October 29, 2012 - contrast to the original CER, the finding from one RCT demonstrated that magnetic
stimulation did not improve … Darifenacin needed to be given to nine
women in order to improve UI in one
woman (Table 7).
August 17, 2012 - Conclusions
Patients, families, and providers can use this evidence review to improve decisionmaking
March 18, 2014 - become a routine part of the systematic review process, allowing the program to begin to explore how to improve
November 20, 2013 - evidence, impedes timely clinician, patient, and policymaker awareness, uptake, and use of evidence to improve
January 01, 2011 - Accurate initial staging of
pancreatic cancer can improve decision-making about appropriate therapy,
January 01, 2011 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0343
Document Completion Date: 3-23-11
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) will go forward for refinement as a systematic review. The scope of
this topic, including populations, interventions, comparators, and out…
January 01, 2012 - Reports from observational studies
suggested that helminths might prevent or improve UC by inducing … No effective treatments are
available to improve long-term nutritional absorption other than intestinal … If the patient does not
improve after 3–5 days, colectomy (i.e., surgical removal of the colon) can … Early results of TSO are encouraging;
however, larger trials will be needed to improve patient and … A reduction in PN might significantly improve patient outcomes and quality of
December 14, 2017 - well-written systematic review of two key question
areas, the effects of allergen remediation in the home to
improve … asthma and the effects of bronchial Thermoplasty,
BT, to improve asthma. … We note that it did not
improve in either AIR or AIR 2. … We agree that it is
best to use “may improve” in describing
BT’s effects in some patients with
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AHRQ EPC Program Launches Learning Health Systems Panel to Help Make Evidence Reports More Useful to Health Systems in Improving Patient Care
AHRQ EPC Program Launches Learning Health Systems Panel to Help Make Evidence Reports More Useful to Health Systems in Improving Patient …
August 01, 2012 - interest is emerging
about whether treatment of common
mental health conditions in primary care
can improve … An emerging literature addresses
whether better treatment of depression in primary care
can also improve … eager to
identify interventions and processes that can streamline
care for multiple conditions and improve … mean any intervention
that (1) targets the care process within a system of care
and (2) works to improve … antidepressant
medications, but they must be delivered as part of a
broader systematic strategy to improve
June 01, 2014 - cervical disc replacement in the absence of neurologic compromise,
stating that patient symptoms can improve … However, data are limited regarding the ability of
autologous MSCs to improve OA symptoms and regenerate … encouraging, the experts said, and they were
cautiously optimistic about the potential of MSCs to improve … Experts were cautiously optimistic about PRP therapy’s potential to improve patient health
outcomes … Mesenchymal stem cell injections improve
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
August 12, 2009 - Furthermore, physicians’ ability “to recognize non-adherence is poor and intervention to improve adherence
May 26, 2016 - the performance of the three primary functions of the Horizon Scanning System and to discern ways to improve
September 22, 2011 - 1
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 91
Interventions To Improve Patient
Adherence to Hepatitis … Therefore, efforts are needed to improve
treatment adherence in HCV. … The BIC
program was designed to improve patient adherence. … Almost all included studies measuring adherence showed
that interventions tended to improve adherence … Interventions To Improve Patient Adherence
to Hepatitis C Treatment: Comparative Effectiveness.
April 01, 2013 - 1
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 105
Interventions To Improve Cardiovascular Risk
Factors … The review was designed to evaluate strategies to improve
CVD risk factors in adults with SMI. … To prioritize interventions for review, we examined
published systematic reviews of strategies to improve … Project Title:Strategies to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in
People With Serious Mental Illness … Interventions
To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People With
Serious Mental Illness.
December 05, 2013 - Additionally, patients treated with Mobi-C were reported
to improve more than patients treated with … Experts thought that
available evidence suggests that Mobi-C may improve clinical success rates and … If Mobi-C is
shown to improve outcomes enough to benefit patients and reduce the need to reoperate … Experts were cautiously optimistic about PRP therapy’s potential to improve patient health
outcomes … Mesenchymal stem cell injections improve
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
February 01, 2016 - Conclusions
There was moderate-strength evidence that acamprosate and oral
naltrexone improve alcohol … medications.† Expanding
awareness and access to medication-assisted treatment for AUD has
the potential to improve
March 01, 2013 - golimumab patients.14
KQ 2: For patients with PsA, do drug therapies differ in their ability to improve … patients
January 01, 2012 - Biologics are intended to reduce disease activity, slow joint
damage, and improve physical function … However, data
regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … However,
data regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … Experts were cautiously optimistic about the potential of PRP therapy to improve patient health
outcomes … The experts thought that tofacitinib could improve health outcomes in
patients with RA and might lead
October 20, 2009 - therapeutic activities, direct (one-on-one) patient contact by the provider (use of dynamic activities to improve