January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0051
Document Completion Date: 6-12-09
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Therapies for autism spectrum disorders will go forward for refinement as a comparative effectiveness
or effectiveness review. The scope of this topic, including pop…
January 01, 2009 - Test Evaluation
The decision to use a new test should be based on evidence that it will
improve … study designs
may suffice, begins by describing the pathway by which the new test is expected to
improve … The Replacement Test
A new replacement test may be introduced to improve patient outcomes by
improving … the critical
comparisons are:
• First, does treatment of the extra true positive cases detected improve … The Add-On Test
Add-on tests are generally introduced to improve patient outcomes through
December 05, 2013 - Additionally, patients treated with Mobi-C were reported
to improve more than patients treated with … Experts thought that
available evidence suggests that Mobi-C may improve clinical success rates and … If Mobi-C is
shown to improve outcomes enough to benefit patients and reduce the need to reoperate … Experts were cautiously optimistic about PRP therapy’s potential to improve patient health
outcomes … Mesenchymal stem cell injections improve
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
July 01, 2013 - and funders of research
make well-informed decisions in designing and funding research and thereby improve … and technology
assessments to assist public- and private-sector organizations in their efforts to improve … purchasers as well as the health care system as a whole by
providing important information to help improve … Characterizing LTC users’ transitions will improve research about
the most effective type and timing … Can case management improve HCBS outcomes?
May 01, 2013 - cointerventions
and the timing of studied interventions in relation to other
interventions would improve
April 01, 2016 - Whether integrated interventions
improve workplace safety (compared with OSH
programs or policies that … Few studies have assessed
whether specific integrated strategies that modify the
work environment improve … Intervening to improve
health indicators among Australian farm families. … Results of a pilot
intervention to improve health and safety for health care workers. … Recommendations
for worksite-based interventions to improve workers’ health.
January 01, 2012 - Biologics are intended to reduce disease activity, slow joint
damage, and improve physical function … However, data
regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … However,
data regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … Experts were cautiously optimistic about the potential of PRP therapy to improve patient health
outcomes … The experts thought that tofacitinib could improve health outcomes in
patients with RA and might lead
November 01, 2012 - during the next
few decades as the population ages.5
OA treatments aim to reduce or control
pain, improve … Function did not
improve further at 6 months followup.
Proprioception Exercises. … Low-strength evidence also demonstrated
that ultrasound did not improve disability.
Diathermy. … – No single physical therapy intervention was shown
to improve all examined outcomes. … Can stimulating
massage improve joint repositioning error in patients with knee
May 18, 2012 - Slide 1
Goal Setting
Jyoti Gupta, MPH,
Senior Public Engagement Associate
Public Agenda
Purposes of Goal Setting
• To choose the right strategies and
methodologies for engagement
• To be clear and honest about what one
can reasonably expect to be the outcomes
Goals of Del…
December 01, 2017 - To improve the scientific rigor of these evidence reports, AHRQ supports empiric research
by the EPCs … to help understand or improve complex methodologic issues in systematic reviews. … These methods research projects are intended to contribute to the research base in and be used to
improve … Are there types of decisions where EPC reports could substantially improve the
decisionmaking process … Patient-oriented needs include
interventions to improve access and to serve special populations (e.g
June 01, 2016 - Management of Infantile Hemangioma
Infantile hemangioma (IH) is generally a benign vascular
neoplasm. The International Society for the Study of Vascular
Anomalies (ISSVA) classifies IH lesions as vascular tumors,
which are differentiated from vascular malformations.2 IH affects
4 to 5 perce…
March 07, 2013 - Homes and Other Residential Long Term Care Settings for People with Dementia reviews interventions that improve
January 01, 2013 - Strong methodologic approaches to systematic review improve the transparency, consistency, and
scientific … In this sense,
the goal of topic refinement is to improve a nominated topic so that it is a good and … To improve
the transparency and consistency of reporting, the workgroup recommended and integrated … Their input can improve the relevance and applicability of the systematic review. … This in turn helps to
inform the scope of the review, and improve the relevance and applicability of
August 01, 2016 - their treatment
Summary of Evidence From the Systematic Review
üü Acamprosate and oral naltrexone improve
April 01, 2012 - KQ 2: For patients with PsA, do drug therapies differ
in their ability to improve patient-reported symptoms
October 01, 2011 - treatment for depression will help the AHRQ Pediatric Quality Measure Program awardees enhance and improve
September 01, 2009 - To reduce the overall costs of treating asthma and to improve health status outcomes and the incidence
July 21, 2009 - concern involves persistence of chronic pain post-surgery and poassible predictors of poor outcomes to improve
November 06, 2012 - Current Page Topic Timeline Oct. 20, 2009 Topic Suggestion Mar. 2, 2011 Research Protocol Nov. 6, 2012 Systematic Review Mar. 4, 2013 Disposition of Comments Report Physical Therapy Interventions for Knee Pain Secondary to Osteoarthritis
Systematic Review Archived November 6, 2012 Web Version [NLM Site] Download M…
February 01, 2015 - purported to or may hold potential to diagnose, treat, or otherwise
manage a particular condition or to improve … small clinical trials (Craft et al.,
2012; Craft et al., 2013) suggest that intranasal insulin may improve … easily accessible, and simply administered drug,
some experts believed that intranasal insulin could improve … Some experts were also unconvinced that
intranasal insulin would improve patient health outcomes, because … Additionally,
multiple experts expressed reservations regarding intranasal insulin’s potential to improve