July 09, 2014 - Disparities for Priority Populations, which will examine, in part,
the effectiveness of interventions to improve
January 01, 2017 - Key Messages
• Tonsillectomy compared with
watchful waiting can modestly
improve sleep and reduce … • Perioperative use of dexamethasone
may improve pain, and pre-
emptive 5-HT receptor antagonist … The review also includes Key Questions (KQs) to
improve understanding of outcomes in subgroups such … Overall, comparative effectiveness assessment
of tonsillectomy vs. no surgery to improve number of … A framework for best
evidence approaches can improve the transparency of systematic
January 01, 2010 - similar issues
• Spark new knowledge or interest
• Provide referrals
• Create social support and
improve … • Does it improve access to the “best” choices?
• Can we measure the impact? … Promotion Research at the University of Texas Health
Science Center in San Antonio
o Intended to improve
May 01, 2010 - Research to improve the management of
xerostomia and to disseminate that knowledge to clinical
practice … could potentially improve morbidity and quality
of life for cancer patients. … Standardization in terminology and measurement would
improve the quality of randomized controlled trials
January 01, 2016 - better target prostate cancer when compared with the treatments
described in this review and, thereby, improve … for prostate cancer
–� A need for continuing ongoing research for prognostic
surrogate markers to improve … may allow many of the currently available treatments to
better target prostate cancer and, thereby, improve
September 01, 2014 - intensive behavioral interventions that focus on helping
children with their overall development may improve … Research is not clear
about whether they improve social skills, daily living skills, or
the severity … � Programs that address how children play may improve children’s
social interactions, but more research
December 01, 2013 - An unmet need has existed for novel, effective therapies to improve
outcomes in this patient population … Thus, an unmet need has existed for novel,
effective medications to improve outcomes in this patient … Ivacaftor appears to have a sound theory underlying its mechanism of action and potential to
improve … Health disparities: Ivacaftor could improve health disparities, one clinical expert noted, stating that … marginal lungs and potentially to preserve or improve
the condition of routine donor lungs.
March 01, 2020 - Treatment of OSDB may improve behavior, attention, quality of life, neurocognitive functioning, enuresis … The review will also specify analyses to improve understanding of outcomes in subgroups such as very … compared with CPAP, or watchful waiting with supportive care (including pharmacologic treatment) to improve … compared with CPAP, or watchful waiting with supportive care (including pharmacologic treatment) to improve … A framework for best evidence approaches can improve the transparency of systematic reviews.
April 01, 2020 - underlying neuropathological etiology
is to inform decision making about drug
and nondrug treatments to improve … ■ In patients not receiving cholinesterase
inhibitors, memantine may improve
clinical impression … of change, did not
improve function, and evidence was
insufficient about cognition, other
efficacy … ■ In patients receiving cholinesterase
inhibitors, memantine did not improve
clinical impression … ■ Cholinesterase inhibitors did not
improve agitation more than placebo,
and evidence was insufficient
June 01, 2013 - purported to or may hold potential to diagnose, treat, or otherwise
manage a particular condition or to improve … Facts: Most individuals with an ASD are treated through highly structured behavior
programs to try to improve … Most individuals with an ASD are treated through highly structured behavior programs to try to
improve … believe that acute intranasal oxytocin (Pitocin®, Syntocinon®)
administration might significantly improve … However, at
this time, no medications are available that address and improve the core symptoms of ASD
January 01, 2007 - Interpreting
the findings of the IMPROVE study. … A
randomized trial of a primary care-based disease
management program to improve cardiovascular risk … Interventions used
to improve control of blood pressure in patients with
hypertension. … Interventions to improve adherence to lipid lowering
medication. … Interventions to improve the
management of diabetes in primary care, outpatient,
and community settings
June 01, 2013 - Thus, an unmet need
has existed for novel, effective therapies to improve outcomes in this patient … Ivacaftor in combination with an
experimental CF drug, lumacaftor, has also been shown to improve lung … Thus, an unmet need has
existed for novel, effective medications to improve outcomes in this patient … Ivacaftor appears to have a sound theory underlying its mechanism of action and potential to
improve … Health disparities: The oral administration of ivacaftor could improve health disparities, one
July 01, 2020 - that most nonpharmacological and pharmacological interventions are more likely than no treatment to improve
June 14, 2013 - Summary: surgical therapies for ankyloglossia (e.g., frenotomy, frenulotomy, frenectomy) in order
to improve
January 01, 2009 - NCCS
• Patient-‐centered
July 09, 2014 - health care (National CLAS
Standards) to provide a blueprint to implement such appropriate services to improve … For example, while cultural competence
interventions often aim to improve cultural sensitivity by reducing … • Cultural competence interventions that improve the ability of providers to
provide health care … Question 2: What is the effectiveness of interventions to improve culturally appropriate
care for LGBTQI … Justify why the change
will improve the report.
May 12, 2015 - review would
result in modifications to the APA 2009 guideline recommendations that could
consequently improve
November 01, 2017 - These symptoms worsen with spine extension (lying supine, walking down stairs or downhill) and improve
January 01, 2023 - Advance Evidence Synthesis Methodology:
Improve the explanatory power and efficiency of
evidence synthesis … Improve Evidence Quality: Improve future
evidence for healthcare decisions by accelerating
the reduction … This change may improve treatment outcomes for patients with cancer as well as address disparities
among … Systematic Review of Perinatal Pharmacologic Interventions
Why: Obstetrician-gynecologists want to improve … Interventions To Improve Care of Bereaved Persons
19. Long COVID Models of Care
October 01, 2019 - Hospitals and health systems, including CEOs, will use this information to improve patient safety and