March 13, 2013 - Does regional lymph node dissection improve oncologic outcomes of cystectomy or
partial cystectomy for
June 27, 2011 - The purpose of QI in palliative care is to improve care to maximize the quality of life of
people facing … pain) vary widely, and there clearly is a need for information on what types of QI
interventions can improve … KJ, Campbell ML, Cortez TB, Curtis JR, Lustbader DR, Mulkerin C, Puntillo KA, Ray DE, Weissman DE; Improve … integrative) and pilot test and refine them to improve the reliability of abstracting data
in these … For example, an
intervention to improve advance directive completion by healthy patients might not
June 01, 2014 - organizations and AHRQ to discuss ways the EHC Program and the nursing community can work together to improve … nurse to demonstrate high clinical proficiency, leadership skills, and apply evidence based practice to improve … Tara Jones
Appeal of the Challenge
Healthcare provider challenge
Developing a useful resource
May 27, 2010 - was put into this study and such a comprehensive
document will be very useful for future studies to improve … Research to improve the management of
xerostomia and to disseminate that knowledge to
clinical practice … from other pressing cancer treatment
questions and delay deployment of technologies which may further improve … Research to improve the management of
xerostomia and to disseminate that knowledge to
clinical practice … • RTOG protocol 0522 is an example of prospectively building in site specific
AEs to improve clinical
September 01, 2014 - However, since the results of IMPROVE-IT trial
(ezetimibe + statin) are not yet released a review with … /niacin v statin/EZE (Taylor 2009), and another trial found that adding
niacin to a statin did not improve … We also note that the IMPROVE-IT trial may be necessary for definitive answer. … The ongoing
IMPROVE-IT trial will compare ezetimibe added to simvastatin to simvastatin
monotherapy … I think we have to wait for further
trials such as IMPROVE-IT.
June 01, 2014 - They
saw it as having potential to improve access to primary care and reduce care costs. … Experts were highly optimistic about the potential of these EDs to
improve quality of life and health … With regard to health outcomes, experts thought the Sedasys system has little potential to
improve … Experts are eager to see more clinical utility data to ascertain
whether this technology can improve … Unmet need and health outcomes: An important unmet need exists for ways to improve
patient adherence
January 01, 2014 - and reducing error and variability in the entry and communication of
patient data.4-9 While EHRs may improve … effect on vendors, who, confronted with Meaningful Use
requirements, have not leveraged the Format to improve … Policy Statement--Using personal health records to improve the quality of health care for children. … Interventions using electronic medical records improve follow
up of infants born to hepatitis C virus … Use of an electronic health record clinical decision support tool
to improve antibiotic prescribing
December 01, 2013 - purported to or may hold potential to diagnose, treat, or otherwise
manage a particular condition or to improve … Initial clinical trial results
suggest that insulin may improve certain cognitive measures in patients … widely accessible,
noninvasive, and easily administered therapy, such as intranasal insulin might improve … are not yet
robust enough to assume efficacy and some were skeptical about the agent’s potential to improve … If insulin can improve the functional capabilities of patients with AD, experts
noted, the costs of
January 01, 2012 - Donor milk from other lactating mothers
might provide an option to improve neonatal health outcomes … milk programs to African-American and socioeconomically
disadvantaged babies might significantly improve … donor human milk to African-American
and socioeconomically disadvantaged babies may significantly improve … All experts agreed that donor human milk has the potential to significantly improve patient
health … One clinical expert stated, “This is an important intervention with
large potential to improve the
January 01, 2012 - The availability of these new agents could improve treatment outcomes for many
patients. … To improve MDD diagnosis and management as well as HIV outcomes, a collaborative
care team consisting … The experts theorized that anal Pap screening is
an effective tool to improve patient health outcomes … Better management of MDD is expected to improve treatment adherence and health outcomes. … If shown to significantly improve survival in patients with HIV, experts thought anal Pap
January 01, 2016 - • Strategies to improve communication between clinicians and patients. … However, there was also evidence that use
of these systems can improve appropriate prescribing
(N … Communication Training
Interventions to improve clinicians’ ability to communicate
with patients on … Interventions to
improve appropriate antibiotic use for acute respiratory tract
infections. … Interventions to improve antibiotic
prescribing practices in ambulatory care.
September 01, 2012 - and funders of research
make well-informed decisions in designing and funding research and thereby improve … and technology
assessments to assist public- and private-sector organizations in their efforts to improve … purchasers as well as the health care system as a whole by
providing important information to help improve … Identification of critical
interventions at critical points of vulnerability that improve functioning … Potential to
improve decision-making for patient or provider, by decreasing uncertainty.
August 01, 2015 - multicenter, prospective observational
studies—where randomized trials are not practical
or advisable—would improve
October 01, 2007 - in the forefront
of this interest because the appropriate use of medications holds the potential to improve
August 01, 2016 - systematic review adds to our understanding
about components of transitional care interventions
that improve … including Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare supple-
mental plans) seeking to implement programs to improve
February 23, 2012 - strategies for enhancing outcomes for patients with
chronic illness,2 numerous remaining opportunities to improve … systems, private practices, and the Veterans Affairs (VA) health care
system.14-16 The goal is to improve … series include a focus on outpatient care
and the inclusion of studies where the intervention seeks to improve … Educational and organizational interventions to
improve the management of depression in primary care … Academic detailing to improve use of
broad-spectrum antibiotics at an academic medical center.
June 01, 2013 - Experts generally agreed that the potential to improve patient
health was high because of the device … However, other
experts believe this device has the ability to significantly improve patient mobility … The TDS might not improve health outcomes, a clinical expert thought,
because it does not directly … And a research expert stated that although this
device could improve mobility and increase patient … Mouth gear: tongue drive system goes inside the
mouth to improve performance and user comfort.
June 01, 2015 - and earlier reports), commenters were generally
optimistic that this intervention had potential to improve … An effective therapy has the potential to
improve the associated morbidity of irritable bowel syndrome … and improve the quality of life of
patients.”17 A health systems expert countered, “Ultimately, irritable … It has the potential to
improve the lifestyle of millions of patients (e.g., not being tethered to … health systems expert thought that “It appears as though Xifaxan has the potential to effectively
August 26, 2011 - of staff and, in larger health care facilities, computerized support.
As extensive efforts to improve … consequences resulting from implementation (e.g.,
rise in frequency of norovirus infection due to effort to improve … therefore can be compared across hospitals and studies.
Reporting of adherence measures can thus improve … OR adherence [tw]
OR training [tw]) AND (improvement* [tw] OR improving [tw] OR improves [tw] OR improve
May 01, 2017 - – Omega-3 fatty acids,
N-acetylcysteine, and
tetrahydrobiopterin did not
improve outcomes in small … Our confidence in the conclusion
that risperidone and aripiprazole improve challenging
behaviors in