December 14, 2017 - well-written systematic review of two key question
areas, the effects of allergen remediation in the home to
improve … asthma and the effects of bronchial Thermoplasty,
BT, to improve asthma. … We note that it did not
improve in either AIR or AIR 2. … We agree that it is
best to use “may improve” in describing
BT’s effects in some patients with
August 01, 2012 - interest is emerging
about whether treatment of common
mental health conditions in primary care
can improve … An emerging literature addresses
whether better treatment of depression in primary care
can also improve … eager to
identify interventions and processes that can streamline
care for multiple conditions and improve … mean any intervention
that (1) targets the care process within a system of care
and (2) works to improve … antidepressant
medications, but they must be delivered as part of a
broader systematic strategy to improve
June 01, 2014 - cervical disc replacement in the absence of neurologic compromise,
stating that patient symptoms can improve … However, data are limited regarding the ability of
autologous MSCs to improve OA symptoms and regenerate … encouraging, the experts said, and they were
cautiously optimistic about the potential of MSCs to improve … Experts were cautiously optimistic about PRP therapy’s potential to improve patient health
outcomes … Mesenchymal stem cell injections improve
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
August 12, 2009 - Furthermore, physicians’ ability “to recognize non-adherence is poor and intervention to improve adherence
May 26, 2016 - the performance of the three primary functions of the Horizon Scanning System and to discern ways to improve
January 01, 2015 - Most experts commenting on this intervention opined that
it has the potential to improve patient health … However, experts commented that the device’s potential to improve patient health is
limited by its … Experts
commented that this intervention has the potential to improve patient health by reducing the … Unmet need and health outcomes: ITCA 650’s subcutaneous delivery could improve patient
adherence to … They opined that
this implant has the potential to improve patient health outcomes, citing increased
December 19, 2017 - To improve the scientific rigor of these evidence reports, AHRQ supports empiric research
by the EPCs … to help understand or improve complex methodologic issues in systematic reviews. … These methods research projects are intended to contribute to the research base in and be used to
improve … What could the person leading the discussion have done differently to improve the discussion?
18. … We truly do appreciate your honesty and your willingness
to help us improve the process.
August 01, 2012 - and funders of research
make well-informed decisions in designing and funding research and thereby improve … to blood pressure (BP) treatment
and consequently improve outcomes. … to
blood pressure (BP) treatment and consequently improve outcomes. … SMBP requires patient participation to assess and improve BP control. … Two self-management interventions to
improve hypertension control: a randomized
February 01, 2016 - Conclusions
There was moderate-strength evidence that acamprosate and oral
naltrexone improve alcohol … medications.† Expanding
awareness and access to medication-assisted treatment for AUD has
the potential to improve
December 05, 2013 - Additionally, patients treated with Mobi-C were reported
to improve more than patients treated with … Experts thought that
available evidence suggests that Mobi-C may improve clinical success rates and … If Mobi-C is
shown to improve outcomes enough to benefit patients and reduce the need to reoperate … Experts were cautiously optimistic about PRP therapy’s potential to improve patient health
outcomes … Mesenchymal stem cell injections improve
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
March 01, 2013 - golimumab patients.14
KQ 2: For patients with PsA, do drug therapies differ in their ability to improve … patients
October 20, 2009 - therapeutic activities, direct (one-on-one) patient contact by the provider (use of dynamic activities to improve
January 01, 2012 - Biologics are intended to reduce disease activity, slow joint
damage, and improve physical function … However, data
regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … However,
data regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … Experts were cautiously optimistic about the potential of PRP therapy to improve patient health
outcomes … The experts thought that tofacitinib could improve health outcomes in
patients with RA and might lead
August 17, 2012 - Conclusions
Patients, families, and providers can use this evidence review to improve decisionmaking
March 18, 2014 - become a routine part of the systematic review process, allowing the program to begin to explore how to improve
November 20, 2013 - evidence, impedes timely clinician, patient, and policymaker awareness, uptake, and use of evidence to improve
September 01, 2011 - • The majority of the cohort studies found that surgery may
help improve cough and laryngeal symptoms
June 21, 2016 - Research to improve standardization of outcome measures is, therefore, crucial.
April 01, 2016 - Whether integrated interventions
improve workplace safety (compared with OSH
programs or policies that … Few studies have assessed
whether specific integrated strategies that modify the
work environment improve … Intervening to improve
health indicators among Australian farm families. … Results of a pilot
intervention to improve health and safety for health care workers. … Recommendations
for worksite-based interventions to improve workers’ health.
November 01, 2012 - during the next
few decades as the population ages.5
OA treatments aim to reduce or control
pain, improve … Function did not
improve further at 6 months followup.
Proprioception Exercises. … Low-strength evidence also demonstrated
that ultrasound did not improve disability.
Diathermy. … – No single physical therapy intervention was shown
to improve all examined outcomes. … Can stimulating
massage improve joint repositioning error in patients with knee