January 01, 2012 - The availability of these new agents could improve treatment outcomes for many
patients. … To improve MDD diagnosis and management as well as HIV outcomes, a collaborative
care team consisting … The experts theorized that anal Pap screening is
an effective tool to improve patient health outcomes … Better management of MDD is expected to improve treatment adherence and health outcomes. … If shown to significantly improve survival in patients with HIV, experts thought anal Pap
September 01, 2012 - and funders of research
make well-informed decisions in designing and funding research and thereby improve … and technology
assessments to assist public- and private-sector organizations in their efforts to improve … purchasers as well as the health care system as a whole by
providing important information to help improve … Identification of critical
interventions at critical points of vulnerability that improve functioning … Potential to
improve decision-making for patient or provider, by decreasing uncertainty.
August 01, 2012 - In patients with CF, does treatment with rhGH as an adjuvant to usual care improve health
outcomes, … However, bone mineral
content does significantly improve with
rhGH therapy in trials, and bone mineral … Do Not Know
Sexual Maturation:
In patients with CF, rhGH therapy does not
seem to improve sexual … In five
controlled trials, rhGH therapy did not
improve sexual maturation regardless of
gender. … Key Question 2: In patients with CF, does treatment with rhGH as an adjuvant to usual care improve health
August 31, 2016 - Low-level evidence suggested that stimulant medications may improve disruptive behaviors, whereas antiepileptics … may improve aggressive behavior in children with DBDs.
February 23, 2012 - strategies for enhancing outcomes for patients with chronic illness, 2 numerous remaining opportunities to improve … systems, private practices, and the Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. 14-16 The goal is to improve … series include a focus on outpatient care and the inclusion of studies where the intervention seeks to improve … Educational and organizational interventions to improve the management of depression in primary care: … Academic detailing to improve use of broad-spectrum antibiotics at an academic medical center.
June 01, 2015 - and earlier reports), commenters were generally
optimistic that this intervention had potential to improve … An effective therapy has the potential to
improve the associated morbidity of irritable bowel syndrome … and improve the quality of life of
patients.”17 A health systems expert countered, “Ultimately, irritable … It has the potential to
improve the lifestyle of millions of patients (e.g., not being tethered to … health systems expert thought that “It appears as though Xifaxan has the potential to effectively
June 01, 2013 - Experts generally agreed that the potential to improve patient
health was high because of the device … However, other
experts believe this device has the ability to significantly improve patient mobility … The TDS might not improve health outcomes, a clinical expert thought,
because it does not directly … And a research expert stated that although this
device could improve mobility and increase patient … Mouth gear: tongue drive system goes inside the
mouth to improve performance and user comfort.
December 01, 2015 - and
technology assessments to assist public-
and private-sector organizations in their
efforts to improve … purchasers as well as the health care
system as a whole by providing important
information to help improve … should
follow patients wherever they receive care
has been promoted as a cornerstone of efforts
to improve … Enhancing
laboratory report contents to improve outpatient management
of test results. … The development of
a health information exchange to enhance care and improve
patient outcomes among
November 01, 2014 - To improve the effectiveness of the available antibiotics
specifically for HAP, the 2005 ATS/IDSA guidelines … becomes increasingly important.20,21
Although optimization of antibiotic dosing is important
to improve … promoting antibiotic use only when indicated and
selecting optimal antimicrobial drug regimens to improve … Appropriate use encompasses optimal
dosing strategies that are cost effective, can improve
patient … assessed through patient
self-reports, or mortality as measured at specific points
in time) will improve
August 08, 2018 - that most nonpharmacological and pharmacological interventions are more likely than no treatment to improve
July 01, 2016 - fecal incontinence etiologies, baseline
characteristics, and comorbid conditions—are needed to
improve … the variability in definitions for fecal
incontience episodes and outcome measures in RCTs
would improve
October 01, 2014 - They commented that if proved effective for this condition, the drug
might improve patient outcomes … Overall, experts were optimistic about
the intervention’s potential to improve patient outcomes for … Thus, its availability might improve access to care
for some patients. … The agent might also improve the ability of marginalized patients to return to the
work force or otherwise … Overall, experts were optimistic about the intervention’s potential to improve patient
outcomes, but
May 10, 2016 - mobile health products are being developed and promoted to payers, clinicians and patients to prevent or improve
January 01, 2010 - Clinicians treating children age 0-18 years diagnosed with asthma
Intervention(s): Interventions to improve
July 19, 2014 - What is the comparative safety and effectiveness of treatment options to improve
the symptoms of diabetic
January 01, 2009 - The main goals of treatment are to reduce or control pain,
improve physical function, prevent disability
January 01, 2008 - Does the technology improve quality of life and function, and if so, to what
extent and at what cost
August 27, 2012 - to assist consumers,
clinicians, purchasers and policy makers to make
informed decisions that will improve
February 07, 2013 - Care for Adults with Down Syndrome
Research Protocol
Dec 04, 2023
Interventions to Improve
July 01, 2012 - and
technology assessments to assist public-
and private-sector organizations in their
efforts to improve … purchasers as well as the health care
system as a whole by providing important
information to help improve … primary care transformation that
seeks to meet the variety of health care needs
of patients and to improve … diabetes
mellitus, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or
depression have been shown to improve … A meta-analysis
of interventions to improve care for chronic illnesses.