overall development may improve … Research is not clear about whether they improve social skills, daily living skills, or the severity … � Programs that address how children play may improve children’s social interactions, but more research
    January 01, 2016 - better target prostate cancer when compared with the treatments described in this review and, thereby, improve … for prostate cancer –� A need for continuing ongoing research for prognostic surrogate markers to improve … may allow many of the currently available treatments to better target prostate cancer and, thereby, improve
  10. Fleisher (pdf file)
    January 01, 2010 - similar issues • Spark new knowledge or interest • Provide referrals • Create social support and  improve … • Does it improve access to the “best” choices? • Can we measure the impact? … Promotion Research at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio o Intended to improve
  11. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    May 01, 2010 - Research to improve the management of xerostomia and to disseminate that knowledge to clinical practice … could potentially improve morbidity and quality of life for cancer patients. … Standardization in terminology and measurement would improve the quality of randomized controlled trials
    August 01, 2020 - support to the NASEM, AHRQ and the NIA in developing the next steps to continue the opportunities to improve … In 2012, CMS launched the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes to “improve … J Gerontol Nurs 2014;40:26-34. 6 CMS announces partnership to improve dementia care. 2012. … Thus, assessing sex and gender differences in dementia and caregiving represents an opportunity to improve … Studying sex differences will improve health for women and men. Stat.
    August 01, 2020 - support to the NASEM, AHRQ and the NIA in developing the next steps to continue the opportunities to improve … In 2012, CMS launched the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes to “improve … J Gerontol Nurs 2014;40:26-34. 6 CMS announces partnership to improve dementia care. 2012. … Thus, assessing sex and gender differences in dementia and caregiving represents an opportunity to improve … Studying sex differences will improve health for women and men. Stat.
    April 01, 2020 - underlying neuropathological etiology is to inform decision making about drug and nondrug treatments to improve … ■ In patients not receiving cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine may improve clinical impression … of change, did not improve function, and evidence was insufficient about cognition, other efficacy … ■ In patients receiving cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine did not improve clinical impression … ■ Cholinesterase inhibitors did not improve agitation more than placebo, and evidence was insufficient
    April 01, 2022 - Follow-up of a Wuqinxi exercise at home programme to reduce pain and improve function for knee osteoarthritis … clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers, among others—make well-informed decisions and thereby improve … development of systematic reviews to assist public- and private-sector organizations in their efforts to improve … Can Yoga or Physical Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain Improve Depression and Anxiety Among Adults … Follow-up of a Wuqinxi exercise at home programme to reduce pain and improve function for knee osteoarthritis
    June 01, 2013 - purported to or may hold potential to diagnose, treat, or otherwise manage a particular condition or to improve … Facts: Most individuals with an ASD are treated through highly structured behavior programs to try to improve … Most individuals with an ASD are treated through highly structured behavior programs to try to improve … believe that acute intranasal oxytocin (Pitocin®, Syntocinon®) administration might significantly improve … However, at this time, no medications are available that address and improve the core symptoms of ASD
    October 01, 2021 - Department of Health and Human Services has been directed to evaluate ways to improve Medicare coverage
    June 01, 2013 - Thus, an unmet need has existed for novel, effective therapies to improve outcomes in this patient … Ivacaftor in combination with an experimental CF drug, lumacaftor, has also been shown to improve lung … Thus, an unmet need has existed for novel, effective medications to improve outcomes in this patient … Ivacaftor appears to have a sound theory underlying its mechanism of action and potential to improve … Health disparities: The oral administration of ivacaftor could improve health disparities, one expert
    January 01, 2007 - Interpreting the findings of the IMPROVE study. … A randomized trial of a primary care-based disease management program to improve cardiovascular risk … Interventions used to improve control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension. … Interventions to improve adherence to lipid lowering medication. … Interventions to improve the management of diabetes in primary care, outpatient, and community settings
    January 01, 2011 - Does routine preoperative testing compared to no testing or alternative testing strategies improve outcomes

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