February 01, 2013 - Our original report included
recommendations to improve future research on this topic. … Does treatment of RLS improve non-RLS comorbidities?
9. … Potential to improve
decisionmaking for patient or provider, by decreasing uncertainty. … I
3 Does treatment of RLS improve non-RLS comorbidities? … • Does treatment of RLS improve non-RLS comorbidities?
October 01, 2017 - and technology
assessments to assist public- and private-sector organizations in their efforts to improve … To improve the scientific rigor of these evidence reports, AHRQ supports empiric research
by the EPCs … to help understand or improve complex methodologic issues in systematic reviews. … These methods research projects are intended to contribute to the research base in and be used to
improve … • Care transitions and coordinating care
o How to improve handoffs across care settings?
October 01, 2017 - magnitude
of effect or the strength of evidence as the consistency and
precision in effect estimates improve … controller compared to adding LABA to ICS
controller or increasing dosage of ICS controller did not
August 01, 2016 - Low-level evidence
suggested that stimulant medications may improve disruptive
behaviors, whereas antiepileptics … may improve aggressive
behavior in children with DBDs.
January 01, 2010 - Strong methodologic approaches to systematic review improve the
transparency, consistency, and scientific … Continually evaluate and improve processes. … A strategy to improve
priority setting in health care institutions. … A strategy to improve priority setting in health care institutions. … Whether the proposed guidance would address interventions or practices that
could significantly improve
July 01, 2016 - and
technology assessments to assist public-
and private-sector organizations in their
efforts to improve … purchasers as well as the health care
system as a whole by providing important
information to help improve … adherent to therapy (e.g., readings, sleep diaries,
activity goals, relaxation) were more likely to improve … Reporting more information
about concomitant treatments and adherence to
treatment would improve the … Combination
therapy with hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone does not
improve symptoms in chronic fatigue
November 01, 2017 - an antipsychotic medication for individuals with schizophrenia can reduce hospital readmissions and improve … anticipate that this review will result in modifications to current guideline recommendations and will improve
January 01, 2011 - Community Forum
Issue: How would you decide which social or health
services to provide to improve … Department of Health
─ Learn how participants prioritize social or health services
to improve
January 01, 2012 - Policy
• Interpersonal
(clinical) approaches
Slide 18: Policy
• Improve … • Improve the clarity of consumer-‐directed
of reputational quality.
• Limit the influence
November 01, 2017 - Answers to this question are expected to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve … Answers to this question are expected to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve
November 01, 2017 - Answers to this question are expected to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve … Answers to this question are expected to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve
January 01, 2016 - However,
experts thought this intervention could significantly halt disease progression and improve … FDA approved EQW in January
2012 as “an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in … Health outcomes could improve with both formulations because of better patient adherence and
better … patient adherence to treatment recommendations and improve patient outcomes. … ITCA 650 has
potential to improve patient adherence to treatment, this same clinical expert thought
January 01, 2011 - food thickeners, nutritional supplementation, behavioral interventions, or
other interventions to improve
January 01, 2011 - Improve the validity, consistency, applicability, and efficiency of your systematic reviews.
August 10, 2017 - Improve the validity, consistency, applicability, and efficiency of your systematic reviews.
January 01, 2011 - Improve the validity, consistency, applicability, and efficiency of your systematic reviews.
August 10, 2017 - Improve the validity, consistency, applicability, and efficiency of your systematic reviews.
August 27, 2012 - to assist consumers, clinicians, purchasers and policy
makers to make informed decisions that will improve
August 10, 2017 - Improve the validity, consistency, applicability, and efficiency of your systematic reviews.
August 10, 2017 - Improve the validity, consistency, applicability, and efficiency of your systematic reviews.