June 01, 2014 - cervical disc replacement in the absence of neurologic compromise,
stating that patient symptoms can improve … However, data are limited regarding the ability of
autologous MSCs to improve OA symptoms and regenerate … encouraging, the experts said, and they were
cautiously optimistic about the potential of MSCs to improve … Experts were cautiously optimistic about PRP therapy’s potential to improve patient health
outcomes … Mesenchymal stem cell injections improve
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
September 01, 2011 - • The majority of the cohort studies found that surgery may
help improve cough and laryngeal symptoms
February 01, 2016 - Conclusions
There was moderate-strength evidence that acamprosate and oral
naltrexone improve alcohol … medications.† Expanding
awareness and access to medication-assisted treatment for AUD has
the potential to improve
March 01, 2013 - golimumab patients.14
KQ 2: For patients with PsA, do drug therapies differ in their ability to improve … patients
July 01, 2012 - the growing number, complexity, and cost of medical tests, which tests can reliably be
expected to improve … systematic reviews of medical test studies are ultimately
aimed at informing the use of those tests to improve … sufficient: a test with sensitivity and specificity in the high 90-
percent range may not improve … only one link in this chain,
as when the test is being compared with an established test known to improve … Receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curve
Ability of a test to direct
clinical management
and improve
June 21, 2016 - Management of Infantile Hemangioma
Policymaker Summary Archived June 21, 2016 Download Main Document PDF 893.5 KB
Archived: This report is greater than 3 years old. Findings may be used for research purposes, but should not be considered current.
This report is available in PDF only ( Policy…
June 21, 2016 - Research to improve standardization of outcome measures is, therefore, crucial.
January 01, 2009 - Test Evaluation
The decision to use a new test should be based on evidence that it will
improve … study designs
may suffice, begins by describing the pathway by which the new test is expected to
improve … The Replacement Test
A new replacement test may be introduced to improve patient outcomes by
improving … the critical
comparisons are:
• First, does treatment of the extra true positive cases detected improve … The Add-On Test
Add-on tests are generally introduced to improve patient outcomes through
October 01, 2011 - that social media and social networks can serve as a cost-effective
way to solicit consumer input to improve … NCI used ideas gathered through this initiative to
improve its Web site. … They also can serve as a means of collecting patient-reported
outcomes measures and other data to improve … a community advisory council of farmers, ranchers, school teachers, and other community
members to improve … health care initiatives, including an effort to encourage screening for colon
cancer and another to improve
March 13, 2012 - To that end, advances in molecular and genomic medicine, such as gene
expression profiling, may improve … According to Midgley et al., “[T]here are good examples of gene expression profiles
being used to improve … and breast cancer and aid in
determination of prognosis in breast cancer.”5 Using GEP tests could improve … Selecting appropriate patients for
adjuvant chemotherapy could improve net outcomes, by giving adjuvant … Multigene assays to improve assessment of recurrence risk
and benefit from chemotherapy in early-stage
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0051
Document Completion Date: 6-12-09
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Therapies for autism spectrum disorders will go forward for refinement as a comparative effectiveness
or effectiveness review. The scope of this topic, including pop…
December 05, 2013 - Additionally, patients treated with Mobi-C were reported
to improve more than patients treated with … Experts thought that
available evidence suggests that Mobi-C may improve clinical success rates and … If Mobi-C is
shown to improve outcomes enough to benefit patients and reduce the need to reoperate … Experts were cautiously optimistic about PRP therapy’s potential to improve patient health
outcomes … Mesenchymal stem cell injections improve
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
April 28, 2017 - mHealth technologies for chronic illnesses have shown promise, questions remain as to
whether they improve … Telemedicine has a similar definition- “the use of information and communication technologies
to improve … mHealth technologies could potentially improve the self-management of diabetes and diabetes
risk factors … Although patient-
facing mHealth technologies show promise24, questions remain as to whether they improve … Technologically Enhanced Coaching: A
Program to Improve Diabetes Outcomes (VA-TEC).
June 01, 2014 - In a later study, azithromycin three times weekly
was shown to improve cough-specific health status … Developing new strategies to better
preserve or improve donor-lung quality could affect the number … OCS Lung may also improve
donor lung condition so that lungs previously considered as marginal in quality … a principal mediator of inflammation and tissue destruction.4 Lastly, azithromycin is
thought to improve … marginal lungs and potentially to preserve or
improve the condition of routine donor lungs.
April 28, 2017 - mHealth technologies for chronic illnesses have shown promise, questions remain as to
whether they improve … Telemedicine has a similar definition- “the use of information and communication technologies
to improve … mHealth technologies could potentially improve the self-management of diabetes and diabetes
risk factors … Although patient-
facing mHealth technologies show promise24, questions remain as to whether they improve … Technologically Enhanced Coaching: A
Program to Improve Diabetes Outcomes (VA-TEC).
January 01, 2012 - Biologics are intended to reduce disease activity, slow joint
damage, and improve physical function … However, data
regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … However,
data regarding the ability of MSC to improve OA symptoms and regenerate cartilage are limited … Experts were cautiously optimistic about the potential of PRP therapy to improve patient health
outcomes … The experts thought that tofacitinib could improve health outcomes in
patients with RA and might lead
April 01, 2016 - Whether integrated interventions
improve workplace safety (compared with OSH
programs or policies that … Few studies have assessed
whether specific integrated strategies that modify the
work environment improve … Intervening to improve
health indicators among Australian farm families. … Results of a pilot
intervention to improve health and safety for health care workers. … Recommendations
for worksite-based interventions to improve workers’ health.
May 01, 2013 - cointerventions
and the timing of studied interventions in relation to other
interventions would improve
November 01, 2012 - during the next
few decades as the population ages.5
OA treatments aim to reduce or control
pain, improve … Function did not
improve further at 6 months followup.
Proprioception Exercises. … Low-strength evidence also demonstrated
that ultrasound did not improve disability.
Diathermy. … – No single physical therapy intervention was shown
to improve all examined outcomes. … Can stimulating
massage improve joint repositioning error in patients with knee
May 18, 2012 - Slide 1
Goal Setting
Jyoti Gupta, MPH,
Senior Public Engagement Associate
Public Agenda
Purposes of Goal Setting
• To choose the right strategies and
methodologies for engagement
• To be clear and honest about what one
can reasonably expect to be the outcomes
Goals of Del…